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Would you brand Pervez Hoodbhoy as a traitor?

beta jitna pervaiz hoodhoy ney pakistan ko dia hai na bahut kaam logoin ney dia hai agar aj quidi-e-azam universty ka itna naam hai our us ki degree ki itni appriciation hai to is may unka khoon maseena bhi shamil hai he was a graduate in MIT and was offered a job in MIT but he came to Pakistan jo bhi hai i respect him and his views even if i dont agree with it
he is a rat and a traitor..he was saying on television that Pakistan can defend itself better against india without nukes....he is a shameless secular fascist.
Zionist lobby pays him more money to stay in Pakistan and spread his retarded shyt than what he would have earned at MIT.......regardless he is a traitor to Quaid's Pakistan and when order is restored in the land he will be tried for high treason.
Yes he is and needs to be taken care off. Freedom of speech is one thing, being a traitor to your country is another. We have no shortage of people like mir jaffar in our ranks and we certainly dont need anymore of them.
beta jitna pervaiz hoodhoy ney pakistan ko dia hai na bahut kaam logoin ney dia hai agar aj quidi-e-azam universty ka itna naam hai our us ki degree ki itni appriciation hai to is may unka khoon maseena bhi shamil hai he was a graduate in MIT and was offered a job in MIT but he came to Pakistan jo bhi hai i respect him and his views even if i dont agree with it

first, i would like to say improve your manners, its no manners to talk 'beta' to people, there are more educated and intelligent elder people here. by your picture you just look like a nursery kid with a KG1 bag on your shoulders

second, coming to the general discussion, hoodbhoy is a physicist, he is educated doctor of his field and he is certainly needed for pakistan to perform in this field, but, he is not a strategic, geopolitics, political, defence analyst, he has no knowledge or information regarding those matters, so he can be wrong about what he says, and this video clearly proves him false, and that he speaks lies, nobody can trust his words

this video is very ol like few years, and in this video he mentions some stuff which are now public facts, for example this guy says with his knowledge that there existed no black water and its mercineries and other contractors, and he in this video is seen to laugh about these matters, now we know that back water and CIA are very much active in pakistan, raymond davis is the proof.

in this video this guy clearly stand like he is an indian trying to present his point of view like an indian, for example he says, that no indian wants to see pakistan divided so india is actually giving monies to pakistan so that pakistan doesnt harm india by its war etc, in every manner this guy appear as a foreigner in his stance, he doesnt even appear a pakistani

now this guy without prove accuses that ISI guy as a corrupt

i have no problem if we have different opinions, even the bald guy najam sethi has very negative and self degrading opinions against his own country but, atleast i expect these stupid guys to behave as a pakistani, they are not even behaving as a pakistani, this is a major issue of attitude here

now the indian guys are angry with arundhati roy and i have no issues with, but still the most hated indian appear as an indian, not as a pakistani

some points i would like to mention about these stupid writers and TV persons like najam sethi, nadeem paracha, pervez hoodbhoy asma jahangir, nisar etc they all are a bunch of people who curse every thing pakistani, they may be different but the patterns of their opinions are all the same, like hate every thing pakistani, i mean everybody is pakistani alright, are we not pakistani??, have not we all sworn to same loyalty despite difference of opinion and i havent seen people like them all over the world like that, so i have suspicions if they are part of some foreign propaganda or something

there is something really weird going on with these people, pakistan should constitute laws to put all people who carry those self destructing disloyal ideologies behind bars or exile them as they dont wanna be a pakistani
^ Dude hate and criticism are two different thing. It is the right of every individual to share his opinion and criticise where he/she find any weakness in the system or politics. I have also seen many American criticise the foreign policies of their country and no one call them traitor. We need to control our emotions :)
^ Dude hate and criticism are two different thing. It is the right of every individual to share his opinion and criticise where he/she find any weakness in the system or politics. I have also seen many American criticise the foreign policies of their country and no one call them traitor. We need to control our emotions :)
Absolutely - IMO Pervez Hoodbhoy is a patriot.He has done a lot to improve the image of Pakistan and frankly i think we need people like him to represent Pakistan.

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