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With only one case reported Pakistan almost polio free: UNICEF

lolz dont cry over me, if i break a leg i just take magnesium and do ozone therapy to heal but use nhs to get x ray to see where bone is broken. no doubt modern medicine has done wonderful things but not all of it is great. do you know russia, germany and other countries use alternative medicine which uk usa citizens after being tortured by medicine mafia, go to these countries to actually get better or cured. proof is in the testimonials by the people.

your ego is getting to you all you do is insult if you are so intelligent why not reply with courtesy. you disagree and thats ok no need to get all bravado about it.

Did you forget you wished me that I get cancer and it comes out of my *** or something?
i mean come on you guys call me all kind of names k i did too but after i was insulted first.
but my concern is why would you allow some stranger to walk up to your kids and ram some chemical in their mouth and that too with out your permission.
i mean come on you guys call me all kind of names k i did too but after i was insulted first.
but my concern is why would you allow some stranger to walk up to your kids and ram some chemical in their mouth and that too with out your permission.
Well our concern is that that this anti science stupidity that you pedal is dangerous. You clearly suffer from Dunning Kruger. You have not discovered some mysterious remedy or conspiracy.
You are dangerous to your community, your family and to humankind in general.

We insult you because your argument has NO MERIT WHATSOEVER. It has been debunked time after time. You argue from the pit of ignorance and you seem to be digging further.
i mean come on you guys call me all kind of names k i did too but after i was insulted first.
but my concern is why would you allow some stranger to walk up to your kids and ram some chemical in their mouth and that too with out your permission.
You literally allow a stranger to maintain every other service around you including your water supply. Half of the time you have no idea who is touching what food, service, or even the public toilet in the mall you visit. Yet, when a qualified stranger whom who have every right to get a background on and do research on is offering to save your life you have issues.

You are objecting for the sake of objecting without offering an alternative intelligent perspective just because much like a religious belief it’s a matter of honor rather than actual proven conditions. The vaccines have caused blood clots and other reactions but there are more supporting papers by qualified people and not quasi-medical writers or vague barely qualified MDs that non-vaccinated people aren’t just responsible for their own deaths but of every other person they come in contact with and spread the disease. In other words,they are passive murderers.

Tell me, are PDF quasi analysts on military better than actual military officers, think tanks or people who have fired bullets or flown in combat?
Disease used to keep population in check. Without disease population explodes and the resulting famine and war kills millions. Edward Jenner was not a savior. He was a mass murderer.
OK well explain why China has removed the one child policy then? Does that mean that China is now responsible for mass murder?
by the way my dad took the vaccine and then had blood clot two weeks later n dead. my cousin sister went hospital very healthy just passed her driving, took a injection (not covid vaccine) and was dead in two weeks blood clot. i have another cousin who died 15 years ago who was made disabled by injection.
Sorry but from my observation it is not for me or my family tree. my brother has been refused covid vaccine because severe allergic reaction.
Maybe stop marrying cousins?
I can’t disagree with Thanos :p:P

It comes from a pure distrust and lack of belief in humanity being essentially good

But frankly it also leads to the idea that perhaps there is a concept of god’s wrath as in the scriptures which was done to cleanse the earth of sinners and in many cases stupid people who happy to be led astray.
dumb fucks like you who are willing to accept medical dictatorship to inject you n your family without permission should be shot on the spot.
Inbred like you should be injected with many more things so they dont reproduce.
bit ch read a real book
Suppressed Facts About Vaccination
Eleanor McBean
instead of reading a conspiracy nut you ought to be reading Antivaxxism. Is It A Disease Of The Mind Or The Character ?

in your case, I think that it may be both
here you go


Eleanor McBean was born in 1905 in California. Throughout her adult life she was a prodigious writer, anti vax activist, “researcher” and naturally a conspiracy theorist. She was a layperson with no science or medical training at all. That seems to be a prerequisite for this mob.

The first flu vaccine was produced in 1944-45. In fact in 1918 no one knew what caused the Spanish Flu.

“While the experience of the great pandemic of 1918–1919 had given American medical researchers a heightened appreciation of the dangers of pandemic influenza, and while it permitted epidemiologists to enlarge the fund of descriptive information on influenza outbreaks, it had done little to unlock the mysteries of the disease.

