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its illogical wtf are u saying the same thing is going onn but great intensity in indian occupied kasmir u cant say im wrong remove them first some of the kasmiris have fled from india bring them back they deserve the right to vote too
First of all, Please refrain from using foul language my friend. It degrades quality of discussion.
Secondly, the same thing is not happing in India admistered Kasmir. It just can not happen. No Indian can reside in J&K permanently thanks to article 370 on Indian constitution. So you can not blame India or/and drag India to Pakistan's level on this matter. India has safeguarded rights of Kashmiri.
The people who fled from Kashmir are Kashmiri Pundit in early 90's due to islamist terrorism, and plans are underway to reestablish them in the valley once and for all.
First of all, Please refrain from using foul language my friend. It degrades quality of discussion.
Secondly, the same thing is not happing in India admistered Kasmir. It just can not happen. No Indian can reside in J&K permanently thanks to article 370 on Indian constitution. So you can not blame India or/and drag India to Pakistan's level on this matter. India has safeguarded rights of Kashmiri.
The people who fled from Kashmir are Kashmiri Pundit in early 90's due to islamist terrorism, and plans are underway to reestablish them in the valley once and for all.
srry for foul language when i read bullshit i try to counter bull shit with bull shit anyway when was 370 introduced in indian constitution and what about all the illegal killings ur brave army has been doing in kasmir u have done ur best to kill as many kasmiris as possible its a fact u cant deny

The people who fled from Kashmir are Kashmiri Pundit in early 90's due to islamist terrorism, and plans are underway to reestablish them in the valley once and for all.
we both know thats never gonna happen
srry for foul language when i read bullshit i try to counter bull shit with bull shit anyway when was 370 introduced in indian constitution and what about all the illegal killings ur brave army has been doing in kasmir u have done ur best to kill as many kasmiris as possible its a fact u cant deny

we both know thats never gonna happen
i hear you my friend.
Prove me which part of my discussion do you call Bulls***.
Article 370 was worked up in 1947 only but applied on 26 Jan 1950 when India became republic state.

The thread is not about killing of anyone. But still to answer you, First of all please refrain from sarcastically downplaying Indian defense forces' bravery, as i respect yours. Now to the topic, Indian army has been indulged in illegal killings in Kashmir, you say? Please show my any, i mean any example from neutral sources which support your claim. And please do not show me any prove which contains killing of armed terrorist, or any non-state actor or J&K. People who have been killed are terrorists or Kashmiri Pundit, or Indian armed forces personnel. The so called innocent Kashmiri you think are being tortured in camps are people who terrorists and/or who supported them. Any country has the right to take strict action against people who support terrorism in state, You would do same as well.
If Indian army was so brutal as you say, why is secessionist like Yasin Malik, Geelani are still alive? See, we do not support seccession but we do not kill them as well. We let them mind their own business. But OTOH we do not tolerate any terrorism.
i hear you my friend.
Prove me which part of my discussion do you call Bulls***.
Article 370 was worked up in 1947 only but applied on 26 Jan 1950 when India became republic state.
The thread is not about killing of anyone. But still to answer you, First of all please refrain from sarcastically downplaying Indian defense forces' bravery, as i respect yours. Now to the topic, Indian army has been indulged in illegal killings in Kashmir, you say? Please show my any, i mean any example from neutral sources which support your claim. And please do not show me any prove which contains killing of armed terrorist, or any non-state actor or J&K. People who have been killed are terrorists or Kashmiri Pundit, or Indian armed forces personnel. The so called innocent Kashmiri you think are being tortured in camps are people who terrorists and/or who supported them. Any country has the right to take strict action against people who support terrorism in state, You would do same as well.
If Indian army was so brutal as you say, why is secessionist like Yasin Malik, Geelani are still alive? See, we do not support seccession but we do not kill them as well. We let them mind their own business. But OTOH we do not tolerate any terrorism.
omg seriously i dont need to show u proof go do an independent research its a fact thousands of kasmiris have been killed and loads of thread are already available to show proof oh u wont accept them go do an independent research btw u still havent answered my first ques i asked u
srry for foul language when i read bullshit i try to counter bull shit with bull shit anyway when was 370 introduced in indian constitution and what about all the illegal killings ur brave army has been doing in kasmir u have done ur best to kill as many kasmiris as possible its a fact u cant deny

we both know thats never gonna happen

It will happen, you will see the process starting in next 6 or so month after elections in J&K.
And as far as other Indian people are concerned in residing in J&K, you know Indian constitution allows amendments of any law except soul of Indian constitution which is preamble i.e. President of India can repeal any law just by passing a simple order if he has backing of majority in Indian parliament including article 370.
we do not want to create havoc, we want to do it the right way. We want to gain a simple majority in J&K elections, which we could not so far, and then on the recommendation of J&K assembly Indian Parliament will repeal that law which prohibits other Indian from residing there permanently.
It will happen, you will see the process starting in next 6 or so month after elections in J&K.
And as far as other Indian people are concerned in residing in J&K, you know Indian constitution allows amendments of any law except soul of Indian constitution which is preamble i.e. President of India can repeal any law just by passing a simple order if he has backing of majority in Indian parliament including article 370.
we do not want to create havoc, we want to do it the right way. We want to gain a simple majority in J&K elections, which we could not so far, and then on the recommendation of J&K assembly Indian Parliament will repeal that law which prohibits other Indian from residing there permanently.
we both know kasmir issue will go on and on and on
omg seriously i dont need to show u proof go do an independent research its a fact thousands of kasmiris have been killed and loads of thread are already available to show proof oh u wont accept them go do an independent research btw u still havent answered my first ques i asked u
Show me one credible and independent source which says - "Indian army killed thousand of innocent people in Kashmir"..
Yes we do kill terrorist, and we are proud of that.
Show me one credible and independent source which says - "Indian army killed thousand of innocent people in Kashmir"..
Yes we do kill terrorist, and we are proud of that.
kasmiris are terrorist for u haha enough proof lolz joking answer my first ques ill go do some research
kasmiris are terrorist for u haha enough proof lolz joking answer my first ques ill go do some research
Yes some Kashmiri are terrorist. As some people are in every state. And those are the terrorist which lay calmly in unmarked grave on border, who tried on enter India illegally for terrorism.

Which question are you referring to?
Yes some Kashmiri are terrorist. As some people are in every state. And those are the terrorist which lay calmly in unmarked grave on border, who tried on enter India illegally for terrorism.
Which question are you referring to?
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haha thats wt u said in 47 that kasmiris will accept u aint happening
Kashmiri did accept us partially. But Islamist terrorism misguided them drastically onto the wrong path. They still do accept India to a large extent, you will see proof of that in upcoming elections rising voter %.
Kashmiri did accept us partially. But Islamist terrorism misguided them drastically onto the wrong path. They still do accept India to a large extent, you will see proof of that in upcoming elections rising voter %.
islamist extremist funny
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