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Xeroxed Village: Chinese Secretly Copy Austrian Town

Someone pointed this out to me recently. India missed its window of opportunity 60 years ago. The 1950's should have been India's golden age of wealth and prosperity like it was for the US. UK destroyed, France destroyed, Germany destroyed, Japan destroyed, China destroyed, Korea destroyed, Singapore destroyed, Hong Kong destroyed, North Africa destroyed. If you can't dominate in that 1950's environment with all the infrastructure the British left India, ZERO chance now.

Infrastructure? Hah! There was no manufacturing infrastructure in India, as the British had used India as an export market and destroyed the local industry. And then there was the partition with its millions of refugees traveling in each direction and hundreds of thousands dead.
She's a Chinese American, so not sure how good an example that is (not that I disagree with you about American researchers in general).

It's the education system that matters. I'm willing to bet that 90% of Americans do not know what an integral is.
There was not a country named India in the past. Today's India is a combination of former british colonies.

Exactly right.

It was the British who united the independent kingdoms of the subcontinent into an entity called "British India", which was later split in half when the Muslims of the subcontinent did not want to be connected to the majority Hindus.

Modern India is the inheritor of this colonial legacy, and even today the most powerful politician in India is a white European.
Exactly right.

It was the British who united the independent kingdoms of the subcontinent into an entity called "British India", which was later split in half when the Muslims of the subcontinent did not want to be connected to the majority Hindus.

Modern India is the inheritor of this colonial legacy, and even today the most powerful politician in India is a white European.

Nice attempt at flaming. This just shows that we are tolerant and not bigoted. You would know when you live in a diverse country.
wow .... i have seen exactly same words from a pak poster before .....hey u r a chinese ..? then how come...? :unsure:

No, he is a Chinese. :lol:

And he was speaking a historical fact, nothing more and nothing less.

It was the British colonialists who united the independent kindgoms of the subcontinent into an entity known as "British India", which was then further divided based on religious differences into the states of the subcontinent that exist today.
I don't know what the fuss is about. They have done it in Vegas. Why not in China?
Malaysian own Alpine town.




This kind of copying is really sad and pathetic. Some people just have poor taste. They should try doing something innovative. Thumbs down to the developers.

Those developers from the private sector only believe the money, and you don't expect them to make something genius.

In China, only the public sector would achieve something groundbreaking.

Therefore, we should say F to anyone who wants to privatize anything from the public sector.

And kill those Mutherfckers with a bullet between the eyes. :butcher:
There was not a country named India in the past. Today's India is a combination of former british colonies.

It is not clear how you got this priceless piece of information but it is wholly incorrect.

@Chinese Dragon, you usually weigh in on such remarks, indicating your wholehearted support. Perhaps, some day when you are not in a hurry to establish the unique position of some geo-political combination or the other, you might like to go into the matter, in full.

---------- Post added at 10:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 AM ----------

Exactly right.

It was the British who united the independent kingdoms of the subcontinent into an entity called "British India", which was later split in half when the Muslims of the subcontinent did not want to be connected to the majority Hindus.

Modern India is the inheritor of this colonial legacy, and even today the most powerful politician in India is a white European.

As I have suggested before, your appreciation of the situation is wholly incorrect. But to get to the right position requires patience and willingness to look for facts, and perhaps these are in short supply at the moment.
Of course, we NEVER deny that buddhist stem from ancient india!!
Buddhism is from Nepal. The original Buddha was a hindu prince. It is unknown whether this hindu prince looked more like Mongoloid Nepalis or like Caucasoid Nepali / indians.

It is not clear how you got this priceless piece of information but it is wholly incorrect.
What he is saying is correct. There were once many ancient hindu kingdoms in South Asia, but they were conquered by invaders from Central Asia. This brought about the Islamic-Hindu cultural mix that marked the height of classical india (i.e. Taj Mahal). There are no detailed records left by the ancient hindu kingdoms because they were all destroyed. Some indian forum member's claim about "Ashoka's empire" is purely fantasy with no historical evidence.

Compared to China, we have detailed historical narratives detailing all the dynasties up to the unification of China in 300BC and even before that! For example, we still have the original Confucious analects and he lived in Zhou Dynasty (~600 BC).
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