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WINDOWS VISTA AERO VS LINUX UBUNTU BERYL - 3D effects, You might dump your Vista afte

You can use a file compression tool such as “Winrar” to compress and split the 4.2 gig file
WOW, why didn't i think of it before.

I guess it will work. Lets see if i succeed. I am moving on to Vista. :partay:
ya vista is good but thats a buggy windows...full of bugs i think microsoft has to introduce some other service pack.
cheetah786, i have changed it to 1gb +1gb =2gb memory ram = i already have like 120 gb hard disk (sata) i am adding another hard disk of 100 gb so 100 +120 = 220 gb
to sum up its now 2 gb memory rams & 220gb hard disks will it suffice my vista basic bro waiting for your opinion

That much memory should be sufficient except i don't no what kind of software u have on your machine.
Vista (NT 6.0) is a great Operating system , Its architecture is major shift from XP (NT 5.0).
Its more secure however some of the security features like user pop's for running executable and its lesser extent of support for various compatible devices are annoying to users.
Its design and code is much more neat and manageable than XP.
Its next generation OS.
Linux has been in market for quite a while now but its market share is less.

Vista SP1 will be the faster and most updated version of Vista it will be release at the end of this year.
WOW, why didn't i think of it before.

I guess it will work. Lets see if i succeed. I am moving on to Vista. :partay:

No chief no please don't do this to your self vista is nothing less then a scientific credit card you will have to constantly upgrade it. it doesn't go with this its not compatible with that to much complication & also much slower then XP like if you go for it then just avoid future shop & best buy (slaughter house) personal experience ! trust me chief windows XP professional is ALL TIME GREAT no doubt .:tup:
XP, no doubt will remain a permanent windows for sometime, but faster computer, new softwares will be specifically designed for the Vista. The future is in the hands of Vista, so if you can buy it, and your computer is able to maintain it, then it should be good enough.

I have 2.54 ghz, 1Gig ram, 120 gb hard drive, so it should work fine on my computer. Plus, i am getting it for cheap so why not.

I am on Vista now. Its smooth. :cool: I would recommend it.
hey speaking of this beryl linex os, iv never used it or had any experience with it. im think of reinstalling windows. maybe i should go with linex. will it run fine on 1 gb of ram? and does it run all the softwares that xp or vista can run, and the drivers and plugins for online players and things?
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