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Worldview: Obama's new plan: Closer ties to Pakistani military


Apr 24, 2007
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Worldview: Obama's new plan: Closer ties to Pakistani military

By Trudy Rubin

Inquirer Opinion Columnist

As President Obama promotes his new plan for Afghanistan and Pakistan, there's a little-noticed part of the strategy that draws on psychology more than bullets. It involves an effort by Joint Chiefs chairman Adm. Mike Mullen, CENTCOM commander Gen. David Petraeus, and other top U.S. officials to establish closer ties with the heads of Pakistan's military and intelligence establishments.

Obama's strategy focuses in on Pakistan, a nuclear-armed state, where al-Qaeda and other jihadis have established havens along the Afghan border. There is much skepticism in Washington about whether Pakistan's army or Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) agency is willing to take on key jihadi groups that they view as a hedge against India.

Mullen is hoping to change that mind-set. He says he believes an essential step is rebuilding close ties with Pakistani counterparts. Those ties were breached after Congress cut off military cooperation in 1990 and imposed sanctions eight years later, due to Pakistan's pursuit of nuclear weapons. Cooperation resumed after 9/11; but Washington's history of hot-and-cold attention has left a legacy of mistrust.

Mullen has pushed for a comprehensive and long-term approach to Pakistan, in which civilian aid and closer military ties are central. "Pakistan is absolutely critical in this region," Mullen told me in an interview at the Pentagon. "One of my strategic objectives is to close this gap in the relationship with the Pakistani military."

So Mullen has met repeatedly in recent months with Pakistani army chief Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, and with the ISI chief Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha. Petraeus, too, has held long discussions with Kayani into the wee hours, and CIA chief Leon Panetta just traveled to Islamabad to talk with Pasha. Meantime, Richard Holbrooke, Obama's special emissary, is promoting behind-the-scenes efforts to ease Pakistani-Indian tensions.

The goal is to develop trust by listening to Pakistani concerns - and talking about U.S. worries. A prime example: whether the Pakistani army - whose doctrine focuses on land war against India - needs more training in how to conduct operations against the militants.

Mullen says he has been "brutally frank" with his Pakistani counterparts and "they with me, particularly Kayani."

So far, however, Kayani has been reluctant to accept more U.S. trainers in Pakistan. "Actually, he has been open and supportive . . . to more training," Mullen says, "but we have to balance the ability to do this with what is acceptable in his own country. There's tremendous sensitivity to the U.S. footprint in Pakistan."

There has been "a very gradual, relatively small increase" in trainers for the Frontier Corps, a paramilitary force that polices the frontier with Afghanistan. "They've got new equipment, we're doing training with them that's starting to have an effect. So I have confidence this can be done, but I also know we are in the early stages," Mullen says. More Pakistani officers are coming to the United States - about a hundred mid-grade officers have passed through a program at National Defense University.

Another key U.S. concern: Will the ISI cut off its support for militant groups like the Afghan Taliban, which it uses to counter Indian influence in Afghanistan? Taliban leader Mullah Muhammad Omar operates out of Pakistan's Baluchistan region. Or will the ISI end ties with Pakistani terrorists such as the group that recently conducted an outrageous attack in Mumbai, India. The ISI trained such groups in the past to attack Indian targets in Kashmir.

"Do I think the ISI has to change?" Mullen asks rhetorically. "Absolutely. Do I think there are elements of ISI connected to those militant organizations? Absolutely.

"Gen. Kayani and I talk about this. Gen. Pasha and I talk about this, more than once, but it isn't going to happen overnight."

Mullen says he has "complete confidence that the military and civilian leadership in Pakistan recognize the seriousness of their problem with the insurgents." He says that Pasha was "handpicked" by Kayani to change the ISI, and that Kayani has "put some of his best people in key positions in the ISI."

But can Kayani and Pasha change the ISI's culture? "I've led big organizations all my life," says Mullen, "and it takes a fairly significant time to change an organization."

