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You as reporter will know, that mundane day to day things will not be given importance to a scoop like this. Everybody knows all of the 1 billion people of Islamic faith arent like this idiots. But these idiots in these video are heads and important figures of the islamic faith in UK. There are lot Liberals and secularist already writing in support of a ordinary muslim. But they are not the once who are not making the noise are they, Moderate muslims have to take control of their religion than these hardliners.

that link is not working
Is that Azhar Usman from Allah makes me Laugh
Whether its given importance or not isn't the issue. It paints a different picture. It makes Joey go "WTF!". Now the frequency and the constant ignorance meted towards such reporting makes you think if this is intentional? Just to paint a certain kind of picture. This intentional yellow journalism is what we call media propaganda.
Where did i say islam teaches voilence, or even in the video, The mullah's in the video preached violence.

Why cant you just look at the video and say " you bastards dont tarnish my religion". Moderates and true followers of islam need to rise up

Well I would say two things. First of all the comments lack context. Which has been a prime tool of mis-representing Islam in the west. You don't show the whole statement, rather you pick out the most inflammatory ones and show them to your audience who take them at face value. This is the western propaganda bit against Islam and Muslims.

Secondly, if the context is appropriate and what the guy is saying is what he meant then it is wrong! Muslims are against the gays. I have no shame in admitting the same. We are against it and so should be morally upright peoples of other religions. On the issue of Jihad, its simply wrong to live in the west or in Muslim lands and bundle all of the non-Muslims as enemy of Islam. I have read sermons of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) all my life and have never heard anything as inflammatory or vitriolic as the ones given by many of these speakers....I have lived in the west for a long time and am proud to say that none of the mosques that I have attended have *ever* allowed speakers with such extreme views to the pulpit.

Regardless of what befalls a Muslim, an innocent non-Muslim is innocent and he cannot be counted amongst those who is a transgressor against Muslims....Jihad is to face off against the transgressors and not to be waged against my neighbors who have been nothing but good to me....my sole issue with these tapes is that it makes the speakers really look like they are out to hurt any or all Non-Muslims...if this is indeed what their intention is then I am not one of them and they are NOT in the Muslim mainstream.

I stand by the quote in the Quran which states:

If anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind. (5:32)
Well I would say two things. First of all the comments lack context. Which has been a prime tool of mis-representing Islam in the west. You don't show the whole statement, rather you pick out the most inflammatory ones and show them to your audience who take them at face value. This is the western propaganda bit against Islam and Muslims.

Secondly, if the context is appropriate and what the guy is saying is what he meant then it is wrong! Muslims are against the gays. I have no shame in admitting the same. We are against it and so should be morally upright peoples of other religions. On the issue of Jihad, its simply wrong to live in the west or in Muslim lands and bundle all of the non-Muslims as enemy of Islam. I have read sermons of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) all my life and have never heard anything as inflammatory or vitriolic as the ones given by many of these speakers....I have lived in the west for a long time and am proud to say that none of the mosques that I have attended have *ever* allowed speakers with such extreme views to the pulpit.

Regardless of what befalls a Muslim, an innocent non-Muslim is innocent and he cannot be counted amongst those who is a transgressor against Muslims....Jihad is to face off against the transgressors and not to be waged against my neighbors who have been nothing but good to me....my sole issue with these tapes is that it makes the speakers really look like they are out to hurt any or all Non-Muslims...if this is indeed what their intention is then I am not one of them and they are NOT in the Muslim mainstream.

I stand by the quote in the Quran which states:

If anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind. (5:32)

Good post dude, you've summed up everything......, infact enlightened different facts and issues muslim community face behind these propaganda's, which the people, who watch all this crap does'nt ever bother to consider.
Well I would say two things. First of all the comments lack context. Which has been a prime tool of mis-representing Islam in the west. You don't show the whole statement, rather you pick out the most inflammatory ones and show them to your audience who take them at face value. This is the western propaganda bit against Islam and Muslims.

Secondly, if the context is appropriate and what the guy is saying is what he meant then it is wrong! Muslims are against the gays. I have no shame in admitting the same. We are against it and so should be morally upright peoples of other religions. On the issue of Jihad, its simply wrong to live in the west or in Muslim lands and bundle all of the non-Muslims as enemy of Islam. I have read sermons of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) all my life and have never heard anything as inflammatory or vitriolic as the ones given by many of these speakers....I have lived in the west for a long time and am proud to say that none of the mosques that I have attended have *ever* allowed speakers with such extreme views to the pulpit.

