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Will the Doklam Standoff Lead to a Second India-China War?

It has everything to do with India ,Bhutans security is India's responsibility.
If we allow that today for our smaller neighbour they will do it with us tomorrow.

China has been doing the same thing in SCS.they say it's disputed and say we will talk and resolve and then start constructing.its time to call the bluff.

Its not.

India ultimately agreed to the amendment and removed Article 2 of the treaty in 2007 and thereby freed Bhutan from, among other things, seeking India’s guidance on foreign policy and obtaining permission over arms imports.
But what will happen if India stops supporting Bhutan? Will China talk to Bhutan about its concern ?
Well time for India to test it's imported western weapons.
The Chinese are a devious lot and their creep and occupy strategy is well documented all over the world ,esp so called south China Sea.
They only understand Power flows from the barrel of a gun.
Their month long humiliation is very enjoyable for us here.

But what will happen if India stops supporting Bhutan? Will China talk to Bhutan about its concern ?
In the last 10 years which count ry has china had a peaceful negotiation with ?
They think they are a super power.
And now getting cut to size.
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