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Featured Would having Rafale on Feb 27, 2019 made any difference?

It's not one aircraft that will be the game changer for India but the entire line up once we have Tejas MK1A and TEJAS FOC completed in the near future.
Tejas FOC, Tejas MK1, MIG 29, Mirage 2000, Rafale and the MKI.

The enemy will have to face a relentless line up of very capable fighters. The real game changers will be BVRs like ASTRA, Tejas and AWACS like Netra that we develop indigenously. BVR Missiles are super expensive. ASTRA will give us capabilities at super reduced rates that we can happily fire across multiple platforms.

It is this mixture of local designed and developed systems along with advanced systems from the rest of the world, that will be the real game changer. We are not there yet but the seeds have started to hatch!

While a short skirmish may not get all these aircraft airborne and involved, a war will! It is an envious line up of some amazing aircraft and any country facing these in a war have a lot to be concerned about.
I have tried to read up on Spectra as much as I was able to find...but the information seems scarce(not including the rants of Indian fanboys on quora and what not). My question is...if Spectra works...essentially like "noise cancellation" but for radars...
...how well would it work in a net centric environment...where there are multiple radars in play of different frequencies, different positions, etc. So for example if a ground radar station and an AWAC in the air are scanning an area where a Rafale is flying...would it degrade the performance of Spectra?
It will be hard for the IAF as well. If Erieyes are deployed effectively, there isn't a whole lot that Rafales/Spectra can do to avoid detection. However as stated before, nobody has the wherewithal to sustain AEWC on station for a long duration.
It's not one aircraft that will be the game changer for India but the entire line up once we have Tejas MK1A and TEJAS FOC completed in the near future.
Tejas FOC, Tejas MK1, MIG 29, Mirage 2000, Rafale and the MKI.

The enemy will have to face a relentless line up of very capable fighters. The real game changers will be BVRs like ASTRA, Tejas and AWACS like Netra that we develop indigenously. BVR Missiles are super expensive. ASTRA will give us capabilities at super reduced rates that we can happily fire across multiple platforms.

It is this mixture of local designed and developed systems along with advanced systems from the rest of the world, that will be the real game changer. We are not there yet but the seeds have started to hatch!

While a short skirmish may not get all these aircraft airborne and involved, a war will! It is an envious line up of some amazing aircraft and any country facing these in a war have a lot to be concerned about.

The enemies have a lot of very potent capabilities too. This build up is not asymmetric.
I am seeing all this hype around Rafale on our national and regional TV news channels today...I am not an expert in military affairs.
I would like to know from experts here(pak or indian) that would Rafales have made a difference on feb 27 last year when pak jets entered india?would pak have dared to enter indian air space had we had rafales back then?
Would Rafales have succeeded in downing pakistani jets?Are we over exaggerating the importance of Rafales?are the jets which pak has now are good enough to fight rafales?
Please keep your answers confined to technicalities only..no trolling or india bashing plz

It's a great fighter jet, one of the best 4.5 gen fighters. But India needs more than 36, 5 won't make a difference. Indians are treating this like a Bollywood movie and I would caution against that.

India's strategic thinking is run by monkeys, you have different aircraft in your fleet, integration is going to be a big problem. The Rafales won't be able to talk to your outdated Mirages, Su-30s, and all your Russian equipment.

The USA does not want to sell India equipment because most of your systems are Russian.

But then again India has been a joke for such a long time, now they have become even more of a joke, every country just pays lip service to India.

And if you notice most countries just repeat the same old platitudes like, India is a great democracy, rule of law, blah blah blah.

And Indians somehow seem to think that is a great thing. I have been to India in 2018, and trust me India is going nowhere.

Sorry to say this, but India has a disgraceful education system, your public health is a disgrace, other than a few private hospitals where if you are rich and can afford it it's ok.

Your infrastructure is falling apart, other than a few small pockets in Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore the rest of the country is a disgrace.

India does not even have toilets, people defecating in the streets or on the railway tracks, spitting, etc, I don't know if that has changed in the 2 years since I was last there.

India wanted all these companies leaving China to invest in India, but lots of investment is going to Vietnam, Bangladesh, etc, there is so much red tape, corruption, crumbling infrastructure, retrospective taxes, don't think many would invest in India.

Yes, Google, Foxconn, etc are investing in India but its a well-known fact your PM is getting kickbacks from Ambani, etc, we will see how long it will take for these companies to give up and pull out.

I am sorry I have been so negative, but from my point of view, that is how it is in India. Not going to lie about it.
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I am seeing all this hype around Rafale on our national and regional TV news channels today...I am not an expert in military affairs.
I would like to know from experts here(pak or indian) that would Rafales have made a difference on feb 27 last year when pak jets entered india?would pak have dared to enter indian air space had we had rafales back then?
Would Rafales have succeeded in downing pakistani jets?Are we over exaggerating the importance of Rafales?are the jets which pak has now are good enough to fight rafales?
Please keep your answers confined to technicalities only..no trolling or india bashing plz
If you want a short & precise answer it is a one word answer & that answer is "no". Rafale gives IAF nothing new. Rafale is just a jet like any other jet just like Boeing 747 or any civilian jet.

What matters here is what teeth it has & those will make the difference. If you consider agility of Rafale I can assure you that Rafale is less agile from Su30 MKI which India already had but did agility brought any difference in February 2019? no there is no role played by agility on the wider prospect as Jets painted each other from far.

