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World War II: 'India should claim its role in victory of Allied forces'



First Indo-Pak war, 1947- India has more kashmir than Pakistan
Second Indo-Pak war, 1965- India were at outskrit of Lahore when war ended. Canal save Pakistan

Kargil war, 1999,- Pakistan lost 4000 against India's 500 (Nawab Sharif statement)
Why is everyone going on a tangent ?

He means that India ... must seek their share of glory in their contribution towards winning WWII

I would be more proud of them if they had shot their British officers.

Although there is no hostility towards those Brits that stay where they are meant to be.
Why is everyone going on a tangent ?

He means that India , Pak & BD must seek their share of glory in their contribution towards willing WWII

yeh contribution towards something that has resulted in deaths and a biggest hypocrite bullying organization at the end which is suppressing the opperessed nations further.

yes please do claim share in the destruction
Indians trying to re-write their humiliating WWII history...

From Wikipedia...
The Japanese were highly successful in recruiting Indian soldiers taken prisoner. From a total of about 40,000 Indian personnel in Singapore in February 1942, about 30,000 joined the pro-Japanese "Indian National Army", which fought Allied forces in the Burma Campaign

Indophobic chini pervert exercising his maschochistic rituals here


The Collaborationist Chinese Army in the Second Sino-Japanese War went under different names at different times depending on which collaborationist leader or puppet regime it was organized under.
During the Invasion of Manchuria General Xi Qia organized a pro-Japanese secession movement in Kirin at the head of the "New Kirin" Army, and Chang Hai-peng at Taonan in the northwest of Liaoning province organized the Hsingan Reclamation Army. Both forces attempted to defeat the remaining Chinese forces in Heilongjiang province and at Harbin but failed. After the Mukden Incident, the Chinese forces that went over to the Japanese were formed into the army of Manchukuo Imperial Army in early 1932.

Besides if correctly remembered didn't the CCP back then exploit Japanese invasion by attacking weakened KMT
Pakistan should also claim its role in victory as british recruited heavily from present day Pakistan...and the first man to be awarded a victoria cross was also from present day Pakistan and a muslim.

The Role of Muslims Martial Races of TodayÕs Pakistan in British-Indian Army in World War-II*

Columnist Brig (Retd) NOOR A HUSAIN writes about the Muslims in the British Army during World War 2


The British Indian Army during World War II was the largest volunteer army the world has known with long martial traditions going back to the advent of the British in the subcontinent, even earlier. First raised as door keepers and trained bands to guard factories of early merchants, it grew into the army of John Company Bahadur, and subsequently grew into Presidency armies of Bengal, Madras and Bombay in 1795, after the fall of French Pondicherry in 1793. After 1857, the Crown abolished these Presidency Armies and took over their control and reorganisation. For almost 90 years thereafter, after various reorganisations, the British Indian Army distinguished itself in many wars, campaigns, expeditions in India, Asia, Africa, and Europe under the British flag.

The Political Scene in 1939-1940

Since the British Indian Army was a voluntary army, it would be pertinent to briefly recall the political scene in India. When the Second World War broke out in September 1939 and Viceroy Linlithgow announced that India was at war, there were two main political parties in India - the Indian National Congress, led by Mr Gandhi and the All India Muslim League headed by Mr. Jinnah. in 1940 when Great Britain braced herself to face a German invasion and General Weygand told Churchill that BritainÕs neck would be wrung like a chicken in 15 days, Mr Gandhi published an Òopen letterÓ to every BritainÓ Òurging cessation of hostilitiesÓ. He said:

ÒNo cause, however just can warrant the indiscriminate slaughter that is going on minute to minute ... I do not want Britain to be defeated, nor do I want her to be victorious in a trial of brute strength ... I want you to fight Nazism without arms ... I want you to lay down the arms you have as being useless for saving you or humanity. You will invite Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini to take what they want of the countries you call your possessions. Let them take possession of your beautiful island with your many beautiful buildings. You will give all these, but neither your souls nor your minds. If these gentlemen choose to occupy your homes, you will vacate them. If they do not give you free passage out, you will allow yourself, man, woman and child to be slaughtered, but you will refuse to owe allegiance to them ... I am telling His Excellency the Viceroy that my services are at the disposal of His MajestyÕs Government, should they consider them of any practical use in enhancing my appeal....1

On the other hand the sympathies of the All India Muslim League were clearly on the side of the Allies as against the Axis powers.2 Mr. Jinnah had even said that if Britain lost, the Muslims were likely to suffer.3 L.S. Amery, Secretary of State for India in a confidential press briefing emphasized the fact that Òto a large extent IndiaÕs fighting war effort was dependent on Muslim effortÓ4. Churchill emphasized that the British Òmust not on any account break with the Muslims who represented a hundred million people and represented the main army elements on which the British must rely for the immediate fightingÓ5.

