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wishes of many memebrs here granted - Indo-Pak border tensions escalates - Pak army moving forward


Sep 13, 2014
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Many members here expressed wishes to the effect of escalation in India - Pakistan border tensions

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Pakistan army moving forward on the India pakistan border

rangers being pulled back

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Pakistan Army moving forward after India's strong retaliation along the border in J&K: Sources
Shreya Dhoundial, CNN-IBN@ibnlive
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Jammu: Pakistan Army is moving forward after India's strong retaliation along the international border and Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir, say external intelligence sources. Pakistani Army troops have crossed several posts which are normally manned by Pakistani Rangers, the equivalent of India's Border Security Force.

In the last few days, Pakistani Rangers have opened unprovoked firing at several BSF posts along the international border in Jammu and Kashmir leading to a very strong reply from the Indian troops.

While BSF officials say they have seen some movement on the Pakistani side but the situation is under control so far. They add the movement of Pakistani Army started after some Rangers were killed in retaliatory firing by BSF troops.


Pakistani Army troops have crossed several posts which are normally manned by Pakistani Rangers, the equivalent of India's Border Security Force.

#pakistan army #paksitan #india international border #jammu and kashmir
Although no flag meeting has been scheduled but the BSF will lodge a strong protest to Pakistani authorities about the movement.

Earlier Inspector General Border Security Force (Jammu frontier) Rakesh Sharma had termed the ceasefire violations by Pakistan as "utter frustration". He also claimed many terrorists were waiting to sneak into the Indian side in Jammu and Kashmir from Pakistan.

"There are about 50-60 terrorists at the launch pads on the other side waiting at the international border but we are fully prepared," he said adding that security measures have been intensified on the Indian side to check any untoward incident.

In the past few days one BSF soldier and four Pakistani Rangers have been killed in Samba sector of Jammu aqnd Kashmir while firing at several border outposts have taken place.

On Wednesday, Pakistani Rangers waved white flags asking BSF to stop the firing so that they could lift the bodies of their dead men. Honouring their request, the BSF stopped the firing and allowed them to come to the border line and lift the bodies.

Pakistan Army moving forward after India's strong retaliation along the border in J&K: Sources - IBNLive

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