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Xi Jinping to UN General Assembly: "Democracy is not special right reserved for an individual country"

Is USA more democratic than China?

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He's talking about Afghanistan disaster when talk about democracy is not special USA right.

Better USA than China, but better China than Afghanistan.

Anyway, I think democracy is overrated, and most people when say they want democracy, in fact they want richness.
All member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are equal and consult on an equal footing to maintain regional peace. With the increase in the number of member states, this role becomes obvious. Non-alignment is the greatest alliance.
You're interesting.
You are Indian and I am Chinese. You introduced the seats and fares of the high-speed railway to me yesterday. Today you introduced communism to me.
I guess you'll teach me how to make dumplings tomorrow.

You are right to berate me, after all you are a proud member of the Chinese "Communist" Party which supports Socialists and Communists around the world. :rolleyes:
You are right to berate me, after all you are a proud member of the Chinese "Communist" Party which supports Socialists and Communists around the world. :rolleyes:

Yes, China is a communist country, but we have seen too many betrayals among communist countries.
So we are only interested in the communist ideal of the Chinese people. We are not interested in exporting communism.

The people of any country should choose their own path according to their actual situation. That is their own responsibility and right, not the Chinese's.

As for Communists in other countries, they should rely on themselves to awaken their compatriots, and China should not be expected. China has not obligation to help you.
In 1990, only two countries did not betray China. So we don't owe any country except these two countries.

Don't talk to Chinese about the Communist camp. We don't want to be betrayed again.
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That was how it was in Libya. Please see post# 9.
Nope. Gaddafi was at the top, rendering Libya a pseudo-autocratic state

Power should lie with the people. Not with some president or prime minister or wannabe dictator.
You're interesting.
You are Indian and I am Chinese. You introduced the seats and fares of the high-speed railway to me yesterday. Today you introduced communism to me.
I guess you'll teach me how to make dumplings tomorrow.

Be ready for an extensive lecture on Communism from me. :lol: :lol:
Yes, China is a communist country

Yes, so Communist that workers are exploited and stock markets are maintained so that people can gamble and commit suicide by jumping into steel furnaces and off buildings.

So Communist that the traditional money system is maintained even after 72 years of the founding of the "People's Republic" with no sight of any abolishing of the money system or at least an evolution of the money system.

So Communist that the Party dictates to the people.

So Communist that Chinese have to go to India to avail of high-quality healthcare.

Don't talk to Chinese about the Communist camp. We don't want to be betrayed again.

1. Who betrayed you ?

2. For what reasons did China support the transnational, West-created criminals in the 1980s Afghanistan war, the so-called Mujahideen, against the Socialist Afghan government ? For what reasons does China now collaborate with the Taliban instead of helping progressive Afghan groups like the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan in overthrowing the Taliban ?

The people of any country should choose their own path according to their actual situation. That is their own responsibility and right, not the Chinese's.

Fancy words that don't describe why China collaborated and collaborates wholesale with criminals in Afghanistan.

Nope. Gaddafi was at the top, rendering Libya a pseudo-autocratic state

No, Gaddafi retired from being the executive leader in the 1970s and became the ideological guide and let the governance into the hands of the masses through the Jamahiriya direct democracy system.

Please again consult the post I pointed out. Libya was a democracy. Even the otherwise hostile New York Times accepted that.

Power should lie with the people. Not with some president or prime minister or wannabe dictator.

Agreed. So Venezuelans under Hugo Chavez accepted that too and adapted the Libya model for their country.
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Yes, so Communist that workers are exploited and stock markets are maintained so that people can gamble and commit suicide by jumping into steel furnaces and off buildings.

So Communist that the traditional money system is maintained even after 72 years of the founding of the "People's Republic" with no sight of any abolishing of the money system or at least an evolution of the money system.

So Communist that the Party dictates to the people.

So Communist that Chinese have to go to India to avail of high-quality healthcare.

