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Will the Doklam Standoff Lead to a Second India-China War?

I like this part “under India’s logic, if the Pakistani government requests, a third country’s army can enter the area disputed by India and Pakistan.”

Well done India, you've opened the Pandora's Box.
You are welcome to enter. But unlike in the eastern border, towards the western border soldiers point gun straight. Not downwards like in East. For obvious reasons.

The Pandora's box is not yet open, unless you fire a shot. Which will change the whole course of action along the entire eastern border.
I don't think you get the point. Doklam is of strategic importance to India. We have a large border dispute with China in such circumstances why would we let China build a road so close to India and give them a strategic advantage to invade us ?

Got the point! Its not about nationalism or ego its about national security.

All these problems exist because of the huge distrust btw our two countries we need to bridge those gaps and reach to an agreement. China should take steps to ally India's fears.
It's not reasonable, with the simliar reason, India can go on to annex Bhutan, take the Bengal's land. And India can also declare that Aksai-chin only have 400 kilometers to Delhi, so China should give up that land to India.
Maybe India can build a great wall there, anyway, It can't be a reason to ask China to give up his land.

india is suggesting Punjab can be buffer state :) between india and Pak. :thank_you2:common keep on going.....

A war is good too...it is time to liberate Tibet...once Tibet is liberated...Tibet can act as buffer state between India and China
LOL, Guess what, Tibet's captia GDP is four time of India. Liberate our Tibetan people or bring them into poverty like India.
Please liberate you people from poverty first.
It's not reasonable, with the simliar reason, India can go on to annex Bhutan, take the Bengal's land. And India can also declare that Aksai-chin only have 400 kilometers to Delhi, so China should give up that land to India.
Maybe India can build a great wall there, anyway, It can't be a reason to ask China to give up his land.

LOL, Guess what, Tibet's captia GDP is four time of India. Liberate our Tibetan people or bring them into poverty like India.
Please liberate you people from poverty first.
And believe me Tibetan rather live in hell than indians. india will never be ashamed of what they have been doing in Kashmir and miss guiding monks. believe me being stuck between india and china is better to be with china than live in poverty and die with hunger. this country is producing racism povert human un equality difference between east west north and south matter fact everytopic you explore you might find huge problem.
It's not reasonable, with the simliar reason, India can go on to annex Bhutan, take the Bengal's land. And India can also declare that Aksai-chin only have 400 kilometers to Delhi, so China should give up that land to India.
Maybe India can build a great wall there, anyway, It can't be a reason to ask China to give up his land.

I am not asking China to give up its land. All that i am asking is China to maintain status quo as this is a dispute between China and Bhutan.

First this issue needs to be resolved between China and Bhutan and then China can build not just a road but anything it wants to build.

PS: I don't favor India getting involved in a dispute btw Bhutan and China, I think this dispute will get solved if Bhutan and China directly talk and solve this issue.

China has to be sensitive to its neighbors concerns also after all its no mans land that has no interests for China but is vital for India.
If China is rich by five times.

Stop talking and show how pathetic and inferior the Indians are walk

Yellow people all talk

No walk the walk

To worried about a beating
I am not asking China to give up its land. All that i am asking is China to maintain status quo as this is a dispute between China and Bhutan.

First this issue needs to be resolved between China and Bhutan and then China can build not just a road but anything it wants to build.

PS: I don't favor India getting involved in a dispute btw Bhutan and China, I think this dispute will get solved if Bhutan and China directly talk and solve this issue.

China has to be sensitive to its neighbors concerns also after all its no mans land that has no interests for China but is vital for India.
so India's army just cross the border to tell China to maintain the status quo? can they not go through the foreign affair? enter some other country's territory without permission, it can be seen as an invasion.
so India's army just cross the border to tell China to maintain the status quo? can they not go through the foreign affair? enter some other country's territory without permission, it can be seen as an invasion.

Yes they should go through the foreign affair but do you want us to just stand and watch PLA build and complete the road until we finish talks through the foreign affairs.