If anything, the experience of 1918–1919 served to deconstruct existing biomedical knowledge.”

“It was not known that a virus was the pathogenic agent. Andrewes, Smith, and Laidlaw of the National Institute for Medical Research were able to determine the cause in 1933”

By the summer of 1919 that pandemic had burnt itself out. So much for her beliefs about a virus which she didn’t know existed.

None the less Eleanor McBean considered herself quite the expert in all things vaccine related. Definitely a DunningKruger lass.

“In her writings, McBean postulates the existence of a causal connection between the smallpox vaccination according to Jenner and the death of a patient due to an infection with tuberculosis: "[...] was declared immune to smallpox but he too, died of tuberculosis at the age of 20." McBean also views cancer as a result of previous vaccination.”

Such was her true ignorance :-

“Being a layperson, McBean's perspective on health and medical topics must be considered non-professional, as is obvious in her description of a vaccination as an "infusion of poison injected into the blood stream" in the preface to her book "The Poisoned Needle" (ibid. p. 5). ( link above)

She also strongly objected to the introduction of the Salk polio vaccine in 1956 and wrote her strongly worded letter to the Governor of California.

She was ignored. Funny that.

Modern day pro disease zealots still dribble or drool over her ramblings and methods to “educate” the public and irritate politicians, and just like back then, thankfully, Politicians ignored her and the vaccine saved many many lives.

There seems to be one fact that holds true. Intelligence and education should move us forward. Lack of effective education and fixating on past beliefs simply maintain ongoing ignorance.

McBean may have believed the garbage she wrote but it’s disconcerting to see her rot being perpetuated on social media in 2020 in the midst of a pandemic.

end quote
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Well our concern is that that this anti science stupidity that you pedal is dangerous. You clearly suffer from Dunning Kruger. You have not discovered some mysterious remedy or conspiracy.
You are dangerous to your community, your family and to humankind in general.

We insult you because your argument has NO MERIT WHATSOEVER. It has been debunked time after time. You argue from the pit of ignorance and you seem to be digging further.

if i dont agree it is not your business it is my body. you ever heard of sovereignty nobody in this world has the right to force someone to take something they dont want to. government could not give flying to fcuks about your condition if you were stuck in poverty suddenly they care to inject you. science can be bought n sold anytime give me a 100 million i can train up ppl within one generation to believe something is true even though its not. is bill gates a doctor or scientist why is he allowed to give advise on vaccines or medicine. does he have a degree in medicine, nope he does not.
Maybe stop marrying cousins?
you dumb fukers dont read my answers my two family members were not from cousin marriage.
instead of reading a conspiracy nut you ought to be reading Antivaxxism. Is It A Disease Of The Mind Or The Character ?

in your case, I think that it may be both
here you go


Eleanor McBean was born in 1905 in California. Throughout her adult life she was a prodigious writer, anti vax activist, “researcher” and naturally a conspiracy theorist. She was a layperson with no science or medical training at all. That seems to be a prerequisite for this mob.

The first flu vaccine was produced in 1944-45. In fact in 1918 no one knew what caused the Spanish Flu.

“While the experience of the great pandemic of 1918–1919 had given American medical researchers a heightened appreciation of the dangers of pandemic influenza, and while it permitted epidemiologists to enlarge the fund of descriptive information on influenza outbreaks, it had done little to unlock the mysteries of the disease.

If anything, the experience of 1918–1919 served to deconstruct existing biomedical knowledge.”

“It was not known that a virus was the pathogenic agent. Andrewes, Smith, and Laidlaw of the National Institute for Medical Research were able to determine the cause in 1933”

By the summer of 1919 that pandemic had burnt itself out. So much for her beliefs about a virus which she didn’t know existed.

None the less Eleanor McBean considered herself quite the expert in all things vaccine related. Definitely a DunningKruger lass.

“In her writings, McBean postulates the existence of a causal connection between the smallpox vaccination according to Jenner and the death of a patient due to an infection with tuberculosis: "[...] was declared immune to smallpox but he too, died of tuberculosis at the age of 20." McBean also views cancer as a result of previous vaccination.”

