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Will the US defend Philippines if China attacks?

Martian, your own posts give most people the gist of where your loyalties and sympathies lie, and what they think of it differs widely based on their own loyalties and sympathies. You would be near the bottom of the list of people I look to for arguing in America's self-interest in Asia (unless that self interest benefits China) though.

76% of Americans view China favorably

It is unfortunate that you belong to the small minority of Americans (23%) who are rabidly anti-Chinese.

For the majority of Americans (76%), which includes myself, we see a future of Sino-American cooperation and prosperity.


Reference for Gallup Poll results: Americans, Opinion Leaders See U.S.-China Ties as Friendly

Lack of U.S. carrier proves U.S. does not support the Philippines

You've just proved the U.S. does not support the Philippines. What did Clinton do to send a message to Beijing over Taiwan? He sent two U.S. carrier battle groups through the Taiwan Strait in 1996.

Tell me, when was the last time you saw an U.S. carrier battle group anywhere near the South China Sea?

U.S. Navy photo / Lt. Cmdr. Denver Applehans
A U.S. Navy F/A-18E Super Hornet launches from the aircraft carrier USS George Washington during routine operations in the South China Sea last week.


SOUTH CHINA SEA (July 8, 2012) The aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) conducts an early morning replenishment at sea with the George Washington Strike Group. George Washington is forward deployed to Yokosuka, Japan, and is underway in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Paul Kelly/Released)
roughly 3 weeks ago
China didn't complain, or its not in the papers at least.
It seems these neocon warmongers keep pushing the US to go war with China or is it just their bullying nature?
76% of Americans view China favorably

It is unfortunate that you belong to the small minority of Americans (23%) who are rabidly anti-Chinese.

For the majority of Americans (76%), which includes myself, we see a future of Sino-American cooperation and prosperity.


Reference for Gallup Poll results: Americans, Opinion Leaders See U.S.-China Ties as Friendly

Oh come now, don't try to hide behind polls, we're talking about your views, not some poll. You support 'ceding' hegemony of Asia to China instead of a managed rise while preserving US capabilities ties, and dominance. that tells me all I need to know about where your views lie in the spectrum of American opinion, and I don't believe you are an avid isolationist except in cases to use it as a means to an end.

It's routine. Who cares?

You do, as you wanted to know when the last time a US carrier was in the South China Sea.
Oh come now, don't try to hide behind polls, we're talking about your views, not some poll. You support 'ceding' hegemony of Asia to China instead of a managed rise while preserving US capabilities ties, and dominance. that tells me all I need to know about where your views lie in the spectrum of American opinion, and I don't believe you are an avid isolationist.

Look, you belong to a small group of radical anti-China neo-McCarthyists. You don't represent the majority of American opinion. I do. Now buzz off.
Look, you belong to a small group of radical anti-China neo-McCarthyists. You don't represent the majority of American opinion. I do. Now buzz off.

Martian, I live in the US, you may try to convince people from different countries that your extreme view is the majority view, but American posters here can see you are full of it.
Martian, I live in the US, you may try to convince people from different countries that your extreme view is the majority view, but American posters here can see you are full of it.
Sorry, but I am with Martian on this one. No way am I anti-P.R.China.
Lack of U.S. carrier proves U.S. does not support the Philippines

You've just proved the U.S. does not support the Philippines. What did Clinton do to send a message to Beijing over Taiwan? He sent two U.S. carrier battle groups through the Taiwan Strait in 1996.

Tell me, when was the last time you saw an U.S. carrier battle group anywhere near the South China Sea?
You are afriaf of US, right? Your fear comes from the event in 1996. You are trying to prove that China wil not be attacked by US and China will be safe if China attacks Phillippine. You never know what happens. Do not do any illegal thing, you will feel safe.

The question is that why China wants to attack Phillippine? Is it only to occupy
Scarborough shoal of Phillippine?
The question is that why China wants to attack Phillippine? Is it only to occupy
Scarborough shoal of Phillippine?

