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WORLD WAR 3- Role of Asia

And my answer to these equation is -
All these countries which are mentioned above in vs scence are allies of one another.. and In case of Indo- pak War , China will definitely comes into the picture and same thing happen in sino- indo war, To taclke this , Russia or Usa will again support Indian side.
Now same situation in other cases where South korea have good relations with Usa, NK has same level of bond with PRC.

Now for the 4th point again.. your are someow agree on the possibility of ww, while in 5th point I would like to mention, if china and Usa will go for a war, then its impossible for their respective ALLIES. to avoid that situation..And if Iran and Usa will go for a war, So who knows that Iran will get sympathy from NK And China as well as from Arab world.

Well in my view one think is clear that In case of Indo-Pak war China never come in picture..... they can provide hardware but no war ....

I think past wars bw India and Pakistan clear that picture....

And possibility of India China war is almost impossible in my view
cause if you imagine groups of WW so in one group you have to USA with france, Israel, Brazil, UK and in another groups China with Russia ...

And cant fit any of those groups cause both are Indian close friend (France, Israel and Russia)
Well in my view one think is clear that In case of Indo-Pak war China never come in picture..... they can provide hardware but no war ....

I think past wars bw India and Pakistan clear that picture

And possibility of India China war is almost impossible in my view
cause if you imagine groups of WW so in one group you have to USA with france, Israel, Brazil, UK and in another groups China with Russia ...

And cant fit any of those groups cause both are Indian close friend (France, Israel and Russia)

Firstly, Past never guarantees the future.
secondly, Imposible is nothing.
third, If you look at history the groups were made on common intentions as well as personal gains..So who knows what will be the equation.
The man reason of third world war, if it ever happened, would be ECONOMIC DISPARITY among the waring factions. The Clash of Civilization theory of Samuel Hutington urges on religious and cultural lines. But the religion and culture are NOT the deciding factors for WW3. Economy is!

Religion and culture may be a contributing factor sooner than later when WW3 starts, but the initial spark would definitely come from Economic Disparity among waring nations; i.e. Haves and Have Nots.
Only role for Asia in such case : Grave yard/crematorium because it is relatively cheaper in Asia to conduct funerals with wide range of expertise.
some wise ashol once said,
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
Only role for Asia in such case : Grave yard/crematorium because it is relatively cheaper in Asia to conduct funerals with wide range of expertise.

How can you say that Asia will be a grave yard...will Europe conquer the mighty Asian Giants..Please explain??
The man reason of third world war, if it ever happened, would be ECONOMIC DISPARITY among the waring factions. The Clash of Civilization theory of Samuel Hutington urges on religious and cultural lines. But the religion and culture are NOT the deciding factors for WW3. Economy is!

Religion and culture may be a contributing factor sooner than later when WW3 starts, but the initial spark would definitely come from Economic Disparity among waring nations; i.e. Haves and Have Nots.

So , Acoording to you Fighter, The economic disparity will cause the next ww, Will the war be fought among bankrupt and economically prosperous Nations??
So , Acoording to you Fighter, The economic disparity will cause the next ww, Will the war be fought among bankrupt and economically prosperous Nations??

The competition for limited resources,lying primarily with present day developing and under developed countries, would lead to big resentments among nations, in next, say, 30-50 years time.

These resource rich and under developed countries are at present, with huge populations. The demands from the rich nations, for the resources from these countries and from countries of thier influence, would lead to friction on all levels; economic, political, technical etc. and would be evident every where; internet, electronic media, print media etc.

The clash would then be between developed nations and newly developed/developing nations of that time. The rule and influence over the economically weaker nations and thier resources, would be the prize, between the warring factions.

At that time, various points would be raised, as discussed by Samuel Hutington in his CLASH OF CIVILIZATION theory,to validate the claims among warring factions, all to thier respective advantages and in acknowldgement of thier point of views. But the porimary spark would be ECONOMIC DISPARITY and RESOURCES.
I foresee Europe becoming more n more far-right in future and we could someday see re-emergence of Nazi ideology in some shape ... until then WW3 is a figment of imagination but one thing is certain Einstien was right when he said ' WW3 might be fought with super weapons but WW4 for sure will be fought with sticks and stones' ...
I believe the next war in Asia particularly South Asia will be over water.
I believe the next war in Asia particularly South Asia will be over water.

This post by you is second on "WATER WAR".First time, it was by some of Indian mate, but he dint explained..SO...
Sir, can you please share your vies in detail..So that it could be effectively termed as a reason for world war!!

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