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Reducing Digital footprint

There is no difference between Windows and Linux when it comes to hacking, both are originated from USA. USA knows the loop holes in linux also they can hack it when ever they want, even if some modifications are done to linux.
Google has become overly powerful and a great spying tool..
i think bing has better privacy policy..but they too are americans
Here's an idea for a browser plugin:

A peer-to-peer client (like bittorrent) to relay google searches.

Essentially, each search gets "outsourced" to a random peer who then relays back the results. There is then no history for google to track.

As for facebook, only morons put their "timeline" on the internet.
In light of ALL the agencies involved with sharing their central servers with the NSA, I think its time that the rest of the world pro-actively took steps to de-Americanize their internet footprint. I know you won't be invisible, nor do I intend to hide anything but one thing is passively learning and one thing is to downright have full access to your data.

Note the issue with warrants does not apply to reading the data of a non-American.

What are the best alternatives out there for:

1. Email like Gmail
2. Video Conf like Skype
3. Social networking like Facebook
4. IM... I always have something simpler than skype... for just random chatting
5. Some alternative to Youtube
6. The mac daddy of all requirements - an alternative to google
7. Alternative to google maps.

My personal suggestion is to make step 1 to move on to a user friendly Linux OS like Ubuntu, install a Virtual Machine for Windows whenever needed to run pure windows stuff.

What about alternative for Internet???

Afterall US owns it.:police:
u know?

Skype can read your BIOS, motherboard serial # etc.

You can google Skype reads BIOS.

this is worrisome
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