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Will Qatar have the strongest air force in the Arab World?

The key to winning wars is not just preparation for war, but the appetite for war. And a collection of toys does not equate with preparedness for war. The OP shows a glaring lack of basic understanding about the business of war.

Oh, and the best airforce is the one that can rely on a solid pool of manpower, aircrafts, munitions, spares, and maintenance at all times during war and peace, to suit any and all missions that it may need to undertake. Qatar's excellence will be (dis)proven in the face of American sanctions.

Amazing how people never learn from others' experiences.
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The GCC countries purchase all these fancy modern weapons but lack any capability to do anything. Building a capable air force is much more than just buying fancy planes.
can't agree more , they are getting fency army but they are getting defeated in wars ( yemen ) hh .
here in tunisia we have F-5 and it's proved it self in bombing terrorist in mountain west of tunisia ....

yup but J-31 against Rafale:coffee::coffee:
and to fight Israel you arabs need to grow a pair of balls or metal balls to be more precise
they are spoiled rich dud kids what you expect from them ( no offence to others )
here in tunisia the army never retreat .. last march nearly 100 + isis rat try to attack tunisian border town with libya the out come is nearly 50 dead and nearly 50 captured
video to dead rats
Sorry but we are not talking about JF-17 against the Indian Rafale :oops:

You can buy all the F-15SA and Typhoons you want but the fact of the matter is if you really need something to be done you call on the Americans, Pakistanis, and when your desperate the Egyptians. The GCC has squandered whatever resources God has given you to become pathetic pets to the Western world.
The GCC countries purchase all these fancy modern weapons but lack any capability to do anything. Building a capable air force is much more than just buying fancy planes
Exactly. They then go looking for people to operate all this equipment and Colombians to fight their wars.
There's no other way than becoming a self sufficient country
yup but J-31 against Rafale:coffee::coffee:
and to fight Israel you arabs need to grow a pair of balls or metal balls to be more precise

J-31 ... good luck :-)

You don't have a sigle ball to fight some civilians with AKs in Balochistan rather than fighting a well equipped forces like Saleh's republican guards, so you have to grow yours then you can blam the Arabs.

I hate using these videos couz we're Muslims at the end and no one is happy with this, but show some logic please. These unconventional wars are very hard for regular armies and yet to happen to other countries, just leave it for the time. :smokin:
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Agree that at the end of the day we are Muslims, however I get very upset when I look at how the countries of the GCC handle themselves. The fact of the matter is they are analagous to fat rich spoiled kids. Its disgusting now there is this Sunni Shia manufactured non sense going on which which will kill countless fellow Muslims and yet SA sides with Israel over Iran. I am a Bengali but I have to give the Pakistanis this, they do have balls. They stood up to SA and UAE when asked to contribute forces to fight the Houthis. That was a tough position to take but one I very much respect.
And the use of Colombian mercenaries to fight your battles in Yemen is pathetic as well.

How about addressing the poverty and problems in SA rather than bribing the US with a 60 billions dollar weapons package.
And the use of Colombian mercenaries to fight your battles in Yemen is pathetic as well.

How about addressing the poverty and problems in SA rather than bribing the US with a 60 billions dollar weapons package.

give me a source of this (
use of Colombian mercenaries to fight your battles in Yemen is pathetic as well.) and 1 pic
just to prove youre a big pig

isreal is buying their jets with the pigs money and know their are talking

There's no other way than becoming a self sufficient country
we are in our way to be

yup but J-31 against Rafale:coffee::coffee:
and to fight Israel you arabs need to grow a pair of balls or metal balls to be more precise

give me a source of this (
use of Colombian mercenaries to fight your battles in Yemen is pathetic as well.) and 1 pic
just to prove youre a big pig

isreal is buying their jets with the pigs money and know their are talking

we are in our way to be

army running away that too in lahore??:omghaha::omghaha:
btw your kings were asking this coward army to save their butts in yemen but we refused also most of your cadets are trained by coward pak army heck it was cowards pak army who teach you to fight
army running away that too in lahore??:omghaha::omghaha:
btw your kings were asking this coward army to save their butts in yemen but we refused also most of your cadets are trained by coward pak army heck it was cowards pak army who teach you to fight

will then most of our army trained by pakistan then saudi army have the same pak training