So if you are thinking about comparing then things you need to compare is SD10 AIM 120 with Meteor
You need to compare Exocet with Harpoon & Exocet & C 602, So it is a very different situation then what normal Indians are viewing it as.

Indians talk highly of Meteor but have you ever compared it with SD10 or PL12? that is what will bring you answers.
It's a great fighter jet, one of the best 4.5 gen fighters. But India needs more than 36, 5 won't make a difference. Indians are treating this like a Bollywood and I would caution against that.

India's strategic thinking is run by monkeys, you have different aircraft in your fleet, integration is going to be a big problem. The Rafales won't be able to talk to your outdated Mirages, Su-30s, and all your Russian equipment.

The USA does not want to sell India equipment because most of your systems are Russian.

But then again India has been a joke for such a long time, now they have become even more of a joke, every country just pays lip service to India.

And if you notice most countries just repeat the same old platitudes like, India is a great democracy, rule of law, blah blah blah.

And Indians somehow seem to think that is a great thing. I have been to India in 2018, and trust me India is going nowhere.

Sorry to say this, but India has a disgraceful education system, your public health is a disgrace, other than a few private hospitals where if you are rich and can afford it it's ok.

Your infrastructure is falling apart, other than a few small pockets in Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore the rest of the country is a disgrace.

India does not even have toilets, people defecating in the streets or the railway tracks, spitting, etc, I don't know if that has changed in the 2 years since I was last there.

India wanted all these companies to invest in India, but lots of investment is going to Vietnam, Bangladesh, etc, there is so much red tape, corruption, crumbling infrastructure, retrospective taxes, don't think many would invest in India.

Yes, Google, Foxconn, etc are investing in India but its a well-known fact your PM is getting kickbacks from Ambani, etc, we will see how long it will take for these companies to give up and pull out.

I am sorry I have been so negative, but from my point of view, that is how it is in India. Not going to lie about it.
The deal - from start to finish

  • 2001: India decides to buy 126 fighter jets to strengthen its air force

  • 2007: Tenders are issued

  • 2008: Companies such as America's Boeing, Russia's United Aircraft Corporation, Sweden's Saab and France's Dassault put in bids

  • 2012: Dassault, which submitted the lowest bid, is shortlisted

  • 2014: The deal is put on hold as the BJP's Narendra Modi becomes PM

  • 2015: During his visit to France, Mr Modi announces India's decision to buy 36 "ready to fly" Rafale jets

  • 2016: A deal is finalised to buy the 36 jets
India took 20 years to finally get the first delivery of the aircraft at only 25% of the original acquisition tender size. Their procurement process and military/gov corruption is an absolute joke.
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The only benefit India has now is that IAF Rafale can talk with the sensors of P8A. Before that the pilot had to be verbally told through an operator what P8A sensors were saying. Do you remember the female radio operator who was communicating with Abhinandan in 2019? now you can fire her from job.
IAF focused last decade mostly on helos and airlift capability,as fighter situation dwindled due to UPA and its own lethargy regarding tejas .
We don't take j20 seriously because its a so called stealth fighter with open engines and canards,and we easily detected it on su-30mki radar over tibet.So what stealth aircraft is this?
And J-20 can detect your MKI which has huge RCS of 15m square and J-20 has much less RCS than you RAPTOR OF THE EAST MKI .00001 m square
Which aircraft is J 20 ... I think you have Mirages , F-16 , Jf 17 , Mirage 3 and F 7 , never heard Pakistan has J 20 .
And J-20 can detect your MKI which has huge RCS of 15m square and J-20 has much less RCS than you RAPTOR OF THE EAST MKI .00001 m square
Which aircraft is J 20 ... I think you have Mirages , F-16 , Jf 17 , Mirage 3 and F 7 , never heard Pakistan has J 20 .
I talking to your countryman @kongn who thinks J-20 is not a stealth jet, and all of our fighter jets has much less RCS than your MKI/Mig-29 (1m2)
If you want a short & precise answer it is a one word answer & that answer is "no". Rafale gives IAF nothing new. Rafale is just a jet like any other jet just like Boeing 747 or any civilian jet.

What matters here is what teeth it has & those will make the difference. If you consider agility of Rafale I can assure you that Rafale is less agile from Su30 MKI which India already had but did agility brought any difference in February 2019? no there is no role played by agility on the wider prospect as Jets painted each other from far.

So if you are thinking about comparing then things you need to compare is SD10 AIM 120 with Meteor
You need to compare Exocet with Harpoon & Exocet & C 602, So it is a very different situation then what normal Indians are viewing it as.

Indians talk highly of Meteor but have you ever compared it with SD10 or PL12? that is what will bring you answers.
So we wasted a ton of money for nothing then.. You also claimed that the MKIs cannot carry jammers since they also jam the radar of the MKI carrying it. So we are only left with MIG21s and Mirages. The LCAs need a trailer to move around so we remain screwed!
So we wasted a ton of money for nothing then.. You also claimed that the MKIs cannot carry jammers since they also jam the radar of the MKI carrying it. So we are only left with MIG21s and Mirages. The LCAs need a trailer to move around so we remain screwed!
No that not the point IAF showed bad tactics on 26/27 against PAF that's the whole point
Oh gotcha so defending China but how you know about the features of Chinese jet without having it ???
I talking to your countryman @kongn who thinks J-20 is not a stealth jet, and all of our fighter jets has much less RCS than your MKI/Mig-29 (1m2)
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