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Will the US defend Philippines if China attacks?

Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;3242838 said:
Spaniards discovered America. So what now?

Why don't you go ask them? If the Spanish are willing to relinquish their sovereignty, that's their problem.


Law: China is first possessor and true owner of South China Sea islands and water territories

China is asserting its sovereignty over its first discovery of the South China Sea from 2,000 years ago and afterwards.

Finders keepers. Stay out of Chinese waters and islands.

Law (see citation below):

1. China is the first discoverer of South China Sea islands and territorial waters. China is the "first possessor" and "true owner."

2. "If the true owner never intends to give up his claim of ownership, it remains his."

Emanuel Law Outlines: Property Keyed to Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander ... - Massey - Google Books

"Massey - 2010 - Law - 464 pages
The first possessor becomes the next True Owner. But if True Owner... never intends to give up his claim of ownership, it remains his. ... Trespassing finders of abandoned property are denied title unless the trespass is “trivial or merely technical."
Why don't you go ask them? If the Spanish are willing to relinquish their sovereignty, that's their problem.
China is asserting its sovereignty over its first discovery of the South China Sea from 2,000 years ago and afterwards.
Finders keepers. Stay out of Chinese waters and islands.

Nah they don't claim it because they are not as ridiculous as you Chinese, they know that if they want to claim something they have to set sovereignty instead of discover :rofl: :rofl: If you set sovereignty first, it's yours, if you just discovered it first, it's not yours. Can you understand such an easy statement? :coffee:

Emanuel Law Outlines: Property Keyed to Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander ... - Massey - Google Books

"Massey - 2010 - Law - 464 pages
The first possessor becomes the next True Owner. But if True ... never intends to give up his claim of ownership, it remains his. ... Trespassing finders of abandoned property are denied title unless the trespass is “trivial or merely technical."

The first possessor means the man who set sovereignty first, not the man who discovered it first :rofl: :rofl:
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;3243147 said:
Nah they don't claim it because they are not as ridiculous as you Chinese, they know that if they want to claim something they have to set sovereignty instead of discover :rofl: :rofl: If you set sovereignty first, it's yours, if you just discovered it first, it's not yours. Can you understand such an easy statement? :coffee:

The first possessor means the man who set sovereignty first, not the man who discovered it first :rofl: :rofl:

The Chinese government, Han Dynasty, claimed sovereignty (see definition below) over the South China Sea and islands in its official government records 2,000 years ago.

The Chinese Han Dynasty government is the first possessor, claimed sovereign rights as evidenced by imperial records, and true owner of the South China Sea islands and water territories.

As written in the law books (see Massey 464 pages), "But if True Owner [China]... never intends to give up his claim of ownership [over the South China Sea islands], it remains his."



   [sov-rin-tee, suhv-] Show IPA
noun, plural sov·er·eign·ties.

1. the quality or state of being sovereign.

2. the status, dominion, power, or authority of a sovereign; royalty.

3. supreme and independent power or authority in government as possessed or claimed by a state or community.

4. rightful status, independence, or prerogative.

5. a sovereign state, community, or political unit."
Who cares about your 2000 year old history? the modern and civilized world have rules to avoid conflicts and to instill respect amongst nations. but you keep going back and forth to your ancient history whenever you lose your arguments. If ancient history is to be the standard then by all means you must voluntarily give up everything chinese and be a mongolian. other than that, Filipinos are now here and we will **** your stupid, barbaric, opinions off.
Who cares about your 2000 year old history? the modern and civilized world have rules to avoid conflicts and to instill respect amongst nations. but you keep going back and forth to your ancient history whenever you lose your arguments. If ancient history is to be the standard then by all means you must voluntarily give up everything chinese and be a mongolian. other than that, Filipinos are now here and we will **** your stupid, barbaric, opinions off.

The civilized world cares about law (see Massey 464 pages), first possessor, sovereignty, true owner, and China's intent to keep ownership of the South China Sea islands and water territories.

I don't expect uncivilized third-world Filipinos to understand my in-depth discussions.

China wins on every aspect. You Filipinos are trespassers.
Read my post carefully, I did not accuse you a false flagger. It said it's a natural thing for you to speak on the behalf of your country, which of course is Vietnam as your flag indicates.

However the new guy 'asean-145' has 13 posts while he carries two Swedish flags and everyone of his posts is anti China, if it's you would you respect his opinion and take his 'advises'?

That asean-145 is either a Viet or a Pinoy, just ignore that troll. :coffee:
On topic, if china thinks that the US will not defend the Philippines, which has almost zero outside defense capability, it would have sinked some ships by now.

