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Featured Would having Rafale on Feb 27, 2019 made any difference?

AMCA is going to be a dabba and money pit , with exposed engines it will be easily deducted and no info about the sensor fusion , you think even Russia failed to develop a stealth fighter and India will develop one .

HAL struggled with a basic 4th Gen fighter not sure with what kind of magic they will develop a stealth fighter

In India 's case LCA MK 2 is best option .......
Don't divert the topic with me tell me why most of developing and developed countries trying to build stealth jets that's included you
How can we use pl-15 from jf-17 block 3 pl-15 range 200 to 300 km and jf-17 block 3 radar has range of 170 without AWACS jf-17 can't track the enemy:sniper: after 170 km.
For 5m2 its has a range of 170 km for bigger RCS targets like AWACS/tanker aircraft it has a longer range and pl15 have a max range of 150 to 200 km not 300 km
It would not have mattered, because we never expected a response. IAF would have never thought that they will have to use Rafale. It was element of surprise which mattered. Even Su-30 is formidable fighter.

You were going to bomb your opponent but did not factor in the retaliation.

Allah (swt) have some mercy on these low IQ Indians.

It would not have mattered, because we never expected a response. IAF would have never thought that they will have to use Rafale. It was element of surprise which mattered. Even Su-30 is formidable fighter.

SU-30 is Formidable by carrying a missile which is simply outraged by the opponents.

Delusional Indians at best.

You were going to bomb your opponent but did not factor in the retaliation.

Allah (swt) have some mercy on these low IQ Indians.

SU-30 is Formidable by carrying a missile which is simply outraged by the opponents.

Delusional Indians at best.

Low IQ Indian comment by a gawar ****. Most top companies CEOs are from India. A maddrassa chap will barely know the difference.
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Your probably the only Indian that understands this and we’ve tried and failed many times to explain to these other kids.
i work in usa in large aviation industry involve with airlines and manufacturing i found most stupid and lazy workers are Indian origin
It is probably true because of superior numbers of Indian workers compared to others.
It would not have made a huge difference because IAF was completely taken by surprise at the size of the invading package. There weren't enough assets available to immediately respond to the 30 fighter PAF airspace violation. If IAF was well prepared and responded in even greater numbers, the operation would have very different outcomes. So the question is not about superiority of assets but about preparedness. BVR range matters only for the initial contact, but the odds anywhere are bad when so heavily outnumbered.
... PAF cant really face 260 MKIs in a war,bulk of it will be decimated within 72 hours,though we will take losses. ....

Indian Air Force lost the air battle last year to Pakistani Air Force.

Indian Air Force is so pathetic that the Hindu Extremist PM Narendra Modi had to admit, "agar Rafale hota to yeh na hota" after receiving the Pakistani beating. That's how pathetic Indian Air Force is despite havimg 230+ Su-30 MKIs.

Over a year later, IAF is still incapable of threatening Pakistan. Still shaking with fear.

When is darpoke Indian Air Force going to reclaim it's honour.
How can we use pl-15 from jf-17 block 3 pl-15 range 200 to 300 km and jf-17 block 3 radar has range of 170 without AWACS jf-17 can't track the enemy:sniper: after 170 km.

I dont think anyone knows the precise range of PL15 or detection range of JF17 radar. In any case, regardless of range of the missile itself, JF17s can still employ them - its just that the max range may be limited to JF17s radar detection range. Its also possible that via datalink, the PL15 may be fired by JF17 but guided by AWACs. Until we get more info on the PL15 and JF17 radar, we can only make a reasonable guess.

Similarly, I very much doubt that the Rafale will detect the JF17 or F16 at Meteror's max range.
I am seeing all this hype around Rafale on our national and regional TV news channels today...I am not an expert in military affairs.
I would like to know from experts here(pak or indian) that would Rafales have made a difference on feb 27 last year when pak jets entered india?would pak have dared to enter indian air space had we had rafales back then?
Would Rafales have succeeded in downing pakistani jets?Are we over exaggerating the importance of Rafales?are the jets which pak has now are good enough to fight rafales?
Please keep your answers confined to technicalities only..no trolling or india bashing plz
Rafales or no Rafales, your pilots could have inflicted heavy blow with the kind of assets you have other than Rafales.
It all comes down to how effectively you use the assets. There's another problem and that is integration of your systems originating from countries.
For example, had it been Russia operating su 30s with all the Russian support systems, it would have proved a difficult day for Pakistan Air Force.
Joke is on you Gareeb :chilli:
You guys are lucky our RAFALEs didnt bomb you on way home:enjoy:
Oh yaar I know you are joking but how many times will such acquisitions herald Pakistan's end or destruction? Once the Mirage 2000 and Mig-29 were acquired Pakistan was warned. Once you went nuclear, Pakistan was put on notice. Then with the acquisition of MKIs we were told the next best thing to F/A-22 has arrived. The marketing machinery in India went overtime on hyping the Cope India F-15/F-16 massacres at the hands of the IAF MKI and now this.

Have mercy on us. We have been shocked and awed by all the pronouncements and declarations from India, I don't think a war is needed! :-)
Rafales or no Rafales, your pilots could have inflicted heavy blow with the kind of assets you have other than Rafales.
It all comes down to how effectively you use the assets. There's another problem and that is integration of your systems originating from countries.
For example, had it been Russia operating su 30s with all the Russian support systems, it would have proved a difficult day for Pakistan Air Force.


It comes down to what the objective defined by the political arm is.
After all Military is UNDER the state and serves at it's pleasure.

It comes down to what the objective defined by the political arm is.
After all Military is UNDER the state and serves at it's pleasure.

Your full of crap I wish you’d leave join another indian wacko forums

Read what you write. no wonder you never get truth in India if is this the level of stupidity
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