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Would Jinnah have lived as a Shia?

By which Pakistani definition of "Muslim" he would have lived as mMuslim?When people are ready to declare as kafir at the drop of a hat.You never know one moment you are a Muslim and very next moment you are declared as kafir and killed.

The definition of a Muslim is one who believes in allah, quran the last prophet and hadiths and sunnah. One is still a Muslim if he is not practicing as long he does not disbelieves in it. Btw according to Ahmadi sect anyone who does not believes in their false prophet is a b@stard.
Let's not generalize here, there's a vast difference between an extremist minority and the peaceful majority.
And even you cant deny it that its always the vocal extremist minority thats always overwhelm the peaceful silent majority for only reason that this silent majority watches from sidelines.Its existence or non existence doesnt matter when this silent peaceful majority act as brain dead.


Car bomb kills 12 Shias in Parachinar: officials

PARACHINAR: A car bomb ripped through a crowded market in a Pakistani tribal region bordering Afghanistan on Monday, killing 12 Shia Muslims in the latest instance of sectarian violence to rock this country, officials said.

In addition to the 12 killed in the explosion in the town of Parachinar in the Kurram region, 45 people were wounded, said government official Sahibzada Anis. Another government official, Naseer Khan, said all of the dead were Shia Muslims.

Kurram is the only region along the Afghan border that is majority Shia, and has seen bloody outbreaks of sectarian violence in recent years.

The emergence over the last 10 years in Pakistan of groups such as al-Qaida and the Pakistani Taliban has added to the frequency and viciousness of attacks against Shias.

In February, a suicide attacker on a motorcycle blew himself up in Parachinar, killing 23 Shia Muslims and wounding 50 people.

Many of the recent sectarian killings in Pakistan have been blamed on the militant group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, which is allied with al-Qaida and the Taliban.

Malik Ishaq released

A court released the founder of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi on bail Monday, about a week and a half after he was arrested because of a speech he made that authorities said incited sectarian hatred, said police officer Ejaz Shafi.

Bail was set at 500,000 rupees, about $5,280, Shafi said.

Police arrested Malik Ishaq in 1997, and he was accused in more than 200 criminal cases involving the killing of 70 Shias.

But the prosecution could never prove the charges, in part because of witness and judge intimidation, and he went free in 2011.

Also Monday, a radical prayer leader in Islamabad and 19 others were acquitted in the 2007 killing of a security officer, the cleric’s lawyer said.

The definition of a Muslim is one who believes in allah, quran the last prophet and hadiths and sunnah. One is still a Muslim if he is not practicing as long he does not disbelieves in it. Btw according to Ahmadi sect anyone who does not believes in their false prophet is a b@stard.
Thats what i mean one group call itself muslim and classify others with different names.
The definition of a Muslim is one who believes in allah, quran the last prophet and hadiths and sunnah. One is still a Muslim if he is not practicing as long he does not disbelieves in it. Btw according to Ahmadi sect anyone who does not believes in their false prophet is a b@stard.

Oh can you define Ahmadis?? Here we are discussing about Shias and you must know that there is a lot of difference between Shias and Ahmadis and some of you people consider Shias and Ahmadis to be the same community,You must read this
And now you have mentioned about false Prophet?? Are you talking about Shia Muslims??? Then you must know that for all the Muslims "Hazrat Muhammad(SAWW)" is the last prophet.
And kindly mention that about whom are you talking?? False Prophet??
Oh can you define Ahmadis?? Here we are discussing about Shias and you must know that there is a lot of difference between Shias and Ahmadis and some of you people consider Shias and Ahmadis to be the same community,You must read this
And now you have mentioned about false Prophet?? Are you talking about Shia Muslims??? Then you must know that for all the Muslims "Hazrat Muhammad(SAWW)" is the last prophet.
And kindly mention that about whom are you talking?? False Prophet??