1. Who betrayed you ?

2. For what reasons did China support the transnational, West-created criminals in the 1980s Afghanistan war, the so-called Mujahideen, against the Socialist Afghan government ? For what reasons does China now collaborate with the Taliban instead of helping progressive Afghan groups like the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan in overthrowing the Taliban ?

Fancy words that don't describe why China collaborated and collaborates wholesale with criminals in Afghanistan.

No, Gaddafi retired from being the executive leader in the 1970s and became the ideological guide.

Please again consult the post I pointed out. Libya was a democracy. Even the otherwise hostile New York Times accepted that.

Agreed. So Venezuelans under Hugo Chavez accepted that too and adapted the Libya model for their country.

Which Chinese goes to India for treatment?
Do you know about medical care in China? 99% of Chinese people have medical insurance, and the reimbursement ratio ranges from 50% - 85%.
I won't talk about the medical conditions in India. You don't even have enough firewood.

As for stocks and currency issues, I'm not interested in arguing with you. You can find out what communism is first.

As for China's actions in Afghanistan in 1980. That's China defending our interests. The Soviet Union was our enemy.
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Which Chinese goes to India for treatment?

These Chinese :

Do you know about medical care in China? 99% of Chinese people have medical insurance, and the reimbursement ratio ranges from 50% - 85%.

I don't understand complex things like insurance. I know of simple things like Cuba and Libyan Jamahiriya having free medical treatment.

I won't talk about the medical conditions in India. You don't even have enough firewood.

Yet the Chinese come, or used to come, to India.

As for stocks and currency issues, I'm not interested in arguing with you. You can find out what communism is first.

Teach Communism to the CCP first.

As for China's actions in Afghanistan in 1980. That's China defending our interests. The Soviet Union was our enemy.

And thus China helped the Western governments destroy a progressive government and allowed the killing of two million Afghan civilians.

And about now, the Soviet Union doesn't exist so what is China's rationale in collaborating with the Taliban ?
These Chinese :

I don't understand complex things like insurance. I know of simple things like Cuba and Libyan Jamahiriya having free medical treatment.

Yet the Chinese come, or used to come, to India.

Teach Communism to the CCP first.

And thus China helped the Western governments destroy a progressive government and allowed the killing of two million Afghan civilians.

And about now, the Soviet Union doesn't exist so what is China's rationale in collaborating with the Taliban ?

That's just an example. Because India does not recognize the copyright of any drugs, the generic drugs in India are very cheap, especially the generic drugs of some anti-cancer drugs, which account for less than 5% of the price of genuine drugs. Before November 15, 2018, some Chinese did come to India for cancer treatment. After November 15, 2018, these drugs have been added to the list of Chinese medical insurance drugs. No one goes to India to look for generic drugs.

Because the Taliban have the support of most Afghans. If the Taliban did not have the support of the people, they would not have survived the American repression until now.
Yes, China is a communist country, but we have seen too many betrayals among communist countries.
So we are only interested in the communist ideal of the Chinese people. We are not interested in exporting communism.

The people of any country should choose their own path according to their actual situation. That is their own responsibility and right, not the Chinese's.

As for Communists in other countries, they should rely on themselves to awaken their compatriots, and China should not be expected. China has not obligation to help you.
In 1991, only two countries did not betray China. So we don't owe any country except these two countries.

Don't talk to Chinese about the Communist camp. We don't want to be betrayed again.
Cuba? NK?
Cuba? NK?
Cuba and Pakistan.

North Korea also betrayed us. 213 votes favor, 23 abstentions, 2 votes against, the adoption of sanctions against China.
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USA demo-crazy is all about senator making money!

India Hindu-crazy is all about Safroni fueling their delusion!
That's just an example. Because India does not recognize the copyright of any drugs, the generic drugs in India are very cheap, especially the generic drugs of some anti-cancer drugs, which account for less than 5% of the price of genuine drugs. Before November 15, 2018, some Chinese did come to India for cancer treatment. After November 15, 2018, these drugs have been added to the list of Chinese medical insurance drugs. No one goes to India to look for generic drugs.