No, China doesn't want to attack Philippines and still hasn't. You seem to be too far away to know the ground (water) realities to contribute your fair opinions here. It was Aquino, the Filipino geopolitical genius, who sent his biggest warship to arrest Chinese fishermen in Chinese territory and the repeated provocations there after.
Martian, I live in the US, you may try to convince people from different countries that your extreme view is the majority view, but American posters here can see you are full of it.

I have a Gallup Poll citation (see post #91). You have only rhetoric. Only one of us is right and it isn't you.

You want more proof? See citation below from the Commander in Chief.

US is China's friend, economic partner, Obama assures Hu

"US is China's friend, economic partner, Obama assures Hu
January 20, 2011, 6:11pm

• Obama welcomes China’s rise as key power
• Disagreement on yuan currency ends
• Cooperation on world pressing issues sealed
• $45-B trade deal signed

WASHINGTON (AP) – In a rare concession on a highly sensitive issue, Chinese President Hu Jintao used his White House visit on Wednesday to acknowledge “a lot still needs to be done” to improve human rights in his nation accused of repressing its people. President Barack Obama pushed China to adopt fundamental freedoms but assured Hu the US considers the communist nation a friend and vital economic partner. (article continues)"


At Asean_2015, China is not afraid of the United States. China was not afraid of the U.S. during the Korean War or the Vietnam War. China will not compromise on its sovereignty and that's final.

China will fight 3 years (Korean War) or 16 years (Vietnam War) to ensure its national security. China will fight as many years as necessary to safeguard its territory (South China Sea) or near-abroad (Korea and Vietnam).

As armchair generals, we discuss the United States because it has the only navy capable of complicating matters for China in the South China Sea.
No American is more patriotic than I in arguing American lives should not be wasted on other countries' disputes.
Translation: You do not want the US to get involve in Asia because China is your first loyalty.

For the majority of Americans (76%), which includes myself, we see a future of Sino-American cooperation and prosperity.
So you are convinced that if China were to go to war against these smaller Asian countries, American public opinions would not changed? You are either delusional or intellectually dishonest. Probably both.
No, China doesn't want to attack Philippines and still hasn't. You seem to be too far away to know the ground (water) realities to contribute your fair opinions here. It was Aquino, the Filipino geopolitical genius, who sent his biggest warship to arrest Chinese fishermen in Chinese territory and the repeated provocations there after.

Oh yes Mars is Chinese territory too :rofl: :rofl:
Just ask your fishermen stay out of others' EEZ line :rofl: Or at least have a base of your buffalo's tongue line :rofl:
They even claim the SUN
I believe they have an ancient ship there :rofl:

On the other side,

As an american you must know that your government is greedy as f~
They dont f~ care if they lose hundreds of thousand of american soldiers in war
They don't want those natural resources get by China
Oil is not permanent, and knowing that the spratlys(or what you may call it) has an oil underneath it, do you think your government(USA) will let that get by it's number one enemy?

And last thing, hypothetically, if the USA will join the war against China, you do know that your government's debt on China will be erased to 0.

No, China doesn't want to attack Philippines and still hasn't. You seem to be too far away to know the ground (water) realities to contribute your fair opinions here. It was Aquino, the Filipino geopolitical genius, who sent his biggest warship to arrest Chinese fishermen in Chinese territory and the repeated provocations there after.

Oh FFS, your chinese fisherman are fishing on OUR sea OUR teritorial sea, not on the disputed islands, they are FISHING on OUR sea. It's illegal FFS.

Are chinese really that dumb regarding these international laws. We didn't harass your fisherman we're just CONFISCATING those illegaly claimed resources on OUR sea.

You're government is feeding you with wrong facts
WAKE UP DUDE you're turning to a mindless puppet

The world knows that your fisherman are always doing this kind of thing (illegal fishing on neighbors territory).
No, China doesn't want to attack Philippines and still hasn't. You seem to be too far away to know the ground (water) realities to contribute your fair opinions here. It was Aquino, the Filipino geopolitical genius, who sent his biggest warship to arrest Chinese fishermen in Chinese territory and the repeated provocations there after.
It is the title of the topic. Russia did the same. They even fired on Chiness boats. The best way is that Chinese fishmen do not violate Philippine territorial waters. The Chinese territory can be found in the following link
The Han-Chinese map published in 1904 by Shanghai Publishing House.
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