The ArmyÕs Expansion

The Indian Army expanded from about 189,000 in October 1939 to 2,500,000 by 1945. In 1939 there were 78 infantry battalions, 20 Gurkha battalions, 18 Cavalry units. The officer strength was 3,000 British; 1,115 Indian. By 1945 these were about 34,500 British, 15,740 Indian officers, of all classes.

The Army took part in campaigns in France, East Africa, North Africa, Syria, Tunisia, Malaya, Burma, Greece, Sicily and Italy. During the war it was organised under one Army Group, four armies, seven Indian Corps, four Armoured Divisions, one Air Borne Division, and twenty three Infantry Divisions. Some of these were lost in Malaya-Singapore, a few re-organised as Lines of Communication Commands in Middle East.

Even before September 1939 troops of the Indian Army were on station duty in Egypt, Palestine, Iraq, Aden, the Gulf, Burma, Malaya and Hong Kong. The first and only units of the Indian Army that took part in the war in France were four animal transport companies of Royal Indian Army Service Corps with the British Expeditionary Force in 1940. While the personnel were evacuated, the gallant horses and mules were undoubtedly given resident status in France were four animal transport companies of Royal Indian Army Service Corps with the British Expeditionary Force in 1940. While the personnel were evacuated the gallant horses and mules were undoubtedly given resident status in France.

The 14th Army in Burma was the single largest army in the world. Its battle front of 700 miles was approximately as long as the Russian front against Germany 6.

The Indian Army suffered the following casualties upto August 1945:

a. Killed - 24,338
b. Wounded - 64,354
c. Missing - 11,754
d. POW - 79,489
Total: 179,935

WriterÕs Note: (In addition approximately 62,507 from b.c.d, above died). 160,000 of the total casualties are commemorated in war cemeteries in fifty countries extending from the Pacific Islands to UK, according to Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

The Indian Army won 31 Victoria Crosses and out of a total of 27 Victoria Crosses awarded for the Burma campaign 20 were personnel of the Indian Army. The total gallantry awards were 4028.8 Four Victoria Crosses were awarded to soldiers and units of present day Pakistan. For V.C. citation of Sepoy Ali Haider see Annexure A.

Composition of the Army - 1940-1947

Annexure B shows the composition of the British Indian Army. It will be noticed that the percentage of Muslims decreased after 1 January 1942 not because of paucity of volunteer recruits but because of Government of India policy, as the demand for Pakistan built up 1940 onwards. But these figures do not represent Muslim races of present day Pakistan only. On the eve of World War II almost 34,000 Punjabi Muslims were in the army (29 per cent) and during World War-II over 380,000 joined (about 14% of the total). No other class came close to these figures: Sikhs: 116,000, Gurkhas: 109,000, Muslims of other classes from UP, Deccan, Madras, Bengal, NWFP, etc 274,000, were recruited during 1939-1945. Muslims as a whole constituted a quarter of the Indian Army as of 1947 9....

Almost 70 per cent of the wartime recruitment was from what became Pakistan had been from the undivided Punjab, 19.5 per cent from NWFP, 2.2 per cent from Sindh, and 0.06 per cent from Baluchistan.10 The three semi-arid districts of Punjab-Rawalpindi, Jhelum, Attock (Campbellpur) and two districts of NWFP-Kohat and Mardan pre-dominated in supplying recruit volunteers in World War II. Today the recruitment base has enlarged. Now ethnic Baluchis, and Bruhis, who were recruited till the middle of the 19th century, and Sindhis are coming into the Pakistan army in large numbers for Baluch and Sind Regiments. Recruitment of Muslim personnel from Jammu and Kashmir were considered under Punjabi Muslims in World War II. Today they have their own Azad Kashmir Regiment.

Some sixty thousand or so Bengali Muslims (former East Pakistan) also served in World War II in pioneer construction roles.

Class Composition - Infantry

During World War II the increase in the combat arms specially infantry was from 96 units to 228 units, excluding Indian State Forces. In Cavalry from 18 to 19 armoured units and artillery from 7 to 61 units. An analysis of the class composition of infantry regiments would be useful. Please see Annexure C. Noteworthy is the fact that as a matter of policy there were no complete Muslim infantry units since 1857, although there were complete Hindu, Sikh, Gurkha infantry units. Based on the recruiting areas, five Punjab regiments (excluding 2 Punjab), the Baluch Regiment, the Frontier Force Regiment and the Frontier Force Rifles i.e, a total of 6 infantry regiments came to Pakistan ArmyÕs share in 1947. Thereafter a Bengal Regiment (till 1971) an Azad Kashmir Regiment and a Sind Regiment have been raised.

