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Women of Kashmir: Maimed Yet Resilient! - PKKH.tv

how should i prove it can u speak chitrali we can talk later

i find ur point more logical than to those ur indian mates made

and also I want to add another point ............Having Kashmir in India , irritates Pakistan ..........and any irritation that last long leads to development of cancer :partay:
I hope u understood

My dear friend,
There has been so much enmity between us neighbours that we can not trust each other now only on words. So no, I do not trust you. And why should i?
Unless you show me any article of Paksiatn Constitution which prohibits outsiders from establishing there.
You can not undone what has been done. Outsiders do live there permanently. Numbers do not matter because a fair plebiscite can not happen now in Azad Kashmir. even if there are only 1000 outsiders there, they may change the fate of plebiscite. So give me one good, logical reason to believe you.

hey just hand over Kashmir to sikhs ...............after all they are the only legitimate rulers of Kashmir as far Pakistan agrees:taz:
and also I want to add another point ............Having Kashmir in India , irritates Pakistan ..........and any irritation that last long leads to development of cancer :partay:
I hope u understood

hey just hand over Kashmir to sikhs ...............after all they are the only legitimate rulers of Kashmir as far Pakistan agrees:taz:
Not possible. No independent landlocked state is possible there now, between 3 nuke powers.
who said a new country ...............just under sikhs inside India:p:
You are suggesting a state based on religion in India, my friend?
Will that not lead to another religion based partition? Remember that Pakistan still tries to influx Khalistan movement till date.
No we just can not let any other religion based establishment happen.
get ur info right sweet heart we agreed on it than a terrorist was voted blah blah blah its not about refrendum for me its how to get u to accept the results not possible

A terrorist was voted? Come on, dude! There's no need to talk about Nawaz Shareef like that. He might be an incompetent crook, but a terrorist?? That's too much. By the way, what results are you talking about?

who said a new country ...............just under sikhs inside India:p:

See now that sounds like fair and equitable solution. :enjoy:
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Its war of water. Kashmir is the only source which keep the bread basket green. Otherwise , fertile lands of food will turn into dry zone of hunger in famine .
Its war of water. Kashmir is the only source which keep the bread basket green. Otherwise , fertile lands of food will turn into dry zone of hunger in famine .

Good, I genuinely believe Pakistan dropping the moral line on this issue is a first step. Unfortunately Pakistani rulers will probably try to use the growing power of China to get Kashmir. Pakistani rulers are known for their thought bankruptsy.

BTW you water is guaranteed by IWT.
My dear friend,
There has been so much enmity between us neighbours that we can not trust each other now only on words. So no, I do not trust you. And why should i?
Unless you show me any article of Paksiatn Constitution which prohibits outsiders from establishing there.
You can not undone what has been done. Outsiders do live there permanently. Numbers do not matter because a fair plebiscite can not happen now in Azad Kashmir. even if there are only 1000 outsiders there, they may change the fate of plebiscite. So give me one good, logical reason to believe you
first of there is no such thing as outsiders u might have such a thing going on in india not in PK any one can go settle any where only way ur gonna find out is by visiting GB urself give it a try and than u can have a stand off against me btw punjabis cant survive the hardship and though life of GB they are not built for it

A terrorist was voted? Come on, dude! There's no need to talk about Nawaz Shareef like that. He might be an incompetent crook, but a terrorist?? That's too much. By the way, what results are you talking about?
results of refrendum which will never happen if it does ull accept dying rather than accepting the results u know who im talking about not nawaz ill give u another go at it
this kashmir crap because of some people's pride is ruining pakistan
get of your high horse and look beyond this non sense
first of there is no such thing as outsiders u might have such a thing going on in india not in PK any one can go settle any where only way ur gonna find out is by visiting GB urself give it a try and than u can have a stand off against me btw punjabis cant survive the hardship and though life of GB they are not built for it

results of refrendum which will never happen if it does ull accept dying rather than accepting the results u know who im talking about not nawaz ill give u another go at it
That is the problem my friend. That means the legitimacy of their Kashmir-iat is questioned in time of plebiscite. which in turn means the plebiscite can not be fair. So why does pakistan govt always cry about plebiscite on international forum?
That is the problem my friend. That means the legitimacy of their Kashmir-iat is questioned in time of plebiscite. which in turn means the plebiscite can not be fair. So why does pakistan govt always cry about plebiscite on international forum?
only thing i could make of wt u said is "excuse"
only thing i could make of wt u said is "excuse"
Definetly you would, i expect that from you since you are a Pakistani, not Kashmiri. But still would you say that, this excuse is irrelevant? or illogical? or wrong?
If so, please care to explain how?
If not, then accept that plebiscite is out of question.
Definetly you would, i expect that from you since you are a Pakistani, not Kashmiri. But still would you say that, this excuse is irrelevant? or illogical? or wrong?
If so, please care to explain how?
If not, then accept that plebiscite is out of question.
its illogical wtf are u saying the same thing is going onn but great intensity in indian occupied kasmir u cant say im wrong remove them first some of the kasmiris have fled from india bring them back they deserve the right to vote too
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