If you think people go to India because of India-produced generic drugs why isn't China producing them ? The Indian company Cipla and its founder are very respected in Africa for instance because of its cheap and effective generic drugs. Doesn't China want to do good things for the world ?

And these from that article :
Treatment in China was costly but ineffective.
"The professionalism and cleanliness of India's private hospital is impressive. It's more like a hotel, unlike Chinese hospitals which are so crowded," Hua told Liaowang Institute, a Chinese think tank.
For Chinese patients, the cost of a 3-day medical trip to India ranges from 30,000 to 50,000 yuan. One medical management company told the Global Times last year that they have so far organized over 20 group tours to India for patients with liver diseases, and the cost for each person is 40,000 to 45,000 yuan. That includes plane tickets, accommodation, medical checks, medication and a 12,000 yuan service fee.

While some Chinese patients choose to go to India with the help of agents, some choose to visit India on their own, which cuts costs further. They include Mr Liu, a man from North China's Hebei Province who was diagnosed with hepatitis C this February.

"Before I went to India, I did health checks in a big Chinese hospital. But the equipment in India's hospital seems to be more advanced, and they detected that I had cirrhosis in addition to hepatitis C," he told Liaowang Institute.

Some Indian pharmaceutical groups are even establishing Chinese branches to help facilitate Chinese patients' visits to India.
A Chinese patient used to consult Palavalli about the treatment of neuroblastoma, a cancer commonly found in the adrenal glands. While Palavalli told him that the cost of treatment in India is only one fifth of that in the US, but the patient still sold his house and borrowed money from relatives so that he could treat it in the US, just because he believed the medical treatment in the US is better.

Because the Taliban have the support of most Afghans. If the Taliban did not have the support of the people, they would not have survived the American repression until now.

1. I have said this at least ten times : There was not much American repression of the Taliban. The Taliban exist because of the Western governments. The Taliban used to sell opium to the CIA by forcing farmers do grow it. The US air force carried Taliban to the battlefields of Syria to fight against Assad's forces because the Socialist government of Assad is a common enemy of NATO as well as the Taliban types. The Taliban embassy in Qatar operated openly since 2013, Qatar being a country which has a big American military base yet the CIA, MI6, Mossad etc didn't assassinate the Taliban people there despite the Western militaries supposedly fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. And you contradict your own words because two or three days ago you had posted a pic of a China-managed copper mine in Afghanistan where the Western militaries and Taliban had an agreement not to fight in that area.

2. Yes some Afghans support the Taliban because they fit into those people's idea of "culture" but there are other Afghans, including the former Afghan National Army, who simply fear the Taliban because the Taliban present themselves as being fighters in the cause of Islam ( while of course violating Islamic principles ). The perception of the Taliban being fierce Islamic fighters leads some Afghans to not raise voice or be neutral about Taliban in fear of not been seen as proper Muslims. But then we must ask why do Afghans want to run away from the "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan if the Taliban had support of the populace. And why are Afghan women protesting ? Just after the Taliban took over the Afghan students and traders in India opposed the takeover. Doesn't the opinion of these Afghans count ?

If I myself being a Muslim had to accept or reject some idea or movement through measuring how many number of people support it then I would also have to speak about the early days of Islam when only a few people were Muslims and with the initial ideas occurring in the mind of just one man.

China is just being selfish. Every other words by it are drama.

North Korea also betrayed us.

But does North Korea really trust China ? Below is from a Western news agency but does raise some questions :
China threatened military action against North Korea during the Cultural Revolution. China reinterpreted its mutual defense treaty with North Korea to relieve itself of the responsibility of defending its neighbor if North Korea attacked first. China supported sanctions against North Korea. China isn’t an exception to juche—it’s one of the key reasons it exists. Pyongyang fears capricious allies as well as clear adversaries.
He's talking about Afghanistan disaster when talk about democracy is not special USA right.

Better USA than China, but better China than Afghanistan.

Anyway, I think democracy is overrated, and most people when say they want democracy, in fact they want richness.

The real irony in a communist country lecturing the world about democracy will surely be lost on most here. :D
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