Ahmadis are the followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, they consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be the Mahdi. They also believe in Hazrat Mohammad PBUH to be the last law bearing prophet. They say that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad follows the path of Hazrat Mohmmad and have no any new book or law of his own. In terms of Fiqha, they are over 95% following the Hanafi Madhab.
Ahmadis are the followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, they consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be the Mahdi. They also believe in Hazrat Mohammad PBUH to be the last law bearing prophet. They say that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad follows the path of Hazrat Mohmmad and have no any new book or law of his own. In terms of Fiqha, they are over 95% following the Hanafi Madhab.

I know all that and Shia/Sunnis both are against them,I was shocked to hear that many people think that Shias are Ahmadis,
I was asked by someone that "who is the Prophet of yours?? I said "MUHAMMAD(SAWW) n he said but you are Ahmadi!! I said no I m not!! n the time he started to insist that Shias are Ahmadis and then his friend also insisted for the same thing!!!
I know all that and Shia/Sunnis both are against them,I was shocked to hear that many people think that Shias are Ahmadis,
I was asked by someone that "who is the Prophet of yours?? I said "MUHAMMAD(SAWW) n he said but you are Ahmadi!! I said no I m not!! n the time he started to insist that Shias are Ahmadis and then his friend also insisted for the same thing!!!

No Shias and Ahmadis are different, and even Ahmadis believe in H.Mohammad's prophethodd in a different way.
Ahmadis are the followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, they consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be the Mahdi. They also believe in Hazrat Mohammad PBUH to be the last law bearing prophet. They say that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad follows the path of Hazrat Mohmmad and have no any new book or law of his own. In terms of Fiqha, they are over 95% following the Hanafi Madhab.
Mr for your information majority of them consider Mirza the PROPHET of ALLAH and not only Mahdi only the smaller group which is called the Lahori group considers him only Mahdi and by the he was not even Mahdi Mahdi will come in area which is in current Saudi Arabia and when he will come whole world will know it
Mr for your information majority of them consider Mirza the PROPHET of ALLAH and not only Mahdi only the smaller group which is called the Lahori group considers him only Mahdi and by the he was not even Mahdi Mahdi will come in area which is in current Saudi Arabia and when he will come whole world will know it

Sir, i know that. They consider him the prophet with no book and no law of his own. They say he follows the book and law of Hazrat Mohammad pbuh.
Sir, i know that. They consider him the prophet with no book and no law of his own. They say he follows the book and law of Hazrat Mohammad pbuh.
Sir no PROPHET of any sort will come after HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW with book or without book no new PROPHET will come only Jesus will return to establish Islamic system on earth
Sir no PROPHET of any sort will come after HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW with book or without book no new PROPHET will come only Jesus will return to establish Islamic system on earth

I think both of you "Ahmad" and "Zarvan" are right! In some places it is written that they believe Mirza ahmad to be their prophet and some say no it it is wrong..we are not Ahmadis so we don't know what their belief is exactly!!
Oh can you define Ahmadis?? Here we are discussing about Shias and you must know that there is a lot of difference between Shias and Ahmadis and some of you people consider Shias and Ahmadis to be the same community,You must read this
And now you have mentioned about false Prophet?? Are you talking about Shia Muslims??? Then you must know that for all the Muslims "Hazrat Muhammad(SAWW)" is the last prophet.
And kindly mention that about whom are you talking?? False Prophet??

I do not consider Shai as non Muslim as long as they dont disbelieve in any of allah's words which the ahmadis have excelled in.

Read this

He claimed to be the Promised Messiah, Mahdi, Prophet and the Second Advent of Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him), who has come again in the from of Mirza to propagate Islam. He claimed that he recieve WAHI (Revelation) and named BRAHEEN-e-AHMADIYYAH as the BOOK of GOD. Britishers were facing difficulties in India because of the spirit of Jehad in Muslims and at their instigation, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad wrote books and pamphlets in which he ABROGATED JEHAD and made LOYALTY TO THE BRITISH RULERS AN ARTICLE OF FAITH. Mirza Ghulam formed the AHMADIYYAH MOVEMENT in 1889 and called his follwers AHMADI MUSLIMS. He labelled ALL THOSE WHO DID NOT ACCEPT HIM AND DID NOT ACCEPT HIS PROPHETHOOD as BASTARDS (children of prostitutes). Mirza Ghulam Ahmad died in 1908 but Ahmadiyyah Movement has continued to flourish ever since; earlier under the patronage of British Masters and now the US and other anti-Muslim Governments.

