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Withdrawal of Chinese troops in Gogra and Hot Springs complete, Pangong next

Mighty Lion

Oct 3, 2018
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Withdrawal of Chinese troops in Gogra and Hot Springs complete, Pangong next

Press Trust of India

  • New Delhi
  • UPDATED: July 9, 2020 19:29 IST

China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) on Thursday completed moving back its troops from the face-off sites in Gogra and Hot Springs in eastern Ladakh in line with the understanding reached with the Indian Army, and the two sides are set to hold high-level military talks to further de-escalate tension in the region, senior officials said.

They said both sides have completed creation of a buffer zone of three kilometres in the three friction points of Galwan Valley, Gogra and Hot Springs as part of a temporary measure aimed at reducing the possibility of any confrontation.

On Thursday, the PLA has totally pulled back its troops from Gogra (patrolling point 17), and with this, both sides have implemented the first phase of disengagement to avoid any friction, the people cited above said.

They said the entire focus now shifts to Pangong Tso area where there has been thinning out of troops from Finger area 4. India has been insisting that China must withdraw its forces from areas between Finger 4 and 8.

They said the fourth round of corps commander-level talks between the two side are likely to take place in the next two-three days.

The two armies will also carry out a joint verification in the next few days to assess the implementation of the disengagement process.

The formal disengagement process began on Monday morning after a nearly two-hour telephonic conversation between National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Sunday.

In the talks, the two sides agreed on an expeditious withdrawal of troops from all the standoff points to bring back peace and tranquillity in the region. Doval and Wang are Special Representatives for the boundary talks.

Following the talks, a mutual disengagement process began in Galwan Valley, Hot Springs, Gogra and Finger areas in Pangong Tso.

Military sources said Indian Army will continue to maintain its aggressive posturing along the Line of Actual Control till the Chinese side cuts down on its significant build up in its rear bases.

Both sides have brought in thousands of additional troops and weaponry including tanks and artillery guns to their rear bases as part of a mega build up following the face-off that began on May 5.

As per the decisions arrived at corps commander-level talks on June 30, the two sides would create a minimum buffer zone of three kilometre in most of the areas where they were locked in a standoff.

The Indian and Chinese armies are locked in the bitter standoff in multiple locations in eastern Ladakh for the last eight weeks. The tension escalated manifold after the Galwan Valley clash in which 20 Indian Army personnel were killed.

Both sides have held several rounds of diplomatic and military talks in the last few weeks to ease tension in the region. However, there was no visible sign of any end to the standoff till Sunday evening.

On June 30, the Indian and Chinese armies held the third round of Lt General-level talks during which both sides agreed on an "expeditious, phased and step wise" de-escalation as a "priority" to end the standoff.

The first round of the Lt General talks was held on June 6 during which both sides finalised an agreement to disengage gradually from all the standoff points beginning with Galwan Valley.

However, the situation deteriorated following the Galwan Valley clashes as the two sides significantly bolstered their deployments in most areas along the LAC.

Tensions had escalated in eastern Ladakh around two months back after around 250 Chinese and Indian soldiers were engaged in a violent face-off on May 5 and 6. The incident in Pangong Tso was followed by a similar incident in north Sikkim on May 9.

Afraid to show your army retreating back to 1959 Chinese claim line :lol:

What chinese claim line ?

There is a LAC are agreed by both the chinese and Indian govt. which is the official boundary for all practical purpose.

This LAC is mapped, documented and signed by both the govt.
What chinese claim line ?

There is a LAC are agreed by both the chinese and Indian govt. which is the official boundary for all practical purpose.

This LAC is mapped, documented and signed by both the govt.

according to u?

Interesting read

For starters, India has to move back considerably from the perceived Line of Actual Control (LAC), which had been the de facto border ever since China captured large swathes of territory in the 1962 war. Worryingly, as multiple Indian army and intelligence sources have pointed out, the LAC is now all set to become a hot border like the Line of Control (LoC) with Pakistan in the Jammu & Kashmir sector.

What has surprised many military commanders is that the Indian leadership agreed to China’s terms. A key loss is Patrolling Point 14 (PP 14), where a major clash took place on June 15 that claimed the lives of one Indian Army officer and 19 soldiers. An indeterminate number of Chinese soldiers are believed to have been killed in the clash, but no proof of that has emerged so far. This means the Indian Army and ITBP will move considerably back in the Galwan Valley sector. A similar position has been taken at PP 17A and on the mountain ridges known as Finger 2 to 8: India will no longer be allowed to move ahead either.

Effectively, China has managed to push back India’s LAC further back and taken ground that was earlier in India’s possession.

@Mighty Lion :D

Interesting read

For starters, India has to move back considerably from the perceived Line of Actual Control (LAC), which had been the de facto border ever since China captured large swathes of territory in the 1962 war. Worryingly, as multiple Indian army and intelligence sources have pointed out, the LAC is now all set to become a hot border like the Line of Control (LoC) with Pakistan in the Jammu & Kashmir sector.

What has surprised many military commanders is that the Indian leadership agreed to China’s terms. A key loss is Patrolling Point 14 (PP 14), where a major clash took place on June 15 that claimed the lives of one Indian Army officer and 19 soldiers. An indeterminate number of Chinese soldiers are believed to have been killed in the clash, but no proof of that has emerged so far. This means the Indian Army and ITBP will move considerably back in the Galwan Valley sector. A similar position has been taken at PP 17A and on the mountain ridges known as Finger 2 to 8: India will no longer be allowed to move ahead either.

Effectively, China has managed to push back India’s LAC further back and taken ground that was earlier in India’s possession.

@Mighty Lion :D

Yeah, which is why it is posted in the OPINION section.

There is a 1993 agreement between India and China that defines the LAC.

What a humiliating climb down for Modi after so much boasting :lol:

What boasting ? Last I checked, you were the one's asked to go back and was named aggressor.
Yeah, which is why it is posted in the OPINION section.

There is a 1993 agreement between India and China that defines the LAC.

What boasting ? Last I checked, you were the one's asked to go back and was named aggressor.
LAC is not a border. u r picturing it as such.
Although no official boundary had ever been negotiated between China and India, the Indian government claims a boundary in the western sector similar to the Johnson Line of 1865, whereas the PRC government considers a line similar to the Macartney–MacDonald Line of 1899 as the boundary.[5][6]

i repeat: the LAC is not a border. do u even know what 'LAC" stands for? LAC is subject to constant shifting- the stronger party takes all, the weaker 1 loses(n resorts to telling lies on the internet)
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