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WOT — A war on Pakistan?

Russian and Indians already tested our nation
plz give me the answer why us,india,russia,afganistan,isrial,britain,aus,
kanada...........etc are testing only your country???????
No, TTP is fulfilling jamati and jihadi agenda as they still can't come to grips with the fact that baitullah mehsud is killed not shaheed. Pakistanis are in favor of all polices that results in the TTP terrorists getting blown up.

Don't be obsessive and try to stick America into everything.

US and Jamati agenda is same dont you know?
plz give me the answer why us,india,russia,afganistan,isrial,britain,aus,
kanada...........etc are testing only your country???????

War between Iman and Kufar is main cause of conflict .Pakistan is red marked by Zoinist controlling US economy and war machine.

by the way who is mr. zaid hamid? i have heard about him a lot but who he actually is? my imagination is that he is (may be) a journalist or compare on a TV channel but i have never seen any of his programmes. i hope he is as good as i have heard.



Zaid Hamid is not Journalist neihter a scholar .He is defence analyst and has its own think tank(Pakistan 1 ishq aur junoon).he has charismatic personality .he is fearless and has deep insight look of threat 2 pakistan.If u wanna sum more abt him ask any Indian .hehehehe.

Zaid Hamid is not Journalist neihter a scholar .He is defence analyst and has its own think tank(Pakistan 1 ishq aur junoon).he has charismatic personality .he is fearless and has deep insight look of threat 2 pakistan.If u wanna sum more abt him ask any Indian .hehehehe.

But he is for Media. He must be highest paid guest by any Media in Pakistan.
Well thats what it ought to have meant from the beginning.

Look around the world anywhere, all the terrorists attacks in the past whole decade;all; have sources/blessings/roots in Pakisan - beyond doubt, well proven; universally accepted. Agreed? Pakistan - an ally in WOT was a big joke in the first place (to Indians atleast who have been crying since last 3 decades (1989) about the state sponsorship of terrorism by Pakistan)

Now curse me, hate me, curse the hindus, christians, jews, arabs, Indians, US everybody; all but a second of honest and sincere introspection for Mr. Zaid Hamid is thy lord.

Any thought on Samjhoota Express, Insurgencies of Nexalites, Minipur etc, Mr. All Knowing?
non muslim dont know about kalma so they have kufar i think
so u hate him,
thats the main reason of war between muslim country pakistan
and other countries ... am i right?

First of all, any Islamic state could only give fatwa for jihad or Holy war , Pakistan is islamic democratic country so there is no question of war with other non muslim coutries .Our government cant issue any fatwa of war?
But he is for Media. He must be highest paid guest by any Media in Pakistan.

Do n t forget your what coming from your side . Indian chief of army staff recently made appearance on media accuse Pakistan of exciding nuke beyond its defense capability.

Start listening from 2:45
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The writer as well as most pakistanis are beating the brush after the snake has left---this analysis should have happened when u s was deciding to attack afghanistan---when the al qaeda was on the run in tora bora---when the al qaeda had no place to hide---.

That was the time for pakistan to wake up out of its slumber and understand the significance of the on slaught and the consequences of lethargic play.

The writing was on the wall---everybody could read what was coming for the pakistanis---but tragically, the only illeterate in the gathering was pakistan, who could neither comprehend the developing scenario---nor could it decipher the change that was in the making---the firestorm was there for everybody to see---the pakistani attitude was of totally non-challant. Slogansd of being not afraid to die---will lay down our lives became the sound of the empty drum when the suicide bombers struck right in the heart and soul of the nation

Where pakistan is today----it is nobody's fault except for pakistan and pakistanis fault alone---pakistanis can blame anyone in whatsoever manner they choose to---but they must never forget---that they had all the time and oppurtunity in the world to milk the cow that had wandered into their backyard and collect the eggs of the goose that laid the golden egg. The pakistanis shat in the milk---and squandered away the bullion.

The total lack of common sense amongst the average pakistani was stunning----the lack of understanding the scenario by the pakistani elite was mind boggling---the millitary imbalance that was being created between pakistan and india and its consequences during the first 4 years of afghan war---pakistanis had no clue and no comprehension to what and where that scenario would lead to.

Pak intelligence services and pak foreign office were pretty much at sleep at the helm during that time---just like a newly wedded bride---all awash in the ecstasy of the moment.

The writer as well as most pakistanis are beating the brush after the snake has left---this analysis should have happened when u s was deciding to attack afghanistan---when the al qaeda was on the run in tora bora---when the al qaeda had no place to hide---.

That was the time for pakistan to wake up out of its slumber and understand the significance of the on slaught and the consequences of lethargic play.

The writing was on the wall---everybody could read what was coming for the pakistanis---but tragically, the only illeterate in the gathering was pakistan, who could neither comprehend the developing scenario---nor could it decipher the change that was in the making---the firestorm was there for everybody to see---the pakistani attitude was of totally non-challant. Slogansd of being not afraid to die---will lay down our lives became the sound of the empty drum when the suicide bombers struck right in the heart and soul of the nation

Where pakistan is today----it is nobody's fault except for pakistan and pakistanis fault alone---pakistanis can blame anyone in whatsoever manner they choose to---but they must never forget---that they had all the time and oppurtunity in the world to milk the cow that had wandered into their backyard and collect the eggs of the goose that laid the golden egg. The pakistanis shat in the milk---and squandered away the bullion.

The total lack of common sense amongst the average pakistani was stunning----the lack of understanding the scenario by the pakistani elite was mind boggling---the millitary imbalance that was being created between pakistan and india and its consequences during the first 4 years of afghan war---pakistanis had no clue and no comprehension to what and where that scenario would lead to.

Pak intelligence services and pak foreign office were pretty much at sleep at the helm during that time---just like a newly wedded bride---all awash in the ecstasy of the moment.

very well said. we were a stable country 'nd therefore we had to think 1000 times before deciding to help usa or whoever in order to stay stable. usa kissi ka nahin hota. yeh baat humein ab samajhna chahiye.

It was not a problem joing the u s. There was no way out of it other than being obliterated---the issue is that once we joined the effort---we forgot about the time restraints---and the to do things---.

Time restraint means that we needed to do a PRENUPTUAL agreement with the u s---we failed----then our next condition would have been to get the needed equipment supplied on a war footings---we missed that as well---we were supposed to apprehend the al qaeda escaping from afghanistan---we bungled that project as well.

We should have realized that india is going to act fast and furious---against us and will cause a rift between us and the u s of a---we bungled on that front as well.

We could have had smooth sailing all through accept for a few bumps here and there---but we chose to stumble---fall on our face---crawl on our knees----that is what the issue is---other than that---everything else is hunky dory.
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