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World highest suicide rate - Korea, Japan, Russia, India and others

Jun 22, 2013
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The World Health Organization has released global suicide statistics that reveals the United States is about average worldwide while the nations of Guyana, North and South Korea have the highest rates.
More than 800,000 people each year worldwide commit suicide - around one person every 40 seconds - with many using poisoning, hanging or shooting to end their own lives, says the study released Thursday.

In its first global report on suicide prevention, the United Nations health agency said some 75 percent of suicides are among people from poor or middle-income countries and called for more to be done to reduce access to common means of suicide.

High suicide rates also persist in more developed nations. South Korea, for example, has the world's third highest rate -- 28.9 out of every 100,000 people.

The United States is grouped along with countries such as Australia, Spain and much of Europe whose rates are between 10 and 14.9 per 100,000.
The west only considers suicide wrong due to abrahamic bias.
The vast majority of gun deaths in the USA every year are suicides (contrary to the popular perception that hundreds of people each day are being shot dead in the streets Wild West style)
The only countries in South Asia with low suicide rates are Pakistan and Bangladesh. Interesting.:coffee:

I can sort of guess the next few Indian responses. Very predictable..
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"The southern states of Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu along with eastern state of West Bengal, Tripura and Mizoram have a suicide rate of greater than 16 while in the Northern States of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, the suicide rate is less than 4. Puducherry reported the highest suicide rate at 36.8 per 100,000 people, followed by Sikkim, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The lowest suicide rates were reported in Bihar (0.8 per 100,000), followed by Nagaland, then Manipur." -- from Wiki

Wonder why it is so?
and richer, more educated and more developed than arabs, no surprise as well

Nope not really, Your not richer nor more developed than Arabs, and if you're educated you won't have the highest suicide rates in the world.
"The southern states of Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu along with eastern state of West Bengal, Tripura and Mizoram have a suicide rate of greater than 16 while in the Northern States of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, the suicide rate is less than 4. Puducherry reported the highest suicide rate at 36.8 per 100,000 people, followed by Sikkim, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The lowest suicide rates were reported in Bihar (0.8 per 100,000), followed by Nagaland, then Manipur." -- from Wiki
Wonder why it is so?

I wonder if it has to do with pressures emanating from expectations of parents/peers to do well in studies and competition. Those southern states are known for their stringent competitive schedules. North India in general doesn't do well as far as competitive examinations are concerned and Biharis in general accept anything that comes their way, because of a few expectations anyway. (I actually admire this).
In oppressive and super dictatorships like Turkmenistan and North Korea high suicide rates are not a surpise

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