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Writings of Ben Gurion on Pakistan

The Following is an excerpt from the interview given to Out Look India by Mark Sofer the Israeli ambassador.

Moving to defence issues, the Israeli and Indian armies have kept their interactions to a minimum but do you foresee the relationship growing to a point where the two sides would conduct joint exercises? If so you, do you have a timeline in mind?

Certain issues between countries do need to remain under wraps for whatever reason. I don't think the Indian authorities would be happy if we were to discuss in public. We have a burgeoning relationship and the defence relationship got a major boost during Kargil, when Israel came to India's assistance when India was in great need and brought about the turnaround in the situation on the ground. I think we proved then to Indian government that you can rely on us that we have the wherewithal. A friend in need is a friend indeed. I have been in India for four months and I hear a great deal of respect for Israel also on non-defence issues--agriculture, drip irrigation, high-tech. There is a groundswell of goodwill towards Israel among the Indian people.

Defence relationships between countries are generally secret and they should be. Certain facts are on the table but we don't make a noise about things.

www.outlookindia.com | 'The Secret Part Of Indo-Israel Defence Ties Will Remain A Secret'
You may want to view this Section 1. Part 1 (Conspiracy Theories and their Rebuttals) « AA@Counter Terrorism, Imperialism, Extremism and Bigotry

> Rebuttal:

The independence speech of Israel’s first prime minster can be found on http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Peace Pro...claration of Establishment of State of Israel : Israeli Foreign Ministry.

The Original Recording: Proclamation of Independence :

Israel’s Legislative Body

THE JERUSALEM POST DAILY INTERNET EDITION : The Jerusalem Post (Leading Israeli Newspaper)

After reading the text of all these speeches and after carrying out a comprehensive research on all other speeches by all successive Israeli leaders since its illegal Palestinian occupation, it is hard to believe that David Ben Gurion or any other Israeli leader has ever made any such statement against Pakistan. There is no evidence of such statement even by any influential Israeli Analyst or think tank such as International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism.

The quote above or any such statement even remotely related to Pakistan cannot be verified by any Israeli supported (newspaper archives, editorials or articles) or by any Israeli military, government and civil society websites. It is not even mentioned or ever used against Israel even by the media networks of Arabs and the Palestinians such as Al Manar TV and Al Aqsa TV.

From my own independent research, I found out that Jacob Wallace, an expert on Israeli affairs and senior fellow at the Council on foreign Relations (A well known American think-tank), has never heard any such statement. Moreover, Pakistani analyst on Terrorism, Imtiaz Gul also doubts the validity of this statement. Some scholars I spoke with at the Quaid e Azam University Islamabad found it unusual why no one has ever heard of this highly offensive, public address.

If I closely examine the above quote then I notice a mysterious reference at the end that goes like this “Jewish Chronicle, 9 August 1967”

Now Jewish Chronicle is a London based newspaper that was founded in 1841 and is the oldest continuously published Jewish newspaper in the world.

Here is the website: The Jewish Chronicle - Jewish news, Israel news and social networking

Now lets verify the above quote from its 167 years archives: The Jewish Chronicle Archives

The above quote does not exist in the archives, which shows that it is a propaganda tactic of Pakistani establishment, Some Army elements, Nationalists, Religious scholars, Politicians etc.

The most unusual thing here is the published date of the newspaper: “9 August 1967”. Whoever invented this quote had miserably failed to realize that this Jewish chronicle magazine was not even published on this date. In fact, this magazine has always been published on Fridays throughout its history and according to the Gregorian calendar, “9 August 1967” happens to be on Wednesday.
David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister famously said; "It is essential that we...strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans". In the memory of David Ben Gurion Israel threatened to destroy the Kahuta Research Labs during the Zia-ul-Haq regime in June, 1981.


It's funny what sort of information can be gleaned off a white nationalist. But here's some, I'd like to see your comments about - anything, even regarding whether you think it's genuine or not.

“The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. “This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan. “Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work there from against Pakistan. “It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans.”

-David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister.His words, as printed in the Jewish Chronicle,9 August 1967:

Do we have any Israelis here by any chance?

Well Israel has certainly succeeded as Arab hate and Persian love is propagated in Pakistan
This bastard is a simple example of hatered ! although we have nothing to do with Jews or there state nor have said anything against them or done anything as well .Furthermore, if anything the jewish state was planing to asset India to bomb and take out our nuclear faclities anyhow this is the hatered that this bastard and there state have against Pak our kind our religon and people this bastard should be shot dead he has got no right nor knowledge to state such things let them bring it we shall show them if they dont want peace then we shall show them in another way!!

The Zionist is very sensitive and feels threatened by remote possibilities. The Zionist loves wild conspiracy theories.

Pakistan and Israel have nothing much in common. It is like Armenia and Nigeria. Yet the Israelis have an obsession with Pakistan. Just because Pakistan has good relations with KSA doesn't mean that Pakistanis love Arabs. We have a few people that feel drawn by a certain ideology within Islam i.e. Wahabbi sect. They are bound to show affection to the Arabs because many Arabs follow this particular branch of Islam. That doesn't mean that Pakistanis love Arabs.

This Ben Gurion got it all wrong. Something was not right in his brain.