Brigadier M. I. Qureshi has very ably covered the role of PakistanÕs Punjab Regiments in Second World War. I will refrain from tautology, and confine my analysis of the roles of the Baluch Regiment, The Frontier Force Regiment and the Frontier Force Rifles only. I regret I am unable to cover the roles of other arms and services that were organised on Òall classÓ basis, except Guides Cavalry. That requires a major effort in sifting of data, not quite available to me.

The Baluch Regiment in World War II

The Baluch Regiment fielded some 16 battalions and 5 Garrison companies. Their awards and decorations collated from names of Muslims totalled: 289, including one Victoria Cross.11 Exact figures of their casualties are not available.

The Frontier Force Regiment in World War II

The Frontier Force Regiment fielded some 12 battalions, 1 Garrison battalion, and 3 Garrison companies. Their awards and decorations, were collated from names of Muslim elements, except those of Mention in Dispatches and Jangi Inams which were collated on 10% of officers and 50% for JCOs and ORs on class composition basis totalled: 458 approximately. Casualties - killed in action, wounded or died from wounds sustained totalled: 2,44312 approximately. These were calculated from total on basis of 10% for officers, 50% for JCOs and ORs on class composition basis.

The Frontier Force Rifles in World War II

The Frontier Force Rifles fielded 15 battalions and 3 Garrison companies.

Awards and decorations, collated by names of Muslim elements totalled 400 including one Victoria Cross, see citation at Annexure A.

Figures of Mention in Despatches and Jangi Inams were collated on basis of 10% for officers, 50% for JCOs and ORs respectively on class composition basis. Casualties - killed in action, wounded or died from wounds sustained totalled, 3,126 13 approximately. These were also collated on 10% for officers, 50% for JCOs and ORs on basis of class composition.


The achievements of the Muslim Martial Races of TodayÕs Pakistan in the British Indian Army in World War II are considerable. Awards and decorations are not always an accurate gauge of their supreme sacrifices. These units, as also Muslims of other arms and services took part in all campaigns in the various theatres in World War II from 1939-1945, and even after the surrender of Japan, in Java, Sumatra and Indo China.

What motivated these youngmen to volunteer, give their lives and suffer captivity and privation, in distant lands? The answer is military traditions, a sense of adventure, a livelihood for as long as they lived, loyalty to their oath and flag, fighting aggression and oppression.

Since 1947, their sons and grandsons have been deterring, defending and defeating aggression against PakistanÕs eastern, northern and western frontiers under the Pakistan flag.

Since the 1960s they have also been serving under the UNO flag in 16 different countries at different times in Asia, Europe, Africa and Central America in peacekeeping, peace-making and peace enforcing roles, keeping alive their glorious traditions of professionalism.

*Paper presented at the International Conference on The British Commonwealth and the Allied War Effort 1939-1945, St. AnthonyÕs College, Oxford, U.K. 6-8 April 1998.


6th Royal Bn 13th Frontier Force Rifles

ÒIn Italy, during the crossing of the River Senio, near Fusignano, in daylight on 9th April, 1945, a Company of the 13th Frontier Force Rifles were ordered to assault the enemy positions strongly dug in on the far bank. These positions had been prepared and improved over many months, and were mainly on the steep flood banks, some 25 feet high.

ÒSepoy Ali Haider was a member of the left-hand Section of the left-hand Platoon. As soon as the Platoon started to cross, it came under heavy and accurate machine-gun like from two enemy posts strongly dug in about 60 yards away. Sepoy Ali HaiderÕs Section suffered casualties and only 3 men, including himself, managed to get across. The remainder of the Company was temporarily held up. Without orders, and on his own initiative, Sepoy Ali Haider, leaving the other two to cover him, charged the nearest post which was about 30 yards away. He threw a grenade and almost at the same time the enemy threw one at him, wounding him severely in the back. In spite of this he kept on and the enemy post was destroyed and four of the enemy surrendered. With utter disregard of his own wounds he continued and charged the next post in which the enemy had one Spandau and three automatics, which were still very active and preventing movement on both banks. He was again wounded, this time in the right leg and the right arm. Although weakened by loss of blood, with great determination Sepoy Ali Haider crawled closer and in a final effort raised himself from the ground, threw a grenade and charged into the second enemy post. Two of the enemy were wounded and the remaining two surrendered.

