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WWW Syria presidential election

Who do you think will win?

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Assad is the best option, not that he is a angel but because he is the best out of all those radical islamist animals.
LOL, Do you want to make yourself a fool again, and people laugh at you again? :lol:
Free Elections in Syria? :lol:

As free as the one in Ukraine on May 25. It's not perfect, but everything takes time.

Hassan al Nouri and Maher Hajjar are both Sunni, from Damascus and Aleppo, respectively.
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Iraq,Lebanon and Syria are the only arab\ME countries that have elections and as well democracy.
Viva muslims
Uh oh. It looks like Assad will win on June 3. A LOT of pro Assad support in Syria :o: Refugees start voting on May 28.
Well, in Bashar al-Assad's first presidential election, he won 99.7% of the vote. In his last election, he won 97.6% of the vote. Gee, I wonder who will win this time. :pop:
Well, in Bashar al-Assad's first presidential election, he won 99.7% of the vote. In his last election, he won 97.6% of the vote. Gee, I wonder who will win this time. :pop:

I always wonder, why 99% ?! Why not just make it a 100% and get it over with ? :/
As expected, Poroshenko wins election in Ukraine, Sisi will win election in Egypt, Assad will win election in Syria. There isn't any other candidate with any serious possibility of winning.

IMO, Assad would likely get 50% of the vote, with the other two candidates each getting 25% because they are both Sunni.

Assad has two 7 year terms if he wins this one. The first term will be ending the conflict and rebuilding Syria. The second term will be rebuilding Syria. After that he'll be out of terms and go into retirement. Assad is only 48 years old. When he retires he'll only be 62.

Well, in Bashar al-Assad's first presidential election, he won 99.7% of the vote. In his last election, he won 97.6% of the vote. Gee, I wonder who will win this time. :pop:

This is Syria's first election. Before the constitution was changed in February 2012, it was only referendum on whether to keep the existing president or not, so not exactly election.
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Well, in Bashar al-Assad's first presidential election, he won 99.7% of the vote. In his last election, he won 97.6% of the vote. Gee, I wonder who will win this time. :pop:
That was referendum not election learn the difference idiots...

I always wonder, why 99% ?! Why not just make it a 100% and get it over with ? :/
A Saudi who doesn't even know what the word elections means is talking... Hahaha
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