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‘Wrong time, altered images’: Moscow slams Kiev’s MH17 satellite data


Jan 13, 2010
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Russian Federation

The satellite image on the left was provided by the Russian Defense Ministry on 14 July, 2014. On the right is the image that Kiev claims were taken by its satellites on July 16, 2014. Image from mil.ru


Satellite images Kiev published as ‘proof’ it didn’t deploy anti-aircraft batteries around the MH17 crash site carry altered time-stamps and are from days after the MH17 tragedy, the Russian Defense Ministry has revealed.

The images, which Kiev claims were taken by its satellites at the same time as those taken by Russian satellites, are neither Ukrainian nor authentic, according to Moscow's statement.

The Defense Ministry said the images were apparently made by an American KeyHole reconnaissance satellite, because the two Ukrainian satellites currently in orbit, Sich-1 and Sich-2, were not positioned over the part of Ukraine’s Donetsk Region shown in the pictures.

Moscow claims weather and lighting conditions in the images were not possible at the dates and times Ukraine claims they were made, the Russian ministry said.

At least one of the images published by Ukraine shows signs of being altered by an image editor, the statement added.

The ministry also criticized images published by Kiev to back its allegations that Russia smuggled heavy weapons over the border and shelled Ukrainian army positions.

The images lack proper time stamps and coordinates, while Kiev didn’t bother to explain why it believes that whatever vehicles are shown in them are Russian, the statement said.

“It’s the latest ‘masterpiece’ in the Ukrainian exercise in conspiracy theories, an attempt to divert responsibility,” the ministry said.

“It can take a deserved place next to other allegations against Russia voiced by Kiev that claimed that Russia was responsible for masterminding the Maidan protest and the tragedy in Odessa.”

“Apparently that’s why the real owners of those photos are hesitating to publish them under their own name, since it would derail the myth of the omniscience of their space reconnaissance,” the Russian ministry said.


Image from mil.ru

A comparison of satellite images published by Russia and Ukraine as presented by Kiev in an attempt to dispute the authenticity of Moscow’s photos. The shadows are cast in different directions in the two images, proving that they could not have been almost at the same time two days apart, as indicated by the time stamps.


Image from mil.ru

The weather is also clearly different, with the Russian image showing a cloudy day, while the image presented by Kiev shows a clear day - showing that the images could not have been taken less than an hour apart, as claimed by the time stamps. The Russian military say the actual weather conditions at the time can be easily double-checked by independent sources.


Image from mil.ru

In another comparison with the images used by Ukraine, it was purposely degraded in quality in order to point out some irregularities. No such irregularities are present in the original image, the Russian military said.

Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 crashed in Ukraine’s Donetsk Region, which is engulfed by armed hostilities between Ukrainian troops and local militias. The plane was apparently shot down by a missile, although neither the type of missile nor who shot it has yet been properly established.

As a troubled investigation into the tragedy, which claimed almost 300 lives, is underway, Kiev and some Western countries were quick to say that the militias and Russia were culpable for the deed. Kiev said it had no capabilities to take down the plane.

The Russian Defense Ministry published satellite images and radar data, saying that evidence proved that Ukraine had both ground-based anti-aircraft batteries and military aircraft capable of firing an air-to-air missile deployed in the region on the day of the MH17 shoot-down.

Some days later Kiev published its own set of images, claiming that those released by Russia were false.

‘Wrong time, altered images’: Moscow slams Kiev’s MH17 satellite data — RT News
I have been thinking what could have happened. Fact is that MH17 flying at high altitude was shot down with a radar guided medium range sam. We see the impact on the frontal side so there is not much to debate what happened up there. But the seconds before that are telling a very different story then you have heard sofar. Everyone in the west is busy in attacking Putin. They portray him as the one that should have controlled the "terrorists" that shot the plane down. They do not care about reality cause no one pays any attention to the Ukrain side. Let me be short and simple.

Two or more Ukrain SU25 were flying very close the MH17 to either have cover against SAM or to use the plane to attack the ground positions. The SAM controllers acted but they either made a mistake in picking up the SU25's or it was heavily jammed and so it took the MH17. After the shooting down the Ukrains starts blaming everyone. The reality is that they caused this disaster. Surely the west will focus on who shot it down and framing Putin as much as possible but why not looking at the actions of the Ukrains... And how come the USA had everything ready within short time. They knew exactly what was fired by whom... I mean are they so obsessed with Ukrain that they monitor everything that good? Or was it planned? It does come handy to later public opinion... I mean after pretty much destroying the western economies they need an excuse to go on...
How fishy can this be... I do not believe that this is just happening... If Russia or China woulg get into Cuba. Station military there and fly along the US coast with these kind of planes... I think we would have a nuclear war. Yet if the USA does this... It is just normal?

Washington (CNN) -- The Cold War aerial games of chicken portrayed in the movie "Top Gun" are happening in real life again nearly 30 years later.

A U.S. Air Force spy plane evaded an encounter with the Russian military on July 18, just a day after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was downed by a suspected surface-to-air missile that Ukraine and the West allege was fired by pro-Russia rebels in eastern Ukraine.

The RC-135 Rivet Joint fled into nearby Swedish airspace without that country's permission, a U.S. military official told CNN. The airplane may have gone through other countries' airspace as well, though it's not clear if it had permission to do so.

The U.S. plane had been flying in international airspace, conducting an electronic eavesdropping mission on the Russian military, when the Russians took the unusual action of beginning to track it with land-based radar.

The Russians then sent at least one fighter jet into the sky to intercept the aircraft, the U.S. official said Saturday.

The spy plane crew felt so concerned about the radar tracking that it wanted to get out of the area as quickly as possible, the official said. The quickest route away from the Russians took them into Swedish airspace. The U.S. official acknowledged that was done without Swedish military approval.
So Russia and China are behind 911 and credit crises... Clearly the west tries to push the world into cold war so they have common enemy and there is no focus on failed western economies... I mean, being firm on chinese... Why are there EEC and USA laws that protect their economy and destroy anything else? No matter who is to blame.. Is this the fall of the western domination? This is not looking like an accident but pre-planned action like we have seen before. Hatred against muslims is topping in USA. Oil nations are invaded and destroyed. Indirectly occupied. Now they will stop Russia and China.

Obama does not look like the Obama a few years ago. He is clearly saying what he knows is not his story. It is just a puppet of the economic forces inside USA. And one cannot blame him. It is for everyone do or die. And a superpower cannot accept that easy a defeat. USA is bankrupt that much so they change the rules of debt. They will never be able to pay back all the debt yet no one seems to care. But it is clearly Russia and China that are wrong.

Obama: 'Russia doesn't make anything,' West must be firm with China
WASHINGTON Sun Aug 3, 2014 4:18pm EDT


U.S. President Barack Obama makes a statement while at the White House in Washington, August 1, 2014
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Ukrainian Air Force su25's most likely brought down MH17. Look at the analysis. Its pretty much conclusive. And the fact that the US hadtheir satelites at that exact time and location over that exact part of Ukraine and they wont release the pictures or videos? Lets be serious. The US militarysaw this lifeonther sat feeds. Why wont they release any data? And the simple fact they knew to have theirsats in that location tells me they knew about it

Evidence Is Now Conclusive: Two Ukrainian Government Fighter-Jets Shot Down Malaysian Airlines MH17. It was Not a ‘Buk’ Surface to Air Missile | Global Research

It would be interesting to seeif other US satelites are positioned over other " terrorist " attacks before they happen? Russia accidentally, or not, just outed the US in a big way.

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