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World War 3

WW3 happens we all get to die, quickly or slowly depending on our location.

But I'm prepared, I have a paper bag guaranteed to protect me from radiation, a shovel to dig me a hole (or Nuclear shelter as I call it) and a carton of milk. What more does one need?:lol:

Actually I would be vaporised straight off from the type of nuke that would probably land around where I live. For me it would be quick if I am at home at the time. To be honest I would rather not know what was coming if nukes were inbound. Why spend the last part of your life with that knowledge.
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imagine the end of mankind and of this beautiful planet...all for satisfying the egos of the powerslaves!
it is inevitable.
very very slowly indeed lol

I think once the population growth is reduced and the divide of wealth between poor and the rich is reduced things will start to go increasingly faster.

i understand ur point but india's neighbor's arent very keen to india
india have picked fights with everyone of its neighbors
and there are many groups in india that are fighting for independence and dont want to be a part of india and if they get some foreign help then their work is kind of paved out for them
b4 u.s. even trys to save india its neighbors will already have begun their actions against it

India have many neighbours, but how many are upto challenging them, except Pakistan and China?
Also, how large are these groups who want to break out (not counting Kashmir), out of Indias 1+billion population, how many are they in %?
Lets say, if peaceful relationship is established then what? If Pakistan and India are not bestfriends today, this does not imply that they will remain like this in the future.

the world's richest man is worth 62 billion and recently the saudi prince just donated 1 billion to the gaza victims like it was worth nothing to them
now imagine how much saudi arabia is worth
now imagine how much all the arab countries put together are worth?
money can do many wonders and the middle east doesnt lack much natural resources if combined
and when it comes to war usually its who ever has better weapons wins [look at isreal for example] and money can defiantly get those weapons [will power does do its magic sometimes]

I understand, ME is full of money. But money alone dont get you far. If lets say ME gets cut of the rest of the world, how much would that money create in example military hardware, education, science, technological innovation? Just combining money brings nothing, you have have a rotating wheel, large amount of population combined with good educational system leads to high skilled population. Just having money is not enough. The money in ME is not distributed inwards in the society either. So purchasing power alone will not get you a title of "superpower".
Thats my thought.

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