I too would like to see the original source of this claim. My searches have turned up nothing so far. The only hits with references to this quote are fringe Pakistani blurbs heavy on propaganda and abysmally low on credibility. I think in order to actually initiate a meaningful discussion the source has to be validated and the article from where this quote was pulled has to be presented in its entirety.

You need to get your head our of your rear. This is a well documented fact. Now show us your flags.

I didn't know that Pakistani pilots were involved in attacking Israel. Was that the 6-day war?

This guy doesn't even grasp basic facts and is arguing in this thread LOL I am amazed at these foreigners polluting PDF and pretending to be historians.

Well then I guess that sealed the fate of Pakistan-Israel relations.

Israel was anathema to the entire Islamic world! Its not surprising that they consider Pakistan an existential threat.

What are they going to do about it apart from sucking up to India? I assume the nasty rape nation that you belong to.

You may want to view this Section 1. Part 1 (Conspiracy Theories and their Rebuttals) « AA@Counter Terrorism, Imperialism, Extremism and Bigotry

> Rebuttal:

The independence speech of Israel’s first prime minster can be found on http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Peace Process/Guide to the Peace Process/Declaration of Establishment of State of Israel : Israeli Foreign Ministry.

The Original Recording: Proclamation of Independence :

Israel’s Legislative Body

THE JERUSALEM POST DAILY INTERNET EDITION : The Jerusalem Post (Leading Israeli Newspaper)

After reading the text of all these speeches and after carrying out a comprehensive research on all other speeches by all successive Israeli leaders since its illegal Palestinian occupation, it is hard to believe that David Ben Gurion or any other Israeli leader has ever made any such statement against Pakistan. There is no evidence of such statement even by any influential Israeli Analyst or think tank such as International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism.

The quote above or any such statement even remotely related to Pakistan cannot be verified by any Israeli supported (newspaper archives, editorials or articles) or by any Israeli military, government and civil society websites. It is not even mentioned or ever used against Israel even by the media networks of Arabs and the Palestinians such as Al Manar TV and Al Aqsa TV.

From my own independent research, I found out that Jacob Wallace, an expert on Israeli affairs and senior fellow at the Council on foreign Relations (A well known American think-tank), has never heard any such statement. Moreover, Pakistani analyst on Terrorism, Imtiaz Gul also doubts the validity of this statement. Some scholars I spoke with at the Quaid e Azam University Islamabad found it unusual why no one has ever heard of this highly offensive, public address.

If I closely examine the above quote then I notice a mysterious reference at the end that goes like this “Jewish Chronicle, 9 August 1967”

Now Jewish Chronicle is a London based newspaper that was founded in 1841 and is the oldest continuously published Jewish newspaper in the world.

Here is the website: The Jewish Chronicle - Jewish news, Israel news and social networking

Now lets verify the above quote from its 167 years archives: The Jewish Chronicle Archives

The above quote does not exist in the archives, which shows that it is a propaganda tactic of Pakistani establishment, Some Army elements, Nationalists, Religious scholars, Politicians etc.

The most unusual thing here is the published date of the newspaper: “9 August 1967”. Whoever invented this quote had miserably failed to realize that this Jewish chronicle magazine was not even published on this date. In fact, this magazine has always been published on Fridays throughout its history and according to the Gregorian calendar, “9 August 1967” happens to be on Wednesday.

There is nothing secret about these remarks made by the Zionist and they are well documented.

It is a given that Zionist Israel feels insecure and threatened by the very existence of Pakistan. There is a reason why Israel is aiding India against Pakistan. This hatred against Pakistan stems from Zionist conspiracy theories. Just like the promised land conspiracy is supposed to give land to European settlers in a desert.
I believe if our paf volunteers of Arab Israeli wars had a bit of an idea about the future happenstances. They might have called it a day - - - - - - -.
It's funny what sort of information can be gleaned off a white nationalist. But here's some, I'd like to see your comments about - anything, even regarding whether you think it's genuine or not.

“The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. “This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan. “Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work there from against Pakistan. “It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans.”

-David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister.His words, as printed in the Jewish Chronicle,9 August 1967:

Do we have any Israelis here by any chance?

if you ask most of the israelis now, they are atheists who dont want to remain in the hell hole israel has become, a security state in perpetual state of war in the region. Pakistan since immy is cozin up to the very same jews who faced ''existential crises'' due to ideological pakistan and wanted to exploit the hindu nationalists or the hindutva. the same arabs have now allied with israel to counter iran. seem the words of ben gurion was spoken in light on pakistani PAF help to jordan etc but since then that country has also accepted israel. Dont see much foresight into his statements. The guy seems extremely confused, at first highlights religion i-e muslims, hindus and then propagates arabs which is an ethnicity not religious group etc.

The hindu jew love affair can be felt from this video alone, also read comment section to get some extra entertainment

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A picture says a thousand words....

It's funny what sort of information can be gleaned off a white nationalist. But here's some, I'd like to see your comments about - anything, even regarding whether you think it's genuine or not.

“The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. “This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan. “Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work there from against Pakistan. “It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans.”

-David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister.His words, as printed in the Jewish Chronicle,9 August 1967:

Do we have any Israelis here by any chance?

Alhumdulillah...Pakistan is free and strong and still hates the Zionist terrorists. State of israel created out of terror and even today is rampant in its efforts of institutional racism and genocide of the local arab population. As for the indians.....would u like a cup of tea?
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