ÒTaking advantage of the outstanding success of Sepoy Ali HaiderÕs dauntless attacks, the rest of the Company charged across the river and carried out their task of making a bridgehead.

ÒSepoy Ali Haider was picked up and brought back from the second position seriously wounded.

ÒThe conspicuous gallantry, initiative and determination combined with a complete disregard for his own life shown by this very brave Sepoy in the face of heavy odds were an example to the whole Company. His heroism had saved an ugly situation which would - but for his personal bravery - have caused the Battalion a large number of casualties at a critical time and seriously delayed the crossing of the river and the building of a bridge. With the rapid advance which it was possible to make the Battalion captured 3 officers and 217 other ranks and gained their objectives.Ó

- London Gazette, 3rd July, 1945


Jan.1, 1940 Jan.1, 1942 Jan.1, 1945 Feb.1, 1946 Jan. 1, 1947 April 1, 1947 June 1, 1947 July 1, 1947
Muslims Number 92,841 279,507 447,580 402,070 205,820 148,607 138,892 135,268
Percentage 37.518 37.626 32.016 32.405 31.762 32.653 36.189 36.210
Hindus Number 93,132 299,850 649,900 602,320 309,360 210,615 159,783 154,780
Percentage 37.635 40.364 46.488 48.546 47.741 46.278 41.632 41.433
Number 31,797 79,118 94,270 86,350 49,560 38,760 35,550 35,390
Percentage 12.850 10.650 6.740 6.960 7.648 8.517 9.263 9.473
Christians and others Number 2,494 19,715 141,830 68,710 31,700 17,157 17,025 16,382
Percentage 1.007 2.654 10.145 5.538 4.819 3.770 4.436 4.386
Gurkhas Number 27,196 64,681 103,260 81,280 51,560 40,110 32,555 31,750
Percentage 10.990 8.707 7.390 6.550 4.957 8.813 8.482 8.499
247,460 742,871 1,436,840 1,240,730 648,000 455,249 383,805 373,570

Source: India, Annual Return showing the Class Composition of the Indian Army, Indian States Forces, Frontier Corps and Levies, Military Police, Assam Rifles, Burma Frontier Force and Hong Kong-Singapore Royal Artillery on 1st January 1933 to 1940, pp. 126-29, IOR: L/Mil/14/236; Annual Return on 1st January 1942, pp. 186-9, IOR: L/Mil/14/236; GHQ India to War Office, letter, February 21, 1945, March 14, 1946, February 7, 1947, May 7, 1947, July 5, 1947, and July 30, 1947.



Caste Hindus Mussalmans Sikhs Others (including Scheduled Caste
1 Punjab 1/2 1/2 - -
2 Punjab 1/3 1/3 1/3 -
Madras 1/2 1/4 - 1/4
Indian Grenadiers 1/2 1/2 - -
Mahratta Light Infantry 1 - - -
Rajput Rifle 2/3 1/3 - -
Rajput 1/2 1/2 - -
8 Punjab 1/2 1/2 - -
Jat 1/2 1/2 - -
Baluch 1/4 3/4 - -
Sikh - 1/4 3/4 -
Frontier Force Regiment 1/4 1/2 1/4 -
Frontier Force Rifle 1/4 1/2 1/4 -
14 Punjab 1/4 1/2 1/4
15 Punjab 1/4 1/2 1/4 -
16 Punjab 1/3 1/3 1/3 -
Dogra 1 - - -
Ram Garh Rifle 1 - - -
Kumaon 1 - - -
Assam - - - 1
Sikh Light Infantry - - 1 -
Mahar - - - 1
Bihar - - - 1
9 1/3 6 3/4 3 2/3 3 1/4

yeh contribution towards something that has resulted in deaths and a biggest hypocrite bullying organization at the end which is suppressing the opperessed nations further.

yes please do claim share in the destruction

And how many treaties and pacts did your nation sign with the same "biggest hypocrite bullying organization"???