The crunch, of course, is that the Pakistani situation is increasingly urgent. Terrorist attacks have spread across its major cities, and its army seems unable to stop them. U.S. predator attacks may hit some key insurgents, but Pakistani leadership is vital to dismantle the networks.

The best outcome would be a reassertion of control by Pakistan's civilian governmental institutions over the military and ISI. Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has taken a strong antiterrorist stance, and he tried to rein in the ISI early in his administration. But he was too politically weak to do so; he lacks the credibility to rally his public.

The Obama administration should press for speedy approval of a proposed five-year aid package for Pakistan to try to strengthen its civilian institutions. In the meantime, Mullen's effort to build personal relationships is worth trying in an environment with no easy or quick answers. If closer military ties fail to produce results, however, congressional pressure will mount to put conditions on military aid to Pakistan.

As I left Mullen's office, I asked him, "Do you think Kayani and Pasha are capable of facing up to the insurgents?" "Yes, I do," he answered firmly. Then under his breath, he added, "Whether or not they do it is another question."

E-mail Trudy Rubin at trubin@phillynews.com.
US admiral cultivates Pakistani army chief

* Mullen praises General Kayani for taking ‘bold steps’ against Taliban
* Says his relationship with Kayani has been very productive

WASHINGTON: For the United States, much may be riding on an unlikely relationship between America’s highest-ranking military officer and Pakistan’s army chief.

Over cups of tea and the occasional cigar, the avuncular American admiral and the reserved general talk about terrorist threats and sensitive military operations in a region President Barack Obama deems the “central front” in the fight against Al Qaeda.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he has gone out of his way to build a rapport with his Pakistani counterpart, General Ashfaq Kayani, speaking to him regularly and holding 10 face-to-face meetings since November 2007.

“I’m a big believer that the worst time to try to get to know someone is during a crisis, so this constant dialogue I have with General Kayani is vital,” said Mullen, responding to questions from AFP by email.

Although the two come from different worlds – the US admiral is the son of a successful Hollywood publicist and Kayani comes from a working-class family headed by a father who was a non-commissioned officer – a bond of trust has begun to form, Mullen’s spokesman Captain John Kirby said.

The meetings are conducted with few aides and far from public view.

“Typically we meet alone with no note takers,” Mullen said.

Mullen praised Kayani for taking “bold steps” against the Taliban, saying he has moved troops to the Afghan border, cracked down against the Taliban in Bajaur and equipped the paramilitary Frontier Corps in the northwest.

“I believe the relationship I have with General Kayani has been very productive,” he said. “I’ve been encouraged by what he has done and, quite frankly, by what he has not done.”

The admiral said Kayani and the Pakistani government did not allow recent tensions with India over attacks in Mumbai to distract them from “the real struggle they face right now deep inside their borders”.

The American experience with Musharraf serves as a cautionary tale as US officials try to court Kayani.

As recently as 2007, Kayani served as director of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, the spy service at the heart of Western anxiety over Pakistan.

Mullen said he was realistic about his talks with Kayani.

“I’m not saying we take everything at face value – we remain concerned over the degree to which there are still linkages between ISI and the Taliban, for instance – but we have to better appreciate what they are up against in terms of their own troubled past,” he said.

Kayani insists the ISI has washed its hands of the militants and that its influence has been wildly overstated.

“He claims the ISI has been purged of Islamists and the leadership is consciously looking out for people within the organisation who might be undermining the entire anti-terror effort,” said Imtiaz Gul, chair of the Centre for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) in Islamabad.

When talking about Kayani, Mullen refers to the best-selling book “Three Cups of Tea,” by Greg Mortenson, the American rock climber who has dedicated his life to building schools in remote villages along Pakistan’s border.

“It is said in that part of the world, after one cup of tea, you are strangers. After two cups you are friends. And after three cups of tea, you become family,” Mullen said.

