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Xbox One Discussions

Im completely new to this stuff.

What will you guys suggest if I go to buy one?
That Xbox reveal was a disaster. They mainly spoke about TV & Skype. I dont give a crap if people can Skype me i just want to play games!!

Looks like i'm sticking with the PS4 for next gen.
I am completely under whelmed to be perfectly honest.

This next gen console is about as next gen as my old PS3 with current update, and XBOX with kinect.

Im completely new to this stuff.

What will you guys suggest if I go to buy one?

Go for a gaming PC.
1000x better then any console on the market.

Xbox here have tried too hard to pursue the smartphone type plan.
The all in one, multi-purpose, toaster.

It seems to me, they have neglected it's most important feature.
Im completely new to this stuff.

What will you guys suggest if I go to buy one?

what kind of games do you like to play? If it is strategy, stick to PC.
If you like other games like sports, first person shooting , and have a big tv (bigger than 26 inch) go for either ps3 or xbox 360.

I personally prefer ps3, it has got blue ray player(you can watch movies on blue ray ), and you can play multiplayer games online on sony network for free.

A friend of mine got himself a gaming PC.
Custom built for around 500 pounds.
When I say custom built, I don't mean selecting features and then purchasing online or something. He got all the components, the processor, the graphics card and motherboard etc and put it all together.

This was last year and he managed to get himself an Intel i5 quad core processor, GTX 660 Ti graphics card and a whole load of others, all the top end available at the time. And it only came to about 500 pounds, if you were to buy that pc from anywhere, you wouldn't find it anywhere less then about 650-700 pounds, probably more if you go the the big names.
A friend of mine got himself a gaming PC.
Custom built for around 500 pounds.
When I say custom built, I don't mean selecting features and then purchasing online or something. He got all the components, the processor, the graphics card and motherboard etc and put it all together.

This was last year and he managed to get himself an Intel i5 quad core processor, GTX 660 Ti graphics card and a whole load of others, all the top end available at the time. And it only came to about 500 pounds, if you were to buy that pc from anywhere, you wouldn't find it anywhere less then about 650-700 pounds, probably more if you go the the big names.

majority of Indians go for 'assembled PC'... the shop owner is more than happy to assemble them for you for little money. You will have to rely on waranty of individual component....
Are you crazy people??? The Xbox one tanked, it was a shame and a hit in the gaming industry, hell Sony's shares rose 8% after Xbox's unveil, I think that says enough.

Share prices rise, that was bound to happen with a new unveil.
They can expect more sales even if their next gen console is lame.

Xbox didn't do it for me. Doesn't live up to next gen console hype.
Share prices rise, that was bound to happen with a new unveil.
They can expect more sales even if their next gen console is lame.

Xbox didn't do it for me. Doesn't live up to next gen console hype.

which console do you use btw? I play football on ps3, its a different experience compared to playing on pc. Especially if you have large screen tv, console makes really good sense.
Useless pile of ****. Always online, no used games, doesn't work without kinect. Seems like a spying device.
which console do you use btw? I play football on ps3, its a different experience compared to playing on pc. Especially if you have large screen tv, console makes really good sense.

I've always been a loyal fan of ps.
I liked the Xbox 360. I used to own both ps3 and 360.

I sold off the 360 when I bought a gaming pc.

I agree with you, when it comes to sports games like FIFA consoles along with big television screens are better.
But what I play on the pc are games like dota.
Man.... Xbox One sucks ballz and I was looking so much forward to it. I hate the name "One". Why the hell would they want to name it one right after 360 came out. I would have much preferred it that they have called it "Xbox 720" or "Xbox infinity".

Also the system looks like a giant VCR from 1992. In the modern age, electronics have been meant to go smaller not bigger. Unless they had something really powerful inside it they have no excuse to make the system this big. Xbox is not were near as powerful as the PS4. Xbox one = 1.2 TFlops vs PS4 = 1.84 TFlops.

I have been nothing but disappointed by this new system. My hopes have all but been shot the pieces.
Bottomline I get quality with Xbox one and more top of the line Titiles so i don't mind paying for used games or paying for buying new games those who can't pay can settle for wii/ps4 and enjoy a single title for year before buying a new.

By the way how much would it cost to pay for used game a few bucks less than $10?:lol: Afraid of paying that...gamers are not afraid of paying! By the way I'm people should not throw away Xbox 360 Slim it would now be more useful for used titles [2009-2013 games].

Xbox one design is fine you are going to play games not watch the device itself all day long the thing is productivity. Again those who are switching to PS4 remember they will be missing on many exclusive Titles that will never be available to PS4.

PS. Dudes chill out wait for E3 the full information and announcement will be there maybe your problems are addressed just like windows blue, i do understand about the used games my opinion is in sync with you guys used games should not be charged but for myself I am willing to pay for many it might not be feasible.
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