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Wing Commander Noman Ali Khan & Squadron Leader Hassan Siddqui, MIG-21Bison & SU-30 MKI slayers

Either way, the bigger picture is that two jets were verified as a kill; one a mig-21 but the second we cannot identify for sure. Will the info eventually come out?
No one knows for sure

Details I have no idea about.

Such a mystery. :cheers: (non alcoholic)
@Oscar @Windjammer wikipedia claims that PAF lost 9 F-16s in accidents. Is it true? bcz I can't recall losing all these aircrafts. :what:
@Oscar @Windjammer wikipedia claims that PAF lost 9 F-16s in accidents. Is it true? bcz I can't recall losing all these aircrafts. :what:
Throughout the years- perhaps; again Wikipedia is a publicly editable site and most of the time the rabid Indian nationalist is trying to twist articles to suit their narrative.
Does not look like rajisthan.

The helmet looks different than WC abhi's considering yesterday's crash was a mig as well.

Can someone identify the rank as I always had difficulty identifying air force rank.

Looks like it was from recent jaguar crash.
Aim-120 homes on jamming- worst ship to be on. India would be well places to invest in decoys.

Running to French this time? That could be the probability after whatever learnt from this. So the "Raptor" couldn't do so what it was meant to. I see more emphasis on lobbying in US to at-least impose something on Fleet which will not be done for merely Abhi....
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