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WOT — A war on Pakistan?


Oct 19, 2008
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WOT — A war on Pakistan?
Fozia Niazi

The newspapers last week reported that the Afghan army’s regular troops have been captured while fighting against Pakistan security forces in guise of Taliban in Swat. Earlier in the Bajaur operation, one of the top commanders of Pakistan security forces told media men during a briefing that Afghan army’s regular troops were fighting in Bajaur using the highly sophisticated arms and weapons that has been in use of NATO forces. This has now been admitted by the Americans themselves that the NATO arms have been slipped to Pakistani Taliban. C J Chivers reported from Kabul on May 24 that insurgents in Afghanistan, fighting from some of the poorest and most remote regions on earth, have managed to maintain an intensive guerrilla war against materially superior US and Afghan forces. Arms and ordnance collected from dead insurgents hint at one possible reason: of 30 rifle magazines recently taken from insurgents’ corpses, at least 17 contained cartridges, or rounds, identical to ammunition that the United States had provided to Afghan government forces. The presence of this ammunition among the dead in the Qurangal Valley near the border with Pakistan , strongly suggests that munitions procured by the Pentagon have leaked from Afghan forces for use against US troops.

American journalist Peter Chamberlin presents a compelling narrative, explaining how CIA planners, in “Operation Enduring Turmoil,” have been busy using some of the Northern Alliance’s most ruthless men, along with a sizeable force of Uzbeks, to destabilize Pakistan’s Federally Administrated Tribal Areas and the North West Frontier Province. Pakistan , Chamberlin writes, is the keystone in an American strategic move that stretches in an arc across the entire Middle East and southern central Asia. President Obama has made a great show of being the man with the hope of “change” in his hand, but in the cold light of day he is readying massive doses of change for the worse. The world was begging for American leadership to undo what the last “mis-leader” has done, but the economic powers that rule America have produced another charlatan bearing nothing more than a nice smile, to bind us to the path of escalation that leads to the Empire’s goal of permanent war. The “war on terror” is much like a movie, in that it was definitely developed according to some sort of script, enormous investments were made in its production, while it waited many years in development. The first step in understanding is realizing that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were not the opening act, neither was the first Trade Center bombing in 1993. The second step in understanding the “war on terror” is accepting the fact that nothing is as it seems; there are no “good guys,” but there are plenty of bad guys, and an unlimited supply of innocents.

The US and its allies cannot wear the white hats in this bad “spaghetti western,” the second act of which is being stage-managed now in Western Pakistan , that is, unless there is no morality. Unless the foundation of the entire American legal system is suddenly without merit, the US also be seen as some of the worst bad guys in this violent international travesty of justice. The third step in understanding the truth about the terror war is to realize that the American government has not been trying to end these two wars, it has been using every means at its disposal to prolong the first two wars while it frantically sought a way to start a third. America is not really losing either war, but it has never had any intentions of winning them either. Obama continues the presidential tradition of deceiving the world about American intentions, present facts backwards—preserving capitalism will not salvage the war effort, but military action is planned, to acquire the means to avert any economic emergency, the resources of the underdeveloped region.

Pakistan is the keystone in an American strategic move that stretches in an arc across the entire Middle East and southern central Asia . If Pakistan is not totally under American control then the plan cannot work. The existence of this plan accounts for the brazenness shown in American actions taken in Pakistan that are in direct contravention of the expressed will of the Pakistani people and their leaders, actions clearly intended to undermine Army and governmental authority. The Obama Administration is expanding the war on the strength of this statement: “to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al-Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and to prevent their return to either country in the future.” Chamberlin says every action that the US government takes in Pakistan and Afghanistan , under the pretense of eliminating al-Qaeda is a fraud. The concept of the “global war on terror” has served as an excuse for turning reality on its head and the implementation of the full war agenda of the radical American right wing. Bin Laden’s organization, “World Islamic Front for Jihad” is a spent force. In a war based entirely on manufactured delusions, the allied nations took a small expeditionary force of mercenaries and the amplifying device of the corporate media and created the illusion of al-Qaeda. The Muslim and Arab militants used in the attacks blamed on them throughout the world were military/intelligence agency assets, “patsies” to take the fall for a series of attacks upon American interests. The corporate masters of America ordered their secret “al-Qaeda” army, compromised mostly of retired military and intelligence officers, to initiate a series of well-timed and expertly advertised attacks.