This is a tricky thing status quo had no road that was no mans land and it was peaceful. Suddenly India is threatened because of a road that comes so close to a vantage point for India.

But definitely war is no solution India and China should discuss this and India should pull out troops after taking China in to confidence and restore the status quo.

We need more confidence building measures to ally India's fears of China.

Just think why India dosent want a road so close to us because we fear that it can be used by China in case of a conflict and choke India's North east. The root of the problem is distrust which needs to be bridged after that people will not have issues even if China builds a road inside India.
so India's army just cross the border to tell China to maintain the status quo? can they not go through the foreign affair? enter some other country's territory without permission, it can be seen as an invasion.

We have permission to enter from Bhutan side. Sneaking up on others land and holding it as it's own is China's law . The the area is not chinese. They are free to start a war.

OBOR...This is what will happen to weak countries in the name of OBOR.
We have permission to enter from Bhutan side. Sneaking up on others land and holding it as it's own is China's law . The the area is not chinese. They are free to start a war.

OBOR...This is what will happen to weak countries in the name of OBOR.
Yes they should go through the foreign affair but do you want us to just stand and watch PLA build and complete the road until we finish talks through the foreign affairs.

This is a tricky thing status quo had no road that was no mans land and it was peaceful. Suddenly India is threatened because of a road that comes so close to a vantage point for India.

But definitely war is no solution India and China should discuss this and India should pull out troops after taking China in to confidence and restore the status quo.

We need more confidence building measures to ally India's fears of China.

Just think why India dosent want a road so close to us because we fear that it can be used by China in case of a conflict and choke India's North east. The root of the problem is distrust which needs to be bridged after that people will not have issues even if China builds a road inside India.

any road can be built, it also can be taken apart, it may take longer to go through foreign affairs, but that is the proper way to do this kind of things between countries. even at that time road has been built, so what, just take it apart! destroy it!

this time, China wait for more than one month for India to "do the right thing" so far, it is not happening yet!

China is insisting Indian army back to their border! as I and you do not wish to see a war between India and China, please do that!

We have permission to enter from Bhutan side. Sneaking up on others land and holding it as it's own is China's law . The the area is not chinese. They are free to start a war.

OBOR...This is what will happen to weak countries in the name of OBOR.
that is Chinese land, not Bhutan's; India army have NO permission to enter China!
any road can be built, it also can be taken apart, it may take longer to go through foreign affairs, but that is the proper way to do this kind of things between countries. even at that time road has been built, so what, just take it apart! destroy it!

this time, China wait for more than one month for India to "do the right thing" so far, it is not happening yet!

China is insisting Indian army back to their border! as I and you do not wish to see a war between India and China, please do that!

that is Chinese land, not Bhutan's; India army have NO permission to enter China!

You maybe talking with reference to a map which chinese claim was made when universe was formed and god found out about the chinese settlement. But that doesn't cut it with the rest of the world.

Chinese design of annexing others land will not work this time. They are free to bully small countries around SCS. Go grab some land from there..
any road can be built, it also can be taken apart, it may take longer to go through foreign affairs, but that is the proper way to do this kind of things between countries. even at that time road has been built, so what, just take it apart! destroy it!

this time, China wait for more than one month for India to "do the right thing" so far, it is not happening yet!

China is insisting Indian army back to their border! as I and you do not wish to see a war between India and China, please do that!

that is Chinese land, not Bhutan's; India army have NO permission to enter China!

This is where the problem starts when we unilaterally declare instead of thinking what was the status quo.
Typical Indian excuse. Nobody threathen Bhutan. It just an excuse by delusion indians. Modi is digging his own grave. And I hope Indian General leave out ego and nationalism aside and brief him the real dire situation and strength of Indian armed forces instead of telling lies and risk billions of Indian lives.
Chinese government should not listen to Hindus. The heavens has given China a great opportunity to get our land back from Hindu thief. Do not waste this gift from the Chinese gods.
China took on india, vietnam, usa, uk, japan before.

1 more war is no problem
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