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World N.o3, Chinese leave footprints on the Moon !

Both space and weight are at a premium, so every centimeter and gram need to be justified.

Do you use the weight/space, not to mention electrical power and communications bandwidth, on a fancy camera or on scientific instruments?
Your argument would have hit the nail on the head if it were in the 60s, not in the year of our Lord 2013! Nowadays there are Hi-def cameras a few grams in weight mounted on spy drones as big as dragon flys. Yep! That's where technology has reached.

Bandwidth is no impediment as Hi-res images can be sent on available bandwidth. Only it would take a little longer to transmit the data back to Earth.
Bandwidth is no impediment as Hi-res images can be sent on available bandwidth. Only it would take a little longer to transmit the data back to Earth.

Boss: What's the reading on the secondary spectrograph?

Technician: We're, uh, downloading a 1 gigapixel hires image. We'll have the spectroscope readings when we're, um, done.
Boss: What's the reading on the secondary spectrograph?

Technician: We're, uh, downloading a 1 gigapixel hires image. We'll have the spectroscope readings when we're, um, done.
Right! As I said, it would take just a little longer to send a 1GB hires image back to Earth! So they need to prioritize. The spectroscope readings could wait!

The priority on landing was providing hires images. Other experiments and data will commence only after a few days. So there would have been no bandwidth problem at that stage. QED!

Seems you have this inveterate habit of talking like an a$$hole always. It's near impossible to even have an intelligent discussion with floozies like you who are a dime a dozen on PDF. Because if one does, he is considered anti-China! Jeeez! Shows total intellectual bankruptcy.

And you call me a troll? Have a look in the mirror.

Nuff said.

Even before this mission was complete, you were talking crap about China and hoped that it will fail.

Go look at your posts a few days ago.
moon looks so dusty. Needs more plants and trees :D
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