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Women wrestlers set to fire up international event in Karachi

no video.......
Its a facebook video by samaa tv
yeah he took it badly, now grovel and appoligise, he would only take a pyramid of Rerro Roche as a suitable apologie
Welcome to the International Wrestlers and specially the ladies to showcase some good quality wrestling skills
Most Pakistanis going to the UK have never seen a university

many "freshies"that come to the uk from pakistan have a distinct accent that can be used to distinguish them from other south asains. i dont plan to visit pakistan for some time now so i cant go to a top university.
and some who do, don't understand that Most =/= All
if you come to the uk you will find the current generation either go to university or get an apprenticeship. id say 15-25% max dont progress after college

this coming from someone who live in community with a fairly large south asian community
@Zibago I'm not fan of these pre paid type of wrestlings ( Sumo or Desi Kushiti) are genuine. But we need these type of international events to boost up image.
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