Good news for the War hungry Chinese: Some major companies in Subic Bay, the LARGEST US naval base outside of the US mainland and just 3-4 hours away from Scarborough Shoal, are starting to relocate. Hmmmm.

Respect our EEZ. The world will respect yours.

The civilized world cares about law (see Massey 464 pages), first possessor, sovereignty, true owner, and China's intent to keep ownership of the South China Sea islands and water territories.

I don't expect uncivilized third-world Filipinos to understand my in-depth discussions.

China wins on every aspect. You Filipinos are trespassers.

Dude, more than half of your population is dirt poor and that is almost 7x our entire population. You just recently learned to eat 3x a day and you think everyone that is not chinese is poor. Filipinos are uncivilized? We will have higher ratio of College graduates every year more than your communist country would ever dream of. So dont wet yourself whenever your government dish out propagandas about what your country is all about. And, Filipinos are not trespassers to our own EEZ. That's so stupid.
^ Philippines is a piss poor country. Your GDP / capita just 1/3 that of China. Nobody cares if Philippines invites more black American marines back to Subic Bay to take care of Filipina loving them long time. What a hilarious threat :)
Arrogance after just a decade of prosperity. One war and you're back to what you were in your 2000 year old history... dirt poor.

Our country didnt send out threats to anyone. We cant. But we wont budge. On the other hand, the chinese already gave out numerous war threats and what happened? None. All bark no bite.

$100 billion military budget cant even scare the Filipinos with 2 40-year old cutters as warships.
Read my post carefully, I did not accuse you a false flagger. It said it's a natural thing for you to speak on the behalf of your country, which of course is Vietnam as your flag indicates.

However the new guy 'asean-145' has 13 posts while he carries two Swedish flags and everyone of his posts is anti China, if it's you would you respect his opinion and take his 'advises'?

So? Some of Pakistan flaggers, Bangladesh (T-Rex), Singapore (afatzhia) entered to topics has "China - Viet Nam - Philippines" issues, then where were you at that point? You also "thanks" them as well.

This is International forum and besides China, Viet Nam, Philipines, you don't want other to join? Wow, you are just acted exactly the same like China Gov did. (Divided and breaks)
Who cares about your 2000 year old history? the modern and civilized world have rules to avoid conflicts and to instill respect amongst nations. but you keep going back and forth to your ancient history whenever you lose your arguments. If ancient history is to be the standard then by all means you must voluntarily give up everything chinese and be a mongolian. other than that, Filipinos are now here and we will **** your stupid, barbaric, opinions off.

Even they use their "history", they will still loose to us, believe me. Because I don't even think that they really have any "historical evidence(s)". It will take years to make them post an legal "historical evidence" that prove their sovereignty (not some kind of "we found it first" or "we went fishing there first", exactly they need "we set sovereignty on it first"). I haven't seen any of them since June 2011.

The Chinese Han Dynasty government is the first possessor, claimed sovereign rights as evidenced by imperial records, and true owner of the South China Sea islands and water territories.

That's the only thing on earth I want to see from you Chinese since when I joined this forum. But I still haven't seen it yet. Where? Show me that evidence. In what book? What does it say? Now.
So? Some of Pakistan flaggers, Bangladesh (T-Rex), Singapore (afatzhia) entered to topics has "China - Viet Nam - Philippines" issues, then where were you at that point? You also "thanks" them as well.

This is International forum and besides China, Viet Nam, Philipines, you don't want other to join? Wow, you are just acted exactly the same like China Gov did. (Divided and breaks)

Reread my post again. I didn't speak for others and I never do. I only speak for myself and sometimes for my country and my people.

The said gentlemen was giving advice on what China should do and I refuted him, that's all. Don't add anymore than what I said!
I found many maps showing clearly the Chinese territorial water. This clearly indicates the illegal activities of China. Chinese should accept the truth about the territotial water.
I found many maps showing clearly the Chinese territorial water. This clearly indicates the illegal activities of China. Chinese should accept the truth about the territotial water.

Did you look at the maps from the Han Dynasty and every dynasty over the last 2,000 years? China discovered and claimed the South China Sea and islands long before the Vietnamese and Filipinos even knew the South China Sea islands existed.

Want me to post some early Chinese maps on the South China Sea to educate you?
Did you look at the maps from the Han Dynasty and every dynasty over the last 2,000 years? China discovered and claimed the South China Sea and islands long before the Vietnamese and Filipinos even knew the South China Sea islands existed.

Want me to post some early Chinese maps on the South China Sea to educate you?
Did you mean the 1904 Han-Chinese map is a toilet paper? I have posted other maps in other topic. Inform me if they are also toilet papers.

Anyway, please post the Chinese maps from Han Dynasty. Also 34 maps you mentioned in other topic if possible. I am glad to see them.
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