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Withdrawal of Chinese troops in Gogra and Hot Springs complete, Pangong next

If India goes for GB, China will resist but if India hold GB, Pak will be in Economic soup as CPEC is not China's invest rather it is Pak's loan...

Paper dragon is shown its reality. It Intruded in India like a dragon and withdrew like a pussy cat.

If India goes for GB, China will resist but if India hold GB, Pak will be in Economic soup as CPEC is not China's invest rather it is Pak's loan...

I think paper dragon has lost all bravado to capture illegal land. Next step is to recapture all lost territory of Kashmir.
Good measure by China, shouldn't make more enemies when due to COVID and trade wars, it has already made enemies.

China would be much more accptable if it reduces its bully attitude and uses reason first before getting adrenaline rush.

As for hindutvas, they are celebrating like they have won the war lmao.

Honestly tell me, if China soften it's stand, will it not lose its credibility as a future super power or current super power challenger. Now even small countries will stand up... Covid has given ample ammunation to evey country to stand against China. Now in war of perception, China has turned into paper tiger which can't even India but trying to challenge US. Xi tried to chew more that what he can bite.... Xi should have understood what Modi is, when Modi revoked sec 370 which other Indian PMs could not even think of....

I think china is indian daddy tbh but chinese are smart enough to realize that economic cost is not to feddle with, they have a good thing going and presently present political setup doesnt suit china, they have a trade leverage when it comes to sino indian trade, it benefits china more than india.

well played india as well, i think that india was able to pull this off solely because of whining and crying instead of winning militarily.

China should not have done in first place. Means of pulling this becomes irrelevant when things are achieved... India did it with least injury and that is what smart guys do.... Bravodo doesn't win wars, it causes miseries in most cases... We have seen live examples.....
Paper dragon is shown its reality. It Intruded in India like a dragon and withdrew like a pussy cat.

I think paper dragon has lost all bravado to capture illegal land. Next step is to recapture all lost territory of Kashmir.

Paper dragon is shown its reality. It Intruded in India like a dragon and withdrew like a pussy cat.

I think paper dragon has lost all bravado to capture illegal land. Next step is to recapture all lost territory of Kashmir.

I couldn't understand the purpose of China's sudden military move. We rarely do things without calculations. Now it's clear to me, its all about creating DMZs.
It's the same Doklam tactic mate. Move forward 2 steps, retreat one step. You get a positive territory enlargement, while showing peace and India can save some face. Indians used to patrol routes for all those places are now gone. You can't enter it, that's the point of this exercise all along, creating DMZ accross the border areas. Lol.

All done without firing a shot but clubbing 20 Indians to death, and yet exporting billions to India. Lololol
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