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Xinjiang Police Files

Oh so now you are suddenly backtracking on calling me a liar when I talk about window bars.
When did i deny that some people had their windows barred to get a sense of security? although I think is stupid, everywhere now has cameras, how can people be that stupid to break into other people's house in today's age.
I have never in my life thought twice about window bars. We have it everywhere, my street has tons of houses with bars. They think everyone has to live like them, killing kids, divorces, guns, glass doors, no window bars, bombing civilians might be normal for them, it's not normal in many parts of the world.
Beijing regular neighborhood, count how many windows are barred, Americans just like to find some backstreet corners and find some barred windows and started shouting: Look, most Chinese people have barred their house windows... typical American easily brainwashed minds.

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I have never in my life thought twice about window bars. We have it everywhere, my street has tons of houses with bars. They think everyone has to live like them, killing kids, divorces, guns, glass doors, no window bars, bombing civilians might be normal for them, it's not normal in many parts of the world.

Yes, and you aren't a developed country...see the correlation yet?
Yes, and you aren't a developed country...see the correlation yet?

yea, so? by developed if it means killing kids, being killed by police or killing civilians by drone, we are much backward on those statistics. there's more chance of being shot in US than being dead by malaria in africa.

Honestly, I refuse to call US "advanced". It's a cesspool of drug addicts and murderers.

Beijing regular neighborhood, count how many windows are barred, Americans just like to find some backstreet corners and find some barred windows and started shouting: Look, most Chinese people have barred their house windows... typical American easily brainwashed minds.

Very nice..still a few but nowhere near as noticeable.

I guess Chinese families in this area aren't "concerned about their children falling out of windows because that's why we have window bars" :rolleyes1:
Yes, and you aren't a developed country...see the correlation yet?
Youtube has many Chinese neighborhood videos, go and check out how many windows are barred, if you have a brain, use it.

I guess Chinese families there aren't "concerned about their children falling out of windows because that why we have window bars"
Some do, but very few barred their windows, you still believe most Chinese people bar their windows? really? How many times do you wash your brain everyday?
Youtube has many Chinese neighborhood videos, go and check out how many windows are barred, if you have a brain, use it.

Some do, but very few barred their windows, you still believe most Chinese people bar their windows? really? How many times do you wash your brain everyday?

I did post videos but you didn't bother to watch them.

Not everybody in China is living in a brand new building in a tier 1 city. I'm talking about the typical Chinese citizen.

I'm not pointing at this as the life of a typical black person in the US either.
I did post videos but you didn't bother to watch them.

Not everybody in China is living in a brand new building in a tier 1 city. I'm talking about the typical Chinese citizen.

I'm not pointing at this as the life of a typical black person in the US either.
So you believe a typical Chinese person lives in a house with barred windows? who told you this crap? How many times do you have to wash your brain to believe this crap?
I did post videos but you didn't bother to watch them.

Not everybody in China is living in a brand new building in a tier 1 city. I'm talking about the typical Chinese citizen.

I'm not pointing at this as the life of a typical black person in the US either.

I'm just saying there seems to be a noticeable number of buildings in China where there are bars over the windows...both in rural areas and in cities. People here were saying that was to prevent children from falling out...but that doesn't seem logical in some of the first floor windows shown in the videos.

not residential but certainly noticeable

This is walking through the old sections of Boston. You know one the places in the US the Chinese here like to claim has "out-of-control crime, failing infrastructure, and rampant homeless" etc..and I'm not noticing many window bars.

Same in old Cambridge

Maybe the problem is the "crazies" that crawl out of the manhole covers across the US at night are not smart enough to pick up a brick and smash a window to break into a place.
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I'm just saying there seems to be a noticeable number of buildings in China where there are bars over the windows...both in rural areas and in cities. People here were saying that was to prevent children from falling out...but that doesn't seem logical in some of the first floor windows shown in the videos.
There are no barred windows in US? It's people's choice, can you force them not to have them? what does it have to do with how safe a society is? your arguement is so far fetched, check Hotan town, a small desert town in southern Xinjiang, not a first tier city at all, maybe a 99th tier city, it's barely can be called a city actually, see how many windows are barred.

Hotan is the world most polluted city, it's not because of industrial pollution, the city doesn' t have any industries at all, but the city is in The Taklamakan desert and has sandstorms almost everyday, you go out for ten minutes and you will be covered with a thin layer of sand.

Top 15 Most Air Polluted Cities in the World 2020
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Oh so now you are suddenly backtracking on calling me a liar when I talk about window bars.

So it's just a tradition of being overly protective instead of calling it a complete Western fabrication.

Good going!

That's like me giving some answer that trains are only normal in China...they aren't.

Maybe we can ask a few people who are not Americans if this is simply just a "normal American thing" as you put it. :rolleyes1:

I think wide-scale window bar removal is likely a sign a country has moved from developing to developed as the majority of the people become employed and are not desperate. I'm not saying 100% employed or 100% window removal in a country (as every country has some bad areas)..I'm just saying it's just not as glaringly noticeable as to be a complete distraction.

@Mista @Vergennes @patero

How common are window bars in your residential areas?

Anything like the video in post #106 or the videos back here in post #88
Window bars are extremely rare here in New Zealand, even in our biggest city Auckland. I've lived in Australia too, and they are a little bit more common in central Sydney and Melbourne but overall are unusual.
Window bars are extremely rare here in New Zealand, even in our biggest city Auckland. I've lived in Australia too, and they are a little bit more common in central Sydney and Melbourne but overall are unusual.

You should watch some of the videos...it's really an eye opener. They are saying it was to keep kids from falling out of the windows. :rolleyes1:
How sweet of them to at least wake up on some imaginary camps while terrorists states of India and Israel openly commit genocide against Kashmiris and Palestinians for 8 decades.
Fight for everyone equally or are you afraid to displease your Chinese comrades?

I will advise you one thing sir , don't take words too seriously. People often get hurt when their expectations are not realised

How sweet of them to at least wake up on some imaginary camps while terrorists states of India and Israel openly commit genocide against Kashmiris and Palestinians for 8 decades.
India for 3 decades , Israel for 7 decades .
Defending territorial integrity in indias case , can't say about Israel
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