Regardless of what befalls a Muslim, an innocent non-Muslim is innocent and he cannot be counted amongst those who is a transgressor against Muslims....Jihad is to face off against the transgressors and not to be waged against my neighbors who have been nothing but good to me....my sole issue with these tapes is that it makes the speakers really look like they are out to hurt any or all Non-Muslims...if this is indeed what their intention is then I am not one of them and they are NOT in the Muslim mainstream.

I stand by the quote in the Quran which states:

If anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind. (5:32)


I am very much aware what a moderate muslim stands for. and what Quran stands. The extreme verses in Quran are during war time, therefore out of context here as well i am aware a lil about ur haddiths. The vast majority of muslims are moderate unfortunatly they are not vocal.

The problem here is the speakers, what non-muslims expect from moderates, are you to stand up against them. Wether western media singled out the bad things is not the problem. The problem is, the speakers hold very high post in the islamic society of UK, these extremist minority are causing real harm to the world.
There were long enough speeches there to understand what he and his likes actually stood for. So i wont buy the arguement that it is doctored video, what i would buy is that it is small miniority. Esp since you can hear them talk about parents not letting their children go the madrassa.

Forget all that, the amount of time and the manner in which he called kuffar, kaffir, it was quite racist and demeaning. I consider all these as a small minority exactly like the KKK, but the KKK didnt bomb trains or dont have such a largescale operations

US, or any country for that matter, wont differnciate between the minority extremist, and silent moderate spectarish muslim, It is imperative that moderate muslims dont let it detiorate to that stage.

I am very much aware what a moderate muslim stands for. and what Quran stands. The extreme verses in Quran are during war time, therefore out of context here as well i am aware a lil about ur haddiths. The vast majority of muslims are moderate unfortunatly they are not vocal.

The problem here is the speakers, what non-muslims expect from moderates, are you to stand up against them. Wether western media singled out the bad things is not the problem. The problem is, the speakers hold very high post in the islamic society of UK, these extremist minority are causing real harm to the world.
There were long enough speeches there to understand what he and his likes actually stood for.
Come on man, didn't you notice the video edits on repeated "Kuffaar" statements?

The typical propagandist thought, I'd make it seem like this is what Muslims only talk about.

So i wont buy the arguement that it is doctored video, what i would buy is that it is small miniority. Esp since you can hear them talk about parents not letting their children go the madrassa.
Well you are not making your position clear are you? You just said that you believe these people hold a higher stature than the regular people in Muslim society. What they do have is, Freedom of Speech. They can say whatever they want and you and me would find it hard to gag them.

Forget all that, the amount of time and the manner in which he called kuffar, kaffir, it was quite racist and demeaning. I consider all these as a small minority exactly like the KKK, but the KKK didnt bomb trains or dont have such a largescale operations
Actually the KKK was quite big for its time.

US, or any country for that matter, wont differnciate between the minority extremist, and silent moderate spectarish muslim, It is imperative that moderate muslims dont let it detiorate to that stage.
Then that's just stupid, I lump people who can't differentiate between us and them in the same group as I would these mullahs - the radicals. They are just the west's version of a Mullah. Why aren't they bombing and causing a state of general lawlessness? Because they have the upper hand in this conflict.

If you think you are going to pressurize the moderates into siding with the wests radicals over the Muslim radicals then you are mistaken. The good ones, would continue to fend off both the west and the muslim radicals. The weaker ones might just be lost to all the confusion.

So stuff like this is ultimately equally guilty in keeping radicalism alive.
Anything that is one sided in order to change other peoples opinion is propaganda, it not always needs to be false.

I am very much aware what a moderate muslim stands for. and what Quran stands. The extreme verses in Quran are during war time, therefore out of context here as well i am aware a lil about ur haddiths. The vast majority of muslims are moderate unfortunatly they are not vocal.

The problem here is the speakers, what non-muslims expect from moderates, are you to stand up against them. Wether western media singled out the bad things is not the problem. The problem is, the speakers hold very high post in the islamic society of UK, these extremist minority are causing real harm to the world.
There were long enough speeches there to understand what he and his likes actually stood for. So i wont buy the arguement that it is doctored video, what i would buy is that it is small miniority. Esp since you can hear them talk about parents not letting their children go the madrassa.