“I’d like to believe I am working on at least my second cup of tea with him.”

so this trust which he is tryin to build will last for how many days???? oo ya i know the answer. once they leave afghanistan, we ll recieve a Bouquet of Sanctions from them.
US admiral cultivates Pakistani army chief

* Mullen praises General Kayani for taking ‘bold steps’ against Taliban
* Says his relationship with Kayani has been very productive

WASHINGTON: For the United States, much may be riding on an unlikely relationship between America’s highest-ranking military officer and Pakistan’s army chief.

Over cups of tea and the occasional cigar, the avuncular American admiral and the reserved general talk about terrorist threats and sensitive military operations in a region President Barack Obama deems the “central front” in the fight against Al Qaeda.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he has gone out of his way to build a rapport with his Pakistani counterpart, General Ashfaq Kayani, speaking to him regularly and holding 10 face-to-face meetings since November 2007.

“I’m a big believer that the worst time to try to get to know someone is during a crisis, so this constant dialogue I have with General Kayani is vital,” said Mullen, responding to questions from AFP by email.

Although the two come from different worlds – the US admiral is the son of a successful Hollywood publicist and Kayani comes from a working-class family headed by a father who was a non-commissioned officer – a bond of trust has begun to form, Mullen’s spokesman Captain John Kirby said.

The meetings are conducted with few aides and far from public view.

“Typically we meet alone with no note takers,” Mullen said.

Mullen praised Kayani for taking “bold steps” against the Taliban, saying he has moved troops to the Afghan border, cracked down against the Taliban in Bajaur and equipped the paramilitary Frontier Corps in the northwest.

“I believe the relationship I have with General Kayani has been very productive,” he said. “I’ve been encouraged by what he has done and, quite frankly, by what he has not done.”

The admiral said Kayani and the Pakistani government did not allow recent tensions with India over attacks in Mumbai to distract them from “the real struggle they face right now deep inside their borders”.

The American experience with Musharraf serves as a cautionary tale as US officials try to court Kayani.

As recently as 2007, Kayani served as director of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, the spy service at the heart of Western anxiety over Pakistan.

Mullen said he was realistic about his talks with Kayani.

“I’m not saying we take everything at face value – we remain concerned over the degree to which there are still linkages between ISI and the Taliban, for instance – but we have to better appreciate what they are up against in terms of their own troubled past,” he said.

Kayani insists the ISI has washed its hands of the militants and that its influence has been wildly overstated.

“He claims the ISI has been purged of Islamists and the leadership is consciously looking out for people within the organisation who might be undermining the entire anti-terror effort,” said Imtiaz Gul, chair of the Centre for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) in Islamabad.

When talking about Kayani, Mullen refers to the best-selling book “Three Cups of Tea,” by Greg Mortenson, the American rock climber who has dedicated his life to building schools in remote villages along Pakistan’s border.

“It is said in that part of the world, after one cup of tea, you are strangers. After two cups you are friends. And after three cups of tea, you become family,” Mullen said.

“I’d like to believe I am working on at least my second cup of tea with him.”

Intresting.All Indians who think Kiyani consider Taliban good asset should read this.
I am going off-topic here but....

When talking about Kayani, Mullen refers to the best-selling book “Three Cups of Tea,” by Greg Mortenson, the American rock climber who has dedicated his life to building schools in remote villages along Pakistan’s border.

I think the Govt. of Pakistan should nominate Greg Mortenson for the Nobel Peace Prize for Education.
This way the U.S. can make sure Pakistan remains a
democracy unlike what happened in the past.
Pakistan needs the U.S. to destroy the terrorists as
well as Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
Obama & USA PLAN IS simple.

Instal either a Democratic leader or a Pakistan General who is a USA puppet.

Take overall control of PAK nukes.

Reduce ISI influence on Pakistani military.

Make Pakistan a military designeded to fight insurgency NOT india military.

TO consider USA threats and interests first at the expense of Pakistans namely to accept India has the overwhelming hegmonias power in South ASIA.

" that is obamas Plan for Pakistan "

In other words he is only concerned about USA

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