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Xinjiang leak sheds new light on China's 're-education' camps

China is not Iraq, if you want to beat China with washing powder, dream it :lol: :lol: :lol: :sniper::sniper:


How Canada committed genocide against Indigenous Peoples, explained by the lawyer central to the determination​

Genocide is what Britain, the United States and Australia are good at.Canada is just an apprentice.
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It's a really shocking read. I dont know how much truth is in it but even a small truth is not acceptable. In this day and age people anywhere can not be treated this way
There are no mass-killings, from what I can tell but they're using "soft" measures to either efface the uygurs within 2-3 generations or reduce them to a minority that can be more easily controlled.

It's a move out of stalin's playbook and even ch*na tested it during mao's era on some fringe ethnic groups.
Actually most Xinjiang police are Uyghurs, Xinjiang has zero terrrosits for many years already, hats off to them.

This fake Chinese document contains many words that are not used in Chinese documents at all, such as 未尽事宜 (unfinished matters). As soon as I saw this word, I thought, isn't this a commonly used word in the Taiwanese context?,There are many subtle differences between the Chinese words used by Taiwanese and mainland China. Foreigners do not understand this, but Chinese people do.
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