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In the present time, Nut cases from Judaism, Hinduism, and christainty combined dont kill as many people as from nut cases from Islam. You are trying to avoid the problem by saying guilt trip of West, Most Islamic people blame the West while most leaders of the middle east are have wine with Bush in Martha's Wineyard. Majority of Islamic dont take take responsbility, they always blame it on the best. just look at what is happenin in this thread.

In the present time, there is no one as subjugated as the 1 billion Muslims around the world either through military or economic strangulation.

I could answer your email with a long one here but a better one would be for you to pick up the book "A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East".

Read this to get an idea as to how the Muslim nation has been wronged over the past century and then you will get an idea as to how some people lean over to extremist ideologies.

The people who sip wine in Martha's winyard are not chosen by Muslims. They have been "installed" with active support of the west. This is how the man on the Muslim street perceives the problem. When Muslims elect their own, then a propaganda is unleashed (e.g. Hamas election in Palestine, Iranian democracy).

Well you dont have to speak up against them, But people from other religion will hold you responsbile, or even ignore you tragedies when they do take care of the despots inside Islam. If such a collateral damage innocents can be avoided by moderate people by merely standing against what is wrong. Then Why not.

I would but also expect the same from other religions...when Muslims are being killed at their hands, then don't expect only Muslims to apologise for deaths happening at the hands of Muslim extremists (it is still wrong and condemnable as Islam does not permit it). However terrorism goes two ways...one is the commonly known one of a suicide bomber, the other is what we call "state terrorism". In the end, innocents are dying so why do the adherents of the other religions not speak out about the hundreds of thousands of "innocent" Muslims being killed by their mighty and powerful militaries and sanctions?
"Evil prevails When Good Men Fail to Act"

Yes that goes without saying.

And please I have seen too many Videos, and other information to consider the situation so said in the Documentary as false or propoganda. It might be Western Propoganda but that doesnt negate the fact it is happenin , that it is a reality.

I have no problem believing that its real, however it is a reality amongst a small minority of Muslims...these views do not represent the vast majority of Muslims....if you'd like, I can post quite a bit of literature coming from Christian, Jewish and Hindu extremists about others.
I for one voicing my support to the muslim moderates, but i wont cant give blanket approval of my support to all of muslims, cuz you do have extremist in them and they are very dangerous.

Yes while I can appreciate your offer of conditional support, I too would like to reiterate that the so-called civilized powers are even more dangerous in ways that people tend not to look at. They have more innocent blood on their hands than what a rag-tag bunch of extremist Muslims could ever imagine...don't forget to include benign looking murderers like Madelline Albright who said that the death of 50,0000 Iraqi children was worth it since it was helping them get rid of Saddam (this was due to the economic sanctions on Iraq). That alone is more than any atrocity committed by any fundamentalist, extremist, violent Muslim nut case that you are being so fearful of.

In the end I would say that I do not condome any of what is being stated in these videos. Any killings or violence against innocent people/civilians is catagorically wrong! We are even forbidden to burn trees and farms during jhad, what to talk of killing innocent people...however I think the ones who cater to such beliefs have taken to such extremist views because they see the treatment being meted out to other Muslims at the hands of civilized nations...there is a double standard there and for the sake of humanity, Good Men have to consider that and set the wrongs right.
Doomsday scenario, Just tell the idiotic mullahs to stop brainwashing innocent kids. Very similar to the way George Bush used the 9/11 for Iraq.

I agree about the Western policies you have written, It is wrong for the common man to see that the west supports their leaders, They should change their leaders, rather than attack the west. We cant have an actions of a group of people in the same level as governments. Order as we know in the human world cease to exisit. Everybody here knows my stand on the Iraq war, as well as how differnt a stand i take in Afghanistan and Somalia even Iran. Hamas yes,I agree. Iran I am sorry I dont.

Why not the Jinnah method,he was into Non-voilence, I am not mentioning gandhi, cuz he doesnt have any significance to you all.
Doomsday scenario, Just tell the idiotic mullahs to stop brainwashing innocent kids. Very similar to the way George Bush used the 9/11 for Iraq.

Finally you admit that there are extremists on both sides of the divide :lol:
i wish i could type as fast as i could talk, i make so many gramatical errors.lol
Finally you admit that there are extremists on both sides of the divide :lol:


My views on George Bush is quite clear to everybody over here. I dont support that idiot. I do support US actions in Afghanistan and Somalia. I will not argue with you for the sake of arguing, I am not a person like that. The difference is US is a Government, it is atleast accountable to its people if not the world, Extremist is small group of private army, which is not accountable. It is not good for the stability of the human race in genral

I agree about the Western policies you have written, It is wrong for the common man to see that the west supports their leaders, They should change their leaders, rather than attack the west. We cant have an actions of a group of people in the same level as governments. Order as we know in the human world cease to exisit. Everybody here knows my stand on the Iraq war, as well as how differnt a stand i take in Afghanistan and Somalia even Iran. Hamas yes,I agree. Iran I am sorry I dont.

Why not the Jinnah method,he was into Non-voilence, I am not mentioning gandhi, cuz he doesnt have any significance to you all.


Because they do not allow it. There is not one leader of Muslim countries of significance who is not under the influence of the west. If there are some, then there is a severe propaganda against them in order to get rid of them.

Even on the situation of Hamas, let me make one point which I actually heard on NPR. So they asked the Hamas spokesman why they would not accept the State of Israel...he responded very logically and calmly saying "how can I accept a country which has never clearly stated what its dilineated borders are?" He went on to say, "each day they put up new settlements on occupied territories after taking all of the land from Palestinians and here you want me to accept the state of Israel."

Now logically, you being an Indian and myself being a Pakistani, we can't think about giving up a POS piece of ice called Siachen Glacier to each other and here you expect a political party of a subjugated nation to accept Israel as is?

On the issue of attacking west, I just have one point. Violence has been used (either under the umbrella of UN or unilaterally) against Muslims and this has resulted in a response from some extremists (vast majority of the Muslims simply take it lying down). Jinnah's model works when the other side is willing to talk....when you hear crap like "its us vs. them", or "they hate our freedom", then unfortunately you are telling the other side, there is no room to talk, discuss and resolve. The other side also ends up hardening its propaganda.
The video has been removed from youtube, it was definately a Propaganda
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