This successful application of the “strategy of tension” had the desired effect of deceiving the democratic masses into giving the government permission to start World War-III. The great production, “the war on terror,” is the largest, most ambitious construction project in history, the construction of the world’s biggest inter-continental oil and gas pipeline system, with the lion’s share of it working its way towards the ports of Israel. The war in ****** is based on multiple deceptions by numerous interested parties. The US brashly demands that Pakistan give-up its deceptions concerning the Taliban, in order to defend the central US deception, that al-Qaeda is a potent international organization of terrorists, that is locked in a war to the death with the US military. The war that Pakistan has been forced to fight against them is a “detoxification” operation, to destroy the noxious weeds that have been transplanted into the fertile soil of the Frontier Region. It has become apparent that regardless of what the Pakistani Army does, a major war escalation has been scheduled by the American military, beginning in June. The planned “surge” of possibly 24,000 troops, is just the start. The present commander of US forces in Afghanistan is being replaced with a specialist in counterinsurgency strategy, Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal. Reports on the Pentagon website InsideDefense.com,, reveal that a major “irregular warfare” air capability will be called on in June. Pakistan’s leaders continue to go through this painfully slow dance to the death with their American employers, disrupting life in the tribal regions, pretending to be locked in to a battle to the death with a few thousand militants, while they prepare an all too real escalation of Obama/Bush’s war, all for the sake of maintaining the greater illusion of fighting al-Qaeda. Pakistan ’s leaders are playing a very deadly game here with Obama, betting the survival of their precious nation that the US warlords will blink first.

In order to gain access to the promised PEACE funds, Pakistan is ready to jump through any hoop. “PEACE” is a restraining pay-off, designed by full-time “friend of Israel ” US Congressman, Howard Berman. His bill binds Pakistan to cut its own throat, by opening a full-scale civil war in its western regions, while simultaneously surrendering to India ’s good intentions in the east, in exchange for billions. Israeli watchdog Berman is once again carrying water for the Zionist state, by enforcing the nuts and bolts of the public relations “course change” spelled-out recently by radical new spokesman Avigdor Lieberman. Lieberman’s opinion, that “ Pakistan is the greatest threat to the world,” is way out of character for Israel .

Intensive US actions will begin in Pakistan next month, one way or another. Even if, by some miracle, Pakistan stood-up for its citizens and refused the PEACE pay-off, American military actions will be triggered when the Pakistani Army either fails to ignite civil war in S. Waziristan or fails to convince US leaders that they are sincerely locked in a land struggle to eliminate the Pakistani Taliban. The generals will not be able to fool American satellites without totally destroying the area under surveillance. Is this the process that is underway now in Buner and Swat, the leveling of the communities for the sake of the show?
looks like the US and NATO forces will never going to leave this region...if this holds true(only time can tell)... the dream of permanent stability goes in to Coffine....coz if Russia suceeded to build its oil fed economy well then ... it might happen tht this region become hot bed for Power Struggle in South Asia.
i think it is better to merge this thread with the ongoing thread "is the US at war with pakistan" in the military and world affirs watch.

i think it is better to merge this thread with the ongoing thread "is the US at war with pakistan" in the military and world affirs watch.


Pakistan is at war with US and its allies , there is no doubt about it in minds of Patriotic Pakistani but we will teach them leason for their aggression.

Pakistan is nation of 160 million warriors , they know how to defend their pride and prestige.
Pakistan is at war with US and its allies , there is no doubt about it in minds of Patriotic Pakistani but we will teach them leason for their aggression.

Pakistan is nation of 160 million warriors , they know how to defend their pride and prestige.

my dear friend, i respect your patriotism and feelings and i feel the same, since i am a pakistani too and am proud of it.:pakistan:

you might have understood me wrongly, i was just asking to merge the 2 threads since both were discussing the same topic.


Right!! US will not leave the region any soon.; They are infact deploying more troops
my dear friend, i respect your patriotism and feelings and i feel the same, since i am a pakistani too and am proud of it.:pakistan:

you might have understood me wrongly, i was just asking to merge the 2 threads since both were discussing the same topic.



I think article is very usefull to understand that WOT is actually war on Pakistan not pakistan's war.

