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World Bank: India Has World's Largest Population of Poor


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
India has 17% of the world's population and 33% of the world's poor, ranking #1 in poverty.

Pakistan has 3% of the world population and 3% of the world's poor, ranking #7 in poverty.


Haq's Musings: 63 Years After Independence, India Remains Home to World's Largest Population of Poor, Hungry and Illiterates

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India has a lot of poor, im not taking a dig but when i visted Delhi and Mumbai there were poor people literallty living on the streets. I guess the problem is immense in India.
He is referring to over 4 years old data.

Since poverty rates are dropping, millions are lifted of poverty each year.
15 aug 2010 ...old news....try next time best of luck

and blogs post source not allowed on PDF..
In 1981 the poor populations of India is around 429 Millions (60% of the Populations)
In 2010 the poor populations of India is still around 400 millions (33%)
Mostly caused by India rapid population growth.

China on the other hand with its 1 child policy while maintaining double digit growth for 3 decades has reduces the numbers of poverty in the country.

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In 1981 the poor populations of India is around 429 Millions (60% of the Populations)
In 2010 the poor populations of India is still around 400 millions (40%)
Not that much of improvements.

Great extent of imagination. :wacko::wacko:
My Tionghua friend, poverty stands at 21.9% in 2011 in India.

The data came from Oxford OPHI (everybody has a different system to measure something).

Still not much of an improvement if the numbers of people in poverty is still around 400mil.
Firstly the source is a Pakistani blog. It's not trustworthy. Still I am aware that according to the world bank India has a higher proportion of population living below the international poverty line than Pakistan.

However, income poverty is just one aspect of overall poverty. There is an international consensus that poverty needs to be looked at with a more wholesome and holistic approach.

For this reason we have a much more holistic measure of development in a country. It is known as the very popular HDI or Human Development Index.

2013 Human Development Report | UNDP

According to the UN's Human Development Report, Pakistan are low human development country while India is a medium human development country.

If low human development countries like Pakistan truly want to develop , they will have to look beyond just income poverty and take into account many other factors as well.
2013 Human Development Report | UNDP

According to the UN's Human Development Report, Pakistan are low human development country while India is a medium human development country.

If low human development countries like Pakistan truly want to develop , they will have to look beyond just income poverty and take into account many other factors as well.

Wow.. If you take that report.. The only country that has made giant strides in every aspects of HDI categories is Bangladesh.. Kudos to them.. Hopefully they will make further progress to get in to High HDI developed nation without any internal or external destabilizing factors

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