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With privileges withdrawn, Nancy Powell calls off Nepal visit

I don't think this Adminstration cares much about this. In their minds, if tolerating slave labor was the price the U.S. paid for privileges above and beyond those called for by treaty, it's better to surrender the privileges than tolerate slave labor any more.
I don't think this Adminstration cares much about this. In their minds, if tolerating slave labor was the price the U.S. paid for privileges above and beyond those called for by treaty, it's better to surrender the privileges than tolerate slave labor any more.
That is good.
The relationship should be on an even keel. Neither should US grant India any privileges, nor should India.
I don't think this Adminstration cares much about this. In their minds, if tolerating slave labor was the price the U.S. paid for privileges above and beyond those called for by treaty, it's better to surrender the privileges than tolerate slave labor any more.
stop this double standards and crocodile tears. We all know how much you have love for humanity. I am full aware that all countries have some human rights problem but USA should be last country to talk about humanity but as you have power now you can do whatever you want and thats it. We all know hou much US embassy pay to Indians working here and believe me soon those diplomats are gonna face same charges may be within a week as US embassy is taking more time to submit all informations. Also news channels are showing that your diplomat kins are working here in American school and other other places without paying Taxes and India is now digging all the records from past to present and US is demanding more time to submit all the information I don't know why.

I don't think this Adminstration cares much about this. In their minds, if tolerating slave labor was the price the U.S. paid for privileges above and beyond those called for by treaty, it's better to surrender the privileges than tolerate slave labor any more.
and regarding privilages, we are treating exactly same as you give privilages to our diplomats. Earlier you guys enjoyed much more privilages here than our diplomats in US. But you guys don't deserve that anymore.
stop this double standards and crocodile tears.
The "double standards" charge is often made but can be very difficult to sustain when details are considered.

USA should be last country to talk about humanity
Over the past two centuries the U.S. has made excellent progress at ridding itself of human rights abuses, has it not?

We all know hou much US embassy pay to Indians working here and believe me soon those diplomats are gonna face same charges may be within a week as US embassy is taking more time to submit all informations.
If the diplomats were doing something illicit - contravening treaty obligations - then this Administration will likely support such moves. The only way India will get a rise out of this Administration is to make false charges against U.S. diplomats, and this Administration will likely only squeal about it if it can immediately prove such falsehoods.

Also news channels are showing that your diplomat kins are working here in American school and other other places without paying Taxes -
There are treaties that cover this stuff, too. Check the Diplomatic and Consular Conventions.

and India is now digging all the records from past to present and US is demanding more time to submit all the information I don't know why.
It's obvious India's diplomatic corps is desperate to maintain its illicit privileges.

Earlier you guys enjoyed much more privilages here than our diplomats in US. But you guys don't deserve that anymore.
Doubtless this Administration thinks that if U.S. diplomats enjoyed excess privileges for the price of tolerating Indian diplomats' slave maids, such privileges simply aren't deserved.

Remember where the members of this Administration are coming from. They aren't guilt-ridden white
people willing to give brown peoples a "break" by holding them to a different standard, but are themselves "brown" or "African-American" who feel they have no need to apologize for being Americans, nor hold non-whites to lower standards, nor themselves enjoy superior privileges just because they are Americans.
With privileges withdrawn, Powell calls off Nepal visit
December 27, 2013 19:06 IST