Western media is injecting sweet poision in young brains of Pakistanis and same time we are facing extreme reaction of few Pakistanis militants groups againt western(US) aggression.

We need to protect our faith ,values and national pride at any cost.
Right!! US will not leave the region any soon.; They are infact deploying more troops

They dont know the fact that Jihad is best profession selected by Allah for muslim , we are ready for any US aggression inside Pakistan .

Russian and Indians already tested our nation , i dont think US will have courage to challenge nuke powered nation.

They will attack us through back door which they are doing by buying our leadership.
Right now the aggression is by these so called "jihadis" who are busy killing innocent pakistanis. They began this war by murdering hundreds of tribal elders in FATA and countless security personal and innocent pakistanis. This TTP (Takfiri-Taliban-i-Pagals) will pay for each murder inshallah.
Right now the aggression is by these so called "jihadis" who are busy killing innocent pakistanis. They began this war by murdering hundreds of tribal elders in FATA and countless security personal and innocent pakistanis. This TTP (Takfiri-Taliban-i-Pagals) will pay for each murder inshallah.

Agreed TTP is fullfilling US agenda to creat mess inside Pakistan.

Pakistanis are against GOP policies in favour of US, they should protest peacefully.
Agreed TTP is fullfilling US agenda to creat mess inside Pakistan.

Pakistanis are against GOP policies in favour of US, they should protest peacefully.
No, TTP is fulfilling jamati and jihadi agenda as they still can't come to grips with the fact that baitullah mehsud is killed not shaheed. Pakistanis are in favor of all polices that results in the TTP terrorists getting blown up.

Don't be obsessive and try to stick America into everything.
No, TTP is fulfilling jamati and jihadi agenda as they still can't come to grips with the fact that baitullah mehsud is killed not shaheed. Pakistanis are in favor of all polices that results in the TTP terrorists getting blown up.

Don't be obsessive and try to stick America into everything.

i dont know TTP is fulfilling anybodys agenda or not but if you look this whole senario with a broader imagination ( i mean geographical location and neighbouring countries of afghanistan, who is friend/enemy of who etc), you will be able to see the reason of US sending more trops to afghanistan, india s involvemnet in iran and afghanistan.

pakistan is right now surrounded from 3 sides by india, US (third is the sea). on the other side US major concern is china and china has border with india and on the other side US has their strong allies (japan, south korea).

furthermore, pakistan is at war with TTP which definitely has some support from some where (otherwise how can they get all their weapons/training etc).

iran is right now under pressure from US and EU and they will increase this pressure on iran until and unless they stop their nuclear programme or announce their nuclear capability.

i think pakistan is not at direct war with US at the moment but it is a very crucial time for pakistan because we are right now facing TTP on one side and we have to face US pressure for WOT and on the other side India which is an ally of US and getting all the support they want from US.

i may be wrong in what i said above and i really hope that i am wrong in my imagination but this is what i see. The WOT is actually (looks like) developing a war on pakistan.

lastly, i am not a protaliban person and i hate them and their ideoalogy Inshallah, our forces will teach them a proper lesson and clear our homeland from them once and for all.


Hmnnnn, sounds interesting..... :cheers:

---------- Post added at 09:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 AM ----------

well well well.... :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
Well thats what it ought to have meant from the beginning.

Look around the world anywhere, all the terrorists attacks in the past whole decade;all; have sources/blessings/roots in Pakisan - beyond doubt, well proven; universally accepted. Agreed? Pakistan - an ally in WOT was a big joke in the first place (to Indians atleast who have been crying since last 3 decades (1989) about the state sponsorship of terrorism by Pakistan)

Now curse me, hate me, curse the hindus, christians, jews, arabs, Indians, US everybody; all but a second of honest and sincere introspection for Mr. Zaid Hamid is thy lord.
Well thats what it ought to have meant from the beginning.

Now curse me, hate me, curse the hindus, christians, jews, arabs, Indians, US everybody; all but a second of honest and sincere introspection for Mr. Zaid Hamid is thy lord.

please relax, no body is cursing no one my friend, we were just discussing the senario and strategies different countries might be using in this part of the world.

by the way who is mr. zaid hamid? i have heard about him a lot but who he actually is? my imagination is that he is (may be) a journalist or compare on a TV channel but i have never seen any of his programmes. i hope he is as good as i have heard.


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