Ahmadis are the followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, they consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be the Mahdi. They also believe in Hazrat Mohammad PBUH to be the last law bearing prophet. They say that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad follows the path of Hazrat Mohmmad and have no any new book or law of his own. In terms of Fiqha, they are over 95% following the Hanafi Madhab.

He claimed that he recieve WAHI (Revelation) and named BRAHEEN-e-AHMADIYYAH as the BOOK of GOD.
He claimed that he recieve WAHI (Revelation) and named BRAHEEN-e-AHMADIYYAH as the BOOK of GOD.
He claimed the Wahi because he says he is prophet. Although he followed the Quran and mostly followed the Hanafi Mdhab.
Is this Jinnah’s Pakistan?

Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the father of our nation, must be turning in his grave if angels were to carry the news and pictures of today’s Pakistan to him — targeted killings of Shias, persecution of Christians and public conversion of Hindus on live media. This is not the Pakistan he or other founders powered by a dream of an independent country envisioned. Were they around today, they would have launched another independent movement — this time, to liberate the country from three powerful influences that have taken the form of institutions and have, in many ways, established their control over the soul of the country. They are the mullahs, the military and the feudal elites.
The capacity they have acquired and the impact of their power over the state and society, run counter to the founding vision of Pakistan. This vision was about a real democracy, placing faith and power in people and working towards the common good of all citizens, regardless of one’s religion, sect or place of residence. The early founders believed in rule of law, supremacy of the constitution, pluralism and equality. Two themes that define the founders’ ideology or the ideology of Pakistan are constitutionalism and pluralism — nothing else. All other definitions of Pakistan or its ideology are only self-serving political tools that have subverted Pakistan’s true identity beyond recognition.
With the subversion of democracy four times, the mullah, military and feudal elites have emerged as dominant players. They have created a structural problem in the way of realising the vision of Jinnah. By character and self-interest, they cannot be democratic, respect rule of law, or allow the society to express itself. With their dominance, they have created a climate for anti-democratic forces.
Perhaps, we cannot imagine how much damage just one cleric in the capital has done to the entire nation by falsely accusing a child, Rimsha Masih, of blasphemy, an act he himself is accused of committing by adding false evidence to the accusation. The news struck the chord of world media, which is already so sceptical about our present and future. They are not wrong on this.
Can a society and state fall so low that a girl from a persecuted religious minority is hauled and locked up in prison for weeks without bail? It is not the first case of false implication of a minority person; it has happened hundreds of times before, for motives other than religion. The question is: Where is the state and where is the society? What has our sovereign parliament done in rectifying the wrongs against innocent persons?
Their inaction makes me angry and utterly disappointed in everyone associated with the system of power in this country. I have watched the electronic media and read a good amount of print media but to my dismay, I haven’t seen any youth organisation protesting, any political party marching out, or any political leader coming out strong in support of Rimsha Masih. Our silence against injustice, expediency and narrow self-interest promotes and strengthens the climate of fear in Pakistan. The mullahs, military and feudal elite thrive on our fear because it encourages them to rule the country the way they want — with impunity.
To prevent further decline in the ditch of darkness and to create some hope of coming out, we need to recapture the vision of our founder — of a democratic, tolerant and pluralistic Pakistan. For that to happen, we need the courage to speak up, protest and march. And, when we have the opportunity, we must vote them out.
I Strongly disagree with the Title of the thread.....This is the Hindu game, by which they are calling our Leader/Founder of the Nation as Shia/Ismaili etc and dividing us......!

Jinnah was nothing other, but a true Muslim who knew the messages of Quran....he did not follow any Firka and Fikka....but was follower of Quraan.
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