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World Top 10 - Oil Reserves Countries


May 26, 2011
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World Top 10 - Oil Reserves Countries

country > Billions of Barrels

  1. Saudi Arabia > 261.8
  2. Canada > 180.0
  3. Iraq > 112.5
  4. U.A.E. > 97.8
  5. Kuwait > 96.5
  6. Iran > 89.7
  7. Venezuela > 77.8
  8. Russia > 60.0
  9. Libya > 29,5
  10. Nigeria > 24.0
You're always up to somekinda top ten list innit? :lol:

Notice how all the countries in the list besides Canada can not be considered first world countries. The curse of the oil :devil:

"Ten years from now, twenty years from now, you will see: oil will bring us ruin … Oil is the Devil’s excrement."

Interesting quote from Venezuelan politician Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo, one of the founders of OPEC.
"Ten years from now, twenty years from now, you will see: oil will bring us ruin … Oil is the Devil’s excrement."

true that...usa is trying to get other country resources...i.e. raid on iraq, afghanistan, libya

USA supports terrorists, groups who works against dominant parties in the countries so that u.s.a can benefit from the conflicts...

i so wish to see USA empire fall just like Russia once super power now tore into pieces...and time will come when ISLAM will be the only religion in the world...trust me on it....Imam Mahdi (a.s) will come and eliminate evil forces from the face of earth. INSHALLAH
true that...usa is trying to get other country resources...i.e. raid on iraq, afghanistan, libya

USA supports terrorists, groups who works against dominant parties in the countries so that u.s.a can benefit from the conflicts...

i so wish to see USA empire fall just like Russia once super power now tore into pieces...and time will come when ISLAM will be the only religion in the world...trust me on it....Imam Mahdi (a.s) will come and eliminate evil forces from the face of earth. INSHALLAH

Not a chance.
true that...usa is trying to get other country resources...i.e. raid on iraq, afghanistan, libya

USA supports terrorists, groups who works against dominant parties in the countries so that u.s.a can benefit from the conflicts...

i so wish to see USA empire fall just like Russia once super power now tore into pieces...and time will come when ISLAM will be the only religion in the world...trust me on it....Imam Mahdi (a.s) will come and eliminate evil forces from the face of earth. INSHALLAH

I don't wish for USA empire to fall nor do I expect Imam Mahdi (a.s) to come anytime soon...

But I really hope oil becomes worthless in the next 20 years. It's the biggest blood sucker in my life :P
You guys did not read wikileaks, US is concerned about Libyan Oil Fileds and who is on to get it.

And US is also in bad mood with NATO allies who are moving out of afghanistan, that concerns US, we'll know soon who is going to inherit Oil Fields in Libya French and British most likely probably no share for US.
true that...usa is trying to get other country resources...i.e. raid on iraq, afghanistan, libya

USA supports terrorists, groups who works against dominant parties in the countries so that u.s.a can benefit from the conflicts...

i so wish to see USA empire fall just like Russia once super power now tore into pieces...and time will come when ISLAM will be the only religion in the world...trust me on it....Imam Mahdi (a.s) will come and eliminate evil forces from the face of earth. INSHALLAH

I don know Imam Madhi will come or not, But What I know for sure is, your rotten attitude disguised many ppl.. In your view All non mulsims are evil force... :coffee:

@topic: I heard that USA too have good oil reserve..

Country Reserves [16] Production [17] Reserve life 1
109 bbl 109 m3 106 bbl/d 103 m3/d years
Venezuela 298 47.4 2.7 430 201
Saudi Arabia 267 42.4 9.7 1,540 75
Canada 179 28.5 2.1 330 188
Iraq 143 22.7 3.5 560 112
Iran 138 21.9 4.0 640 95
Kuwait 104 16.5 2.6 410 110
United Arab Emirates 98 15.6 2.9 460 93
Russia 60 9.5 9.9 1,570 17
Kazakhstan 47 7.5 1.4 220 93
Libya 41 6.5 1.7 270 66
Nigeria 36 5.7 2.4 380 41
United States 21 3.3 7.5 1,190 8
China 16 2.5 3.9 620 11
Qatar 15 2.4 0.9 140 46
Algeria 12 1.9 2.2 350 15
Brazil 12 1.9 2.3 370 14
Mexico 12 1.9 3.5 560 9
Total of top seventeen reserves 1,243 197.6 63.5 10,100 54

2 Although the IEA insists on Canada's Reserves as being listed as 178 billion barrels, many experts estimate it to actually be between 1 and 3 Trillion barrels ::::: If it is true, canada alone can provide oil to world for thousand of year...
We are busy bad mouthing USA, but the reality is that if any other country possess the exact same power of USA, they will do exact same things. (Example is the race for oil in Africa by China & India). The real curse is our oil addicted economy and US has the largest among them.

I hope some smart person comes up with a new source of cheap energy, so that we can stop our dependence on Middle East and leave them to do whatever comes to their mind.
true that...usa is trying to get other country resources...i.e. raid on iraq, afghanistan, libya

USA supports terrorists, groups who works against dominant parties in the countries so that u.s.a can benefit from the conflicts...

i so wish to see USA empire fall just like Russia once super power now tore into pieces...and time will come when ISLAM will be the only religion in the world...trust me on it....Imam Mahdi (a.s) will come and eliminate evil forces from the face of earth. INSHALLAH

And you ask why the world is not comfortable with Islam.
I don't wish for USA empire to fall nor do I expect Imam Mahdi (a.s) to come anytime soon...

But I really hope oil becomes worthless in the next 20 years. It's the biggest blood sucker in my life :P

U are so correct
While middle eastern Sheikhs install Solid Gold Thrones in there Toilets , rest of the world has to pay through its noses for oil

For the development of world economy Oil has to stay at 70 dollars a Barrel anything above that leads to high inflation which will lead to slowdown , which will lead to prolong recession

I am beginning to wonder that if Canada had so much oil , and Canada along with Saudi Arabia are virtually the 51st and 52nd state of USA , then why the hell did USA invaded Iraq
Did Canada refused to sell oil on the cheap to USA
In your view All non mulsims are evil force...

i never said that...so have some patience...and even if i said..its my opinion...never meant to accuse u or anyone
20 years from now oil will be pretty much worthless as we are moving towards renewable energies.

Sir, oil is not only needed for fueling cars and trucks, but it forms the raw materials for plastics, chemicals, tyres etc. Even the waste that forms after refining oil(tar) is used for building roads. I don't think wind energy or solar energy have the power to do everything oil does.
U are so correct
While middle eastern Sheikhs install Solid Gold Thrones in there Toilets , rest of the world has to pay through its noses for oil
True, but also please don't forget the fact that governments around the world including India treats Fuel as a cash cow. I heard that more then 50% of the price of petrol in India is various tax.

For the development of world economy Oil has to stay at 70 dollars a Barrel anything above that leads to high inflation which will lead to slowdown , which will lead to prolong recession

I am beginning to wonder that if Canada had so much oil , and Canada along with Saudi Arabia are virtually the 51st and 52nd state of USA , then why the hell did USA invaded Iraq
Did Canada refused to sell oil on the cheap to USA

I believe Canadian Oil is mixed with sand and its very costly to refine it and more costlier than middle east oil which is considered one of the purest in the world.
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