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Worried Indian Army Witnessing Huge PLA Build up on LAC with Massive Live Fire Exercises Nearby

Beware of the Nuclear tipped lathis.
And they are waiting to be nuke and will not retaliate with same:p::sick::enjoy:

SCREW bravado ……….. The Chinease look VERY WELL EQUIPPED .. way better prepared and so much modern technology.

Poor Indians all I see TATA trucks conveys of them.

The Chinease have IFV APC rocker MBRL long range missles. stealth fighters Drones.

ITS like a 21ST CENTURY military against a 1950S MILITARY

WE screwed if bullet fly .

The chinease will launch their 400km MBRL to devastate air fields and foreward bunkers .
Chinease will launch Cyber warefare and jam our radars & Comms
Air raids from J10 and J11 to knock out air force.

THE ARMOURED thrusts and PARAS to take more land

OUR boys will be sitting ducks in trenchs

I SEE desert storm agsin


We are in trouble
are you trolling yourself (i mean India):lol::rofl:
I never implied what you are implying- All I am saying in my opinion is China is just projecting power but really dont have the appetite for war- So hence a paper Tiger!
China is one of the most peaceful nation on earth, and do you think that war is that easy for both countries, there lots of international pressure on both countries to stop these incident on LAC
2 nukes will be enough. Pl stay away from Beijing and Shanghai in the next 15 days. Regards.

As i wrote, war is inevitable this time. Lets see the mettle of Chinese video games soldiers once the bombs start falling.
And they are not retaliate with their own nukes and waiting to be nuked, what about Delhi/Mumbai will become nuclear wasteland, kid how old are you
The world will probably cheer if India flattens chinese cities with a few nukes. Viruses don't survive nuclear radiation , so we are doung the world a favor nipping potential pandemics in the bud.
And they are waiting to be nuked and will not reply with their own nukes on India, kid how old are you???o_O:what::undecided:
There will be no war.

Chinese have acquired new territory and the game is over. Your government will silently put a lid on the situation. The media will be silenced too. That will be the new Status Quo.
I am not being frivolous. China has miscalculated and is trying its propaganda tricks now. But the IA is in no mood to let this go. Either Chinese lose face and revert to may positions or India will act.
Not being nationalistic , the mood and Intent here is different this time.

Something like the kargil mood when Indians felt backstabbed after vajpayees visit.
there lots of international pressure on both countries to stop these incident on LAC
the facts are the exact opposite, i.e there is pressure on bharat to go to war against either Pakistan or China but to the credit of some wise bharati they are resisting
I am not being frivolous. China has miscalculated and is trying its propaganda tricks now. But the IA is in no mood to let this go. Either Chinese lose face and revert to may positions or India will act.
Not being nationalistic , the mood and Intent here is different this time.

You are scared but it is ok.
USA will rush to your aid no wait Russia will.
Oh no bhais where u......
You are scared but it is ok.
USA will rush to your aid no wait Russia will.
Oh no bhais where u......
No reply for false flags

China is one of the most peaceful nation on earth, and do you think that war is that easy for both countries, there lots of international pressure on both countries to stop these incident on LAC
Its not this isolated incident during a global pandemic but its being building up. China is a bully , which understands only the language the Americans use. Its not as if India went looking for trouble, so no need to equate. China is exploiting a bad time to nibble at territory and has as i wrote miscalculated this time. No moral equalance at all.
You are scared but it is ok.
USA will rush to your aid no wait Russia will.
Oh no bhais where u......

1971 , 93000 Pakistani soormas. 14 days.
Last year

Its not this isolated incident during a global pandemic but its being building up. China is a bully , which understands only the language the Americans use. Its not as if India went looking for trouble, so no need to equate. China is exploiting a bad time to nibble at territory and has as i wrote miscalculated this time. No moral equalance at all.
Its a conspiracy theory, there is lots of conspiracy theories on the pandemic one of them this virus originate in military labs in USA and spread by US military personals in wuhan just before 2-3 month when its started in whuhan
India should be scared. They are facing a superpower and another nuclear power. Its a nightmare for India.

Ouch. That was brutal lol.
I think I hurt his feelings :lol:
Its a conspiracy theory, there is lots of conspiracy theories on the pandemic one of them this virus originate in military labs in USA and spread by US military personals in wuhan just before 2-3 month when its started in whuhan
What theory ? I said China is exploiting a pandemic to forward its territorial claims. Not that the Chinese released the virus deliberately.
What theory ? I said China is exploiting a pandemic to forward its territorial claims. Not that the Chinese released the virus deliberately.
and why you thinks any valid reasons and you're nobody to put a stupid verdict like this

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