Forget all that, the amount of time and the manner in which he called kuffar, kaffir, it was quite racist and demeaning. I consider all these as a small minority exactly like the KKK, but the KKK didnt bomb trains or dont have such a largescale operations

US, or any country for that matter, wont differnciate between the minority extremist, and silent moderate spectarish muslim, It is imperative that moderate muslims dont let it detiorate to that stage.

So let me turn that around and ask you, what are Christian or Jewish moderates doing about all of the extremely negative bashing that Muslims and Islam are receiving in the west? Do you see anyone take it upon themselves to defend a vast majority of non-violent Muslims, who you know do not adhere to hate-all, kill-all mentality, for that matter?

As I feel it, what have I done, said, or am guilty of for which I need to speak out against these nut cases? I am not one of them and I do not subscribe to their extreme ideas...so why am I and others like me (a vast majority of Muslims) on the hook to speak out against nut cases? In most cases, the nut cases in Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism are ignored...but since Islam bashing is the "in" thing, to make the majority of Muslims take responsibilty for some stupid reason, we are expected to speak out...come see how I live me life and tell me where I have that extremist tendency, where I condone the murder of a civilian....if you find any such tendencies then only will I apologise myself or on behalf of such extremist.

For other religions, if you had extremist views sounded off, they would simply be brushed aside...the underlying problem is not these few extremists...its actually the recent awareness in Muslim minds that something unjust is going about in their lands....the west tends to address this awareness by putting a guilt trip on us which focuses specifically on our extremists (even though its quite normal for any religion the size of Islam or even smaller to have very extremist views as well) so we are perpetually on the defensive unable to call out the injustices and inequities suffered by Muslims around the world.
In the present time, Nut cases from Judaism, Hinduism, and christainty combined dont kill as many people as from nut cases from Islam. You are trying to avoid the problem by saying guilt trip of West, Most Islamic people blame the West while most leaders of the middle east are have wine with Bush in Martha's Wineyard. Majority of Islamic dont take take responsbility, they always blame it on the best. just look at what is happenin in this thread.

Well you dont have to speak up against them, But people from other religion will hold you responsbile, or even ignore you tragedies when they do take care of the despots inside Islam. If such a collateral damage innocents can be avoided by moderate people by merely standing against what is wrong. Then Why not.

"Evil prevails When Good Men Fail to Act"

And please I have seen too many Videos, and other information to consider the situation so said in the Documentary as false or propoganda. It might be Western Propoganda but that doesnt negate the fact it is happenin , that it is a reality.

I for one voicing my support to the muslim moderates, but i wont cant give blanket approval of my support to all of muslims, cuz you do have extremist in them and they are very dangerous.
Anything that is one sided in order to change other peoples opinion is propaganda, it not always needs to be false.

First sign of reason, Just that i cant accept everything as Western jewish conspiracy bullshit, and give blind blanket support, when the reality of matter is otherwise.
Injustice? How did Jinnah achieve Independence for Pakistan, Did he suicide squads. British have done more injustice than Israel and US combined.
Why is Arab leaders dealing with it properly. US was against India for more than 50 years, They send Carrier Battle Group in the 1971 war to intemidate us on your behalf. How come we are not blowing ourseleves up in their doorsteps.

Guilt trip by West, is quite obivious and understable, IT is only extremist who attack them.

I am sorry i dont agree with Terrorism of any sort? I am sure Jinnah didnt too, These are just street thugs who are killing people for their own demented sick pleasure.


KKK doesnt affect the world, Only the bible belt in America. There are lot of extremist groups but non of them are so widespread as the jehadi ones(sorry for using the word, i know it means completly different to the context). I am not a radical Asim, but i need your help in fending them off,can you.
Do you see western radicals blowing up inside a train in Saudi Arabia.Moot Point Asim. Kuffar statements said by the narrator maybe to intice me, but that doesnt change the fact, the speaker said it themseleves so many times. There is a difference in Freedom of Speech and inticing voilence and Treason,

A state within a State is Treason.
No one said its western, jewish, conspiracy bullshit. It's just the way things are, they want people to rise up against Muslims... It makes implementation of laws like the Patriot Act I & II a lot more simpler.
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