India's tough measures against United States diplomats following the arrest of a senior Indian diplomat in New York has impacted US Ambassador Nancy Powell who called off her travel to Nepal after her special privileges were withdrawn.
Powell, who had informed the government here about her travel plans to Nepal, cancelled her visit after airport pass which gave her special access to various procedural checks at the airport stood withdrawn as India downgraded privileges and benefits to US diplomats in sharp retaliation to the arrest of its Deputy Consul General Devyani Khobragade.
Only the ambassador's airport pass came with a photo ID which was exclusively for her while all other passes known as "floating" airport cards were used by the US diplomats as "if and when required" basis, government sources said.
They said the US Ambassador had informed the external affairs ministry about her travel plans and when she checked about her privilege of special access, she was informed that it stood withdrawn since December 19, the deadline for surrendering the special passes by the US.
With special access withdrawn, there was every possibility that the US ambassador would have been frisked and put through other security measures like normal passengers.
Asserting that India withdrew this facility totally on "reciprocal" basis, the sources said when Indian Ambassador to the US travels in and out of that country, they don't get any
special privilege and cited the example of Meera Shankar, former ambassador who was pulled from an airport security line and frisked by a security agent in Mississippi in 2010.
Meanwhile, the US embassy seems to be dragging its feet on submitting details sought by India including salaries paid to all Indian staff employed at the US consulates, including by consulate officers and families, such as domestic helps.
They have also not filed the details of salaries paid to Indian staff and others in their schools in Delhi and Chennai though the last date for submitting the same was December 23, the sources said, adding the US embassy has made a request that since many of its staff are on holiday in view of Christmas and New Year, they be given more time to submit these details.
The government had sought details from the US embassy after the 1999-batch IFS officer, Khobragade, was arrested on December 12 on charges of making false declarations in a visa application for her maid Sangeeta Richard.
The diplomat was released on a $250,000 bond after being charged with visa fraud.
Subsequent revelations that she was strip searched and held with criminals triggered a row between the two sides with India taking various firm "reciprocal" steps.

I hope this row gets sorted out.
The "double standards" charge is often made but can be very difficult to sustain when details are considered.

Over the past two centuries the U.S. has made excellent progress at ridding itself of human rights abuses, has it not?

If the diplomats were doing something illicit - contravening treaty obligations - then this Administration will likely support such moves. The only way India will get a rise out of this Administration is to make false charges against U.S. diplomats, and this Administration will likely only squeal about it if it can immediately prove such falsehoods.

There are treaties that cover this stuff, too. Check the Diplomatic and Consular Conventions.

It's obvious India's diplomatic corps is desperate to maintain its illicit privileges.

Doubtless this Administration thinks that if U.S. diplomats enjoyed excess privileges for the price of tolerating Indian diplomats' slave maids, such privileges simply aren't deserved.

Remember where the members of this Administration are coming from. They aren't guilt-ridden white
people willing to give brown peoples a "break" by holding them to a different standard, but are themselves "brown" or "African-American" who feel they have no need to apologize for being Americans, nor hold non-whites to lower standards, nor themselves enjoy superior privileges just because they are Americans.
There is no such treaty which allow you to work tax free. Its was just that countries often ignore such things for the sake of good relation but as America is so called super duper power, you can do whatever you want with other's diplomats. You know what if this was just one such incident then one can think that sometimes it happenes but you always do such things to Indian leaders and diplomats. Leave Devyani, you have even harrassed our Ambassdor is past when she was pulled from line and frisked by security agents even after immunity from such stuffs. Hell leave all you didn't leave our most beloved ex President ' APJ Abdul Kalam'. You know considering all these incidents one force to think that you guys always see Indians with racist view and such incidents take place just to let Indians down or else you would have never double check our Ex President and remove his shoes and Jackets twice.
Hey then why don't you show me the rule that 'Diplomats family can work tax free in other country'.
'cause I'm tired of spoon-feeding rude students who are too lazy to look stuff up themselves.
'cause I'm tired of spoon-feeding rude students who are too lazy to look stuff up themselves.
lol there is no such immunity given to diplomat's family. Our diplomats family including diplomats all pay taxes in US.
lol there is no such immunity given to diplomat's family. Our diplomats family including diplomats all pay taxes in US.
For repeatedly making baseless claims and refusing to look things up, I'm putting you on "ignore". To talk to me again, you'll have to get another member to intercede for you.
For repeatedly making baseless claims and refusing to look things up, I'm putting you on "ignore". To talk to me again, you'll have to get another member to intercede for you.
but you failed to show me such treaty between India and USA. Oh okay I will consider it another lie to satisfy American ego and your stand. I am putting you on ignore list too as you will lie again and again without proof.
hahaha says who? A chinese? Somedays Americans are gonna kick your a$$ from there and guess what you have to move to China only.

I have never lived in China. Failed.

I don't think this Adminstration cares much about this. In their minds, if tolerating slave labor was the price the U.S. paid for privileges above and beyond those called for by treaty, it's better to surrender the privileges than tolerate slave labor any more.

Amen to your statement. But we have to protect Americans against those kangaroo courts in India. So its best that our diplomats come home. Or we can build a compound in the big cities that include a movie theater, wave pool, bowling ally, shopping center, etc in the American consulate so they would not be subject to Indian intimidation.
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