Such was her true ignorance :-

“Being a layperson, McBean's perspective on health and medical topics must be considered non-professional, as is obvious in her description of a vaccination as an "infusion of poison injected into the blood stream" in the preface to her book "The Poisoned Needle" (ibid. p. 5). ( link above)

She also strongly objected to the introduction of the Salk polio vaccine in 1956 and wrote her strongly worded letter to the Governor of California.

She was ignored. Funny that.

Modern day pro disease zealots still dribble or drool over her ramblings and methods to “educate” the public and irritate politicians, and just like back then, thankfully, Politicians ignored her and the vaccine saved many many lives.

There seems to be one fact that holds true. Intelligence and education should move us forward. Lack of effective education and fixating on past beliefs simply maintain ongoing ignorance.

McBean may have believed the garbage she wrote but it’s disconcerting to see her rot being perpetuated on social media in 2020 in the midst of a pandemic.

end quote

so putting in cow puss into your cuts will heal you that wat edward jenner did.
Inbred like you should be injected with many more things so they dont reproduce.
i shud fcuk your sister to produce more like me.
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so you ppl believe humans being are created with flaws in their immune system that that your god allah watever is inferior god he cant design perfect humans that they have to create vaccine to cure themselves.
instead of reading a conspiracy nut you ought to be reading Antivaxxism. Is It A Disease Of The Mind Or The Character ?

in your case, I think that it may be both
here you go


Eleanor McBean was born in 1905 in California. Throughout her adult life she was a prodigious writer, anti vax activist, “researcher” and naturally a conspiracy theorist. She was a layperson with no science or medical training at all. That seems to be a prerequisite for this mob.

The first flu vaccine was produced in 1944-45. In fact in 1918 no one knew what caused the Spanish Flu.

“While the experience of the great pandemic of 1918–1919 had given American medical researchers a heightened appreciation of the dangers of pandemic influenza, and while it permitted epidemiologists to enlarge the fund of descriptive information on influenza outbreaks, it had done little to unlock the mysteries of the disease.

If anything, the experience of 1918–1919 served to deconstruct existing biomedical knowledge.”

“It was not known that a virus was the pathogenic agent. Andrewes, Smith, and Laidlaw of the National Institute for Medical Research were able to determine the cause in 1933”

By the summer of 1919 that pandemic had burnt itself out. So much for her beliefs about a virus which she didn’t know existed.

None the less Eleanor McBean considered herself quite the expert in all things vaccine related. Definitely a DunningKruger lass.

“In her writings, McBean postulates the existence of a causal connection between the smallpox vaccination according to Jenner and the death of a patient due to an infection with tuberculosis: "[...] was declared immune to smallpox but he too, died of tuberculosis at the age of 20." McBean also views cancer as a result of previous vaccination.”

Such was her true ignorance :-

“Being a layperson, McBean's perspective on health and medical topics must be considered non-professional, as is obvious in her description of a vaccination as an "infusion of poison injected into the blood stream" in the preface to her book "The Poisoned Needle" (ibid. p. 5). ( link above)

She also strongly objected to the introduction of the Salk polio vaccine in 1956 and wrote her strongly worded letter to the Governor of California.

She was ignored. Funny that.

Modern day pro disease zealots still dribble or drool over her ramblings and methods to “educate” the public and irritate politicians, and just like back then, thankfully, Politicians ignored her and the vaccine saved many many lives.

There seems to be one fact that holds true. Intelligence and education should move us forward. Lack of effective education and fixating on past beliefs simply maintain ongoing ignorance.

McBean may have believed the garbage she wrote but it’s disconcerting to see her rot being perpetuated on social media in 2020 in the midst of a pandemic.

end quote

when someone has a alternative method they are ridiculed by authorities and medical mafia groups.
why has modern medicine not cured cancer billions upon billions are spent yet a simple guy like rick Simpson cured himself from cannabis oil then was denounced by medical authorities. apricot seed can cure cancer people who have taken this have got cured yet medical mafia doesn't reconise it.

are all those people lying that write testimonials about alternative medicine and were cured by it.
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