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Withdrawal of Chinese troops in Gogra and Hot Springs complete, Pangong next

I think china is indian daddy tbh but chinese are smart enough to realize that economic cost is not to feddle with, they have a good thing going and presently present political setup doesnt suit china, they have a trade leverage when it comes to sino indian trade, it benefits china more than india.

well played india as well, i think that india was able to pull this off solely because of whining and crying instead of winning militarily.


Earlier they stayed at finger 8 and only patrolled till finger 4.

We patrolled till finger 8.

A known devil is better than an unknown one.

It is proved once again that don't mess with Modi. If you try to mess with him, he will humiliate you without saying a single word and reduce you to a almost non entity. This dictator Xi failed to understand this and got humiliated. If he tries to come back, Modi will humiliate him even worse. Modi is vegetarian cow milk drinking Gujju. Idiot Xi can not match his intelligence, determination. He might have thought that Modi is other Man Mohan. I believe that this is the most humiliated moments in Xi's life. Like Modi humiliated him in Doklam and praise Xi's leadership in BRICS, modi will praise Xi in next meeting. This is Gujju diplomacy. Ci can't understand it.
It is proved once again that don't mess with Modi. If you try to mess with him, he will humiliate you without saying a single word and reduce you to a almost non entity. This dictator Xi failed to understand this and got humiliated. If he tries to come back, Modi will humiliate him even worse. Modi is vegetarian cow milk drinking Gujju. Idiot Xi can not match his intelligence, determination. He might have thought that Modi is other Man Mohan. I believe that this is the most humiliated moments in Xi's life. Like Modi humiliated him in Doklam and praise Xi's leadership in BRICS, modi will praise Xi in next meeting. This is Gujju diplomacy. Ci can't understand it.
It is proved once again that don't mess with Modi. If you try to mess with him, he will humiliate you without saying a single word and reduce you to a almost non entity. This dictator Xi failed to understand this and got humiliated. If he tries to come back, Modi will humiliate him even worse. Modi is vegetarian cow milk drinking Gujju. Idiot Xi can not match his intelligence, determination. He might have thought that Modi is other Man Mohan. I believe that this is the most humiliated moments in Xi's life. Like Modi humiliated him in Doklam and praise Xi's leadership in BRICS, modi will praise Xi in next meeting. This is Gujju diplomacy. Ci can't understand it.

Instead of fighting china at the border, Modi should be fighting china in the economic front and in the Human resource front and in the Scientific front.

Modi is losing on all these fronts, so how much good is winning on the border going to do for us ?

Border is just a symptom of a bigger problem.

Lack of freedom in India and the surest indicator of freedom is economic prosperity of its citizens.
I think china is indian daddy tbh but chinese are smart enough to realize that economic cost is not to feddle with, they have a good thing going and presently present political setup doesnt suit china, they have a trade leverage when it comes to sino indian trade, it benefits china more than india.

well played india as well, i think that india was able to pull this off solely because of whining and crying instead of winning militarily.


Was china not knowing this before April? You got humiliated, china proved paper dragon and Xi emerged as a weak leader, china lost huge business, anti china coalition emerged, India emerged as undiscovered boss of Asia. Xi's misadventure cost china too high. This is just a beginning. Like Modi isolated and hit Pakistan very hard with his diplomacy, Mofi will isolate China, kick him out of P5, marginalize china and Xi. China can minimize the damage by removing Xi which will be done in couple of year in my opinion.
Was china not knowing this before April? You got humiliated, china proved paper dragon and Xi emerged as a weak leader, china lost huge business, anti china coalition emerged, India emerged as undiscovered boss of Asia. Xi's misadventure cost china too high. This is just a beginning. Like Modi isolated and hit Pakistan very hard with his diplomacy, Mofi will isolate China, kick him out of P5, marginalize china and Xi. China can minimize the damage by removing Xi which will be done in couple of year in my opinion.
Instead of fighting china at the border, Modi should be fighting china in the economic front and in the Human resource front and in the Scientific front.

Modi is losing on all these fronts, so how much good is winning on the border going to do for us ?

Border is just a symptom of a bigger problem.

Lack of freedom in India and the surest indicator of freedom is economic prosperity of its citizens.

After humiliating china on border, it is the time to humiliate china on economic front. Just wait till year end to see balance of trade figure with china.
LAC battle was/is never about Ladhak, it is/will always be about GB. 2020 Dec will tell the outcome of the game. I expect India will come for GB with US blessing. How things will unfold, only time can tell. But three players of the game knew this from day 1. So lets wait and watch, game will be played too long, it will conclude most likely by 2020.
After humiliating china on border, it is the time to humiliate china on economic front. Just wait till year end to see balance of trade figure with china.

I don't care much about the trade deficit. That is just a symptom of a deeper problem of lack of manufacturing in India.

Lack of demand can also reduce the trade deficit. and that is what is happening. We need to boost demand and THEN boost manufacturing and for that to happen there need to be MASSIVE bureaucratic reforms.
LAC battle was/is never about Ladhak, it is/will always be about GB. 2020 Dec will tell the outcome of the game. I expect India will come for GB with US blessing. How things will unfold, only time can tell. But three players of the game knew this from day 1. So lets wait and watch, game will be played too long, it will conclude most likely by 2020.

I don't know whether India will go for GB or not but one thing is very sure. If India goes for GB, China will not dare to interfere. . If GB is done, it will be the e d of CPEC and loss of multi bn USD going in water for china.
I don't care much about the trade deficit. That is just a symptom of a deeper problem of lack of manufacturing in India.

Lack of demand can also reduce the trade deficit. and that is what is happening. We need to boost demand and THEN boost manufacturing and for that to happen there need to be MASSIVE bureaucratic reforms.

What you say is right but key of that doesn't lie in beurocrate reforms. It lies in correct long term economic policies. I think foundation of same is laid down.
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