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Woman raped on Lahore Ring Road, infront of her two children.

I support that legal concept however the problem is not make a scene of the punishment, which we cant not just because the SC itself has declared it as such but also UN as well. We cant do that. This is again avoiding the real issue. Why? because those sitting in the parliament and in Parliamentary affairs know that it is far easier to talk about public hangings and passing resolutions than to actually do anything that will empower the legal system since this requires actual effort and most such an important legal framework will be met with opposition.

Public execution is line with Fiqh punishment and its main goal is to prevent further similar crimes by dissuading potential criminals by fear.

A very lengthy but informative post. Thank you.

As you conclude your post, you offer certain suggestions or recommendations to minimize the incidents of rape. Allow me to respond, in the same numerical order:

1. Rape indeed carries a death offense in Islam where the culprit is married (stoning to death); where the culprit is not married, he/she is punishable by 100 lashes......and I am told that no person can withstand 100 lashes in 1 go.

2. DNA must indeed be primary evidence, over and above even eye witnesses. However, what about the cases where someone cries RAPE after consensual acts? How does one prevent oneself from that, except to not have relations with anyone outside of marriage (ideally). Then there are liberals with cases of marital rape, what do we do there?

Might I offer another suggestion? Make Nikkah as simple as taking a meal. Encourage Nikkah at an early age, as early as 17/18 for boys because males are more prone to sexually violent acts as compared to women and because it is much, much harder for males to control their urges. Married men too must be encouraged to take multiple wives if they are not satisfied with their first wives......basically, there is only blessing and happiness in Nikkah.

I support death for all rape cases, and many ulema do. It is not Zina, which is punished by lashings for unmarried consenting individuals, but it is a crime.
ISI is involved.

Other military HQs are have taken notice and will take measures too (4 Corps HQ and Rangers HQ Lahore).

Good to know.

Well in Pakistan , the Media storm follows a pattern

Media plays the tune of the sponsors from outside

That pattern is normally an external factor , a signal comes from outside (PML-N) most likely to Anchors to rally up anti Police Commissioner sentiment

And the Media in starts looking up for next criminal case to pick on the more gruesome the case the better purpose it serves

Normally it is always against an institute , in this case Police is targeted, only because in order to kick out PML-N friendly police members who don't arrest Maryem Nawaz or others , Government has appointed a new member to be Police Commissioner

Not long ago drums were beating against Army Head , for alleged financial matters

When Chinese Head of state was to come to Pakistan , Suddenly Fazal Ur Rehman suddenly became active again by instructions from outside Pakistan to again start a fitna in Pakistan

a) The Crime is 100% committed
b) The person who suffered my full sympathies are with that lady and the children
c) The police has just been on case 10 minutes and Media has already passed judgement on new commissioner

However this sudden talk of one case all of sudden raises suspicion because such crimes happen in every city here and there that is why people are extra careful

It were the same people who , stated Nawaz Sharif Criminal Badshah will die in matter of days but he is living healthy life in UK now eating Chicken Tikka

In next 30-40 days expect lot of such cases to suddenly emerge and then Media will claim the sky is falling

When a Provincial Commissioner is changed , then PML-N knows , their gangsters will be picked up by police if they tried to cause a problem at NAB offices, this Media response to highlight the criminal cases and target the new officers is a move to show that Government has done something drastically wrong by changing police commissioner

It has become a test for Punjab police and also PTI. Hopefully everything gets settled, we find the criminals, and hunt the insiders who tip them off.

This might also be a banditry situation too (since it took place on a road during the victim's travel). Can't think of a more brutal punishment than the one for banditry.

Bhai, do you mean cutting off of hand?
Easiest thing to do is remove the ability of a judge to grant bail, and get rid of archaic laws that allow payment of diyat. In the west the state is party to the case.

This incident would not have happened if we didn't have corrupt judges. If judges won't deliver justice then I'll be in favour of vigilante groups hunting all kinds of rapists, murderers, corrupt judges, generals and politicians. We can't continue as a country without a strict form of justice system.
We need to rebuild the justice system from ground up. Bring Qazi and Jirga system to Pakistan. Imran Khan used to talk about it for many years, it is the need of the hour.

FIA should be watching every move police make like an eagle. All officers, operators should be watched.
aisa bolnay main to acha hai par hona itna asaaan nahin.
but no matter wat, firstly the laws need to be revised as they are designed to support the ppl with power (we for ever wont get out of the loop unless we change them). secondly, not sure how but judges need to be held accountable 2. form a supreme body or watever. coz now they too brazen in their acts of unjust. this will lead to collapse of the nation if nothing else. almost tamaaam fasad ki jard yaheen paay hai.
hell they are so popular now, that even international media is saying "bitches of the riches". problem is wahan thoheen e adalat nahin laga saktay.
heard the highest ranked judge saying " wats is happening to law and order situation" after this case. while innocently forgets that the same culprit was set free from their courts bk in 2013. ad we millions of example like this...
unless u dont make an example of these toonts, no one will stop. yeh kom kisi aur surat baaz nahin atte. lets have a public hanging and i can assure u atleast aik aad saal tak kisi main jurat nahin ho ge. same goes for corrupt ppl and other scenarios.
Good to know.

It has become a test for Punjab police and also PTI. Hopefully everything gets settled, we find the criminals, and hunt the insiders who tip them off.

Bhai, do you mean cutting off of hand?
"The recompense of those who wage war against Allaah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter. Except for those who (having fled away and then) come back (as Muslims) with repentance before they fall into your power; in that case, know that Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful". [al-Maaidah 5:33]
Bhai, do you mean cutting off of hand?
The woman was raped and robbed on the highway. That's banditry -- i.e., Hirabah.

The Islamic punishment for banditry is crucifixion (or cutting off both hands and feet, or exile). In fact, some of the classical fuqahah put rape as a form of Hirabah. However, in this case, the crime literally took place on a highway, so in this case, it'd be crucifixion (or cross-amputation, or exile).

Well the judges and lawyers involved in his release are 100% responsible. If they didn't this s.o.b would not not been able to commit the crime.

Maybe other scum lawyers and judges would think 10 times before releasing a convicted rapist.
Wow now your suggesting rape for a rape? [emoji30][emoji30]
but the problem is, in a couple of days this matter will die down in news. everyone will be back to same old same old. until another case pops up and come in limelight (if comes in limelight).
dont forget same place, same type of incident happened not long ago (no lime light) no nothing.

this cycle will continue.... this unfortunately is gonna happen on repeat till...
We live in a Islamic Republic without any enforcement of Islamic jurisprudence. That is why things are turning bad to worse day by day. This is what you get when you embrace and keep rotten British colonial systems and cultures . Our former colonial masters left our country only on paper but their slaves have kept their rotten system still intact.

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