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Work harder to beat the Bangalore ,Beijing challenge: Obama to students

Sure which is why Indians stand in lines in front of the American consulates....

Thats the reason why Indians taking their jobs so they have to increase visa amount

They feared that Indians can make them job less

And buddy what you think their president say this just for fun

I know why you are jealous with India cause he cant say same thing for your country.
Unnecessary praise for Indian system.

While it is true that elite brains are matched evenly, avreage brain of USA is far more skilled than average brain of Indian. Here I am not talking about racial or IQ related bullsh!t but about their RnD based structure. In India, too much focus is given on job and marks (read passing exams) rather than innovation. However GoI is now putting some efforts in this regard.

As for Obama's statement, it is more towards sending a message to reduce outsourcing rather than praising India. So no need to be too happy.
Check this out guys.

Programme for International Student Assessment

2000 Reading literacy

1. Finland
15. United States

2003 Mathematics

1. Finland
24. United States

2006 Science
1. Finland
21. United States

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programme_for_International_Student_Assessment#200 6_survey

I didn't find China and India in that list.

But from what read in a reader's digest article ,it seems performance of Hong Kong and Taiwan students was exceptional in Science and Maths.

About Indian education system,We know the Americans keep blowing smoke about it like last year Hillary Clinton said Technical education in India is the best in the world

Herez reality,

Madhavan Nair set to retire; bemoans poor quality higher education

Madhavan Nair set to retire; bemoans poor quality higher education -  National News ? News ? MSN India

The only good thing we have when it comes to education is IITs and IIMs

Of course,compared American students,Indian students are more hardworking(we have more peer pressure)also we less no. of diversions(internet,computer etc)

PS:An interesting video about our education system,i wish this style is implemented all over the country.

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Unnecessary praise for Indian system.

While it is true that elite brains are matched evenly, avreage brain of USA is far more skilled than average brain of Indian. Here I am not talking about racial or IQ related bullsh!t but about their RnD based structure. In India, too much focus is given on job and marks (read passing exams) rather than innovation. However GoI is now putting some efforts in this regard.

As for Obama's statement, it is more towards sending a message to reduce outsourcing rather than praising India. So no need to be too happy.

Can't agree more on the theme of your post but the bolded part.....Let's not take away the hard work from Indian and Chinese students....Remember kids in Asian countries don't have even 10% of the fascilities that kids in average US schools enjoy and yet they are able to compete with them is something to be proud of.....

Yes US is leading the world when it comes to Innovations and technology know how however if there present generation do not carry on in the shoes of veterans then obviously they will loose this edge....

This is what Obama is pointing to and have done that on various occasions...Today there is Indian and Chinese presence on various US institutions known for state of art innovations....Not taking anything away from hard working and innovative Americans yet hard core cash is one of the prime reason that such innovations are still finding their roots back in US....China is arriving at the theater and India will soon join them.....American students need to pull up their socks or else time is not far when Chinese or Indian students will overshadow them on certain aspects where 2 decades back no one could dream of reaching but Americans....
Can't agree more on the theme of your post but the bolded part.....Let's not take away the hard work from Indian and Chinese students....Remember kids in Asian countries don't have even 10% of the fascilities that kids in average US schools enjoy and yet they are able to compete with them is something to be proud of.....

Yes US is leading the world when it comes to Innovations and technology know how however if there present generation do not carry on in the shoes of veterans then obviously they will loose this edge....

This is what Obama is pointing to and have done that on various occasions...Today there is Indian and Chinese presence on various US institutions known for state of art innovations....Not taking anything away from hard working and innovative Americans yet hard core cash is one of the prime reason that such innovations are still finding their roots back in US....China is arriving at the theater and India will soon join them.....American students need to pull up their socks or else time is not far when Chinese or Indian students will overshadow them on certain aspects where 2 decades back no one could dream of reaching but Americans....

Well.....You gt me wrong. My post was not directed towards Indian student vs USA student. It was more on Indian educational syatem vs USA educational syatem.

Well....you may be right that there are Indian professionals in USA but most of them are doing work in/for/with USA. So basically India is not getting direct benefit nor it should. For example, an American-Indian for nobel in Chemistry but this does not mean India has done exceptional in chemical sciences. The system is of USA.

I again say, I do not agree that Indian student is" more" hardworking. Perhaps it is our environment which forces them to do so. Also I am nowhere negating the labour done by our countrymen. Surely they have performed outstanding.

Anyways, IMO Obama's comment was not specific to Indian education syatem. It was more political in nature.
Please do go through the syllabus for 9th grade ICSE. it has me shocked as well..we teach our ninth graders OOPs concepts :eek:
No wonder I feel dumb in front of the new generation:D

India has ICSE, CBSE, State Boards and maybe some others .. so looks like Newton's laws are taught in detail at 9th grade but I'm sure students are made familiar with them at an earlier class or depending on the board's curriculum..they may be taught earlier as well.

http://www.cisce.org/data/Syllabus for ICSE 2011/Physics.pdf

http://www.cisce.org/data/Syllabus for ICSE 2011/Computer Applications.pdf

1. High School education, the Indian system is far more 'intense'

2. Under-Grad education, we have a few institutes which are comparable to American ones

3. Post-Grad education, absolutely no comparison ! American institutes are just too far ahead!
Well.....You gt me wrong. My post was not directed towards Indian student vs USA student. It was more on Indian educational syatem vs USA educational syatem.
Actually i did not...I said in my previous post as well that education system is USA is far better then Indian system yet our students are able to compete with them is something to be proud of...However the debate will trickle down to students anyways because human brain is same across races, cultures and what not...It is how you apply makes you smart or dumb.....So in essence a better education system will churn out better students, however if other things(read values) are colliding with the education system then it is cause of worry....For example - indians and chinese students are on an average doing better in American schools/colleges then their American counterparts...Now what could be the possible reasons about it???? Something to ponder about, no???

Well....you may be right that there are Indian professionals in USA but most of them are doing work in/for/with USA. So basically India is not getting direct benefit nor it should. For example, an American-Indian for nobel in Chemistry but this does not mean India has done exceptional in chemical sciences. The system is of USA.

I never said that it is our system...I said that reason all the exceptional innovative work is still finding it roots in US(even though we have loads of smart men who can do the same job) is because they have loads of money..Mind it i by no mean is saying that America has been built by Asians, America has been built by sheer hard work done by American's....However the question is whether present generation is following the foot paths of their ancestors to the level they should to keep up the pace???....

IMHO Once India/China have enough funds to take on R&D on their own US will have to sweat a lot to keep their edge....Now when that time will come it would be Americans who will have to step up work the way their ancestors did.....This is also what Obama is pointing to, not only Obama same sentiments have been repeated by many intellects in America including Bill Gates....

I again say, I do not agree that Indian student is" more" hardworking. Perhaps it is our environment which forces them to do so. Also I am nowhere negating the labour done by our countrymen. Surely they have performed outstanding.
That is where you are plane wrong...As said indian/chinese students are doing better then American counterparts right in America....I do not want to quantify hard work here....It's more of orientation, value system and what not but results are there in front of us.....

Anyways, IMO Obama's comment was not specific to Indian education system. It was more political in nature.
That i don't know...but Obama is a smart man for sure....So whether it was just a lip service or something concrete only time will tell...However what he is saying is not far away from reality....
People, please stop defending American education (higher education is a whole different story). The U.S. is behind most developed countries and it is acknowledged by everyone, and I mean EVERYONE here in the U.S. If the U.S. education were superb then we won't have the "No Child Left Behind Act".
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