Hypocrisy at its peak displayed here!!
itne jaldi bhool gaye ? wapas nautanki kari toh '71 ki tarah kaat ke rakh denge samjhe ? Bilkul beech mein se !! :lol:

FYI, China became strictly independent only after 1998 when Britishers left Hong Kong. What a pity.. MEGATON FARTS couldn't do jack to a minute island country :woot:

U WISH =)) mere bhai pak ne 1 goli mare begar 800 indian foji mar diya thii =)) ab agar gollii chal geii phir to indian foj e nhi rahe ge =))
U WISH =)) mere bhai pak ne 1 goli mare begar 800 indian foji mar diya thii =)) ab agar gollii chal geii phir to indian foj e nhi rahe ge =))

hahahaahha and when will you understand why didn't they(PA) fire a single bullet ??? :woot:

PA keep firing hundreds of bullets on many check post but at that time didn't fire a single bullet and I hope this explains everything.
PA didn't want war at that time .... guess why ???
They are the true heroes.They fought against the British to liberate their MotherLand.

...With an army that made a sport out of cruelly murdering Indian, Chinese and Singaporean civillians and prisoners of war.

If you believe any "Free India" would be any more like a Japanese exploitation colony in all but name like the rest of the "free countries" in the Co-Prosperity Sphere you are deluding yourself. Democracy goes out the window as well.

Note: I'm not apologising for British rule. The Bengal famine speaks for itself. But between fighting for the Allies against some of the worst regimes in the history of humanity and gaining independence only two years later and being Axis collaborators the choice is clear.
Their intentions were good, but collaborating with Japanese was dangerous thing to do, considering what Japanese had done to China and other nations the occupied.

Beg to differ. It was more than impossible when a leader like Bose was in the front. Perhaps you know the kind of respect Rasbehari Bose and Subhas Bose still get from the WW II japanese veterans.
New Delhi, Oct 31 (ANI): Lt General JFR Jacob (retd.), who is known for the role he played in India's victory in the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971 and the Liberation of Bangladesh, has said that mobility was, is and will be the prime principle of war.

He was speaking at the book launch of eight volumes of 'Official History of Indian Armed Forces In The Second World War 1939-45' at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA).

Recalling the lessons learnt from World War II, Lt Gen Jacob insisted that the role of heavy guns and artillery remain relevant even today. "The role of artillery should not be confined to neutralisation, rather it should be destruction of the enemy," he said.

The book release was followed by a panel discussion, chaired by Lt General Satish Nambiar, who asserted that the contribution of Indian Armed forces during the Second World War has largely gone unnoticed.

The confusion among the ranks of the nationalist movement leaders on the issue of India's participation in the war resulted in poor negotiation when it came to distribution of spoils of war, following Indian soldiers' valiant display at the war, he stated.

The panellists commended the efforts of the publisher in bringing out the eight volumes on the history of Indian forces during the Second World War.

The Panellist also felt that as a rising power, India should create awareness about the tremendous role the Indian army played in the victory of the allied forces.

The volumes have been put together by the History Division of the Ministry of Defence in an attempt to bring to fore the contribution of the Indian forces, which has otherwise remained largely obscure.

The books also highlight how the war expedited the progress of India's Independence from British rule. They go on to describe how the Naval Mutiny and the strength of the professional Indian Army convinced the British that it was best to wisely exit from India in 1947.

The Indian Army's strength, when the war began in 1939, was about 200,000 men and by the end of the war in August 1945, it had become the largest volunteer army in history, rising to over 2.5 million men. These men serving in divisions of infantry, armour and a fledgling airborne force, fought on three continents in Africa, Europe and Asia.

The British appreciated the valour of Indian soldiers during the Second World War with the award of some 4,000 decorations. 29 Indian personnel were awarded the Victoria Cross (VC), while eight were awarded the George Cross (GC). (ANI)

World War II: 'India should claim its role in victory of Allied forces'

You guys provide a comic relief that is beyond any other nation.

India was a colony. It was not even a country then. So how can it claim credit for any role it played in WWII?
Indians trying to re-write their humiliating WWII history...

From Wikipedia...
The Japanese were highly successful in recruiting Indian soldiers taken prisoner. From a total of about 40,000 Indian personnel in Singapore in February 1942, about 30,000 joined the pro-Japanese "Indian National Army", which fought Allied forces in the Burma Campaign

Nothing humilating about it. Too bad you never read much else. Those prisoners saw a way out of their miserable conditions. And considering how much Anti British sentiment had built up, its a no brainer. In fact, the commitment of Indian soldiers was on the conditional compromise based on being granted Independence. Another point, Japan never made it to India coz Indian soldiers made it very difficult for them to reach the Subcontinent. Never forget or rewrite history Chinaman
This is an article about the pride of British colonialism in India. Some people in India is still fond of British colonialism and brag about this glorious history. This r different the from the people that desire white servants. So India is compose of extreme views of people that hates whites and that worship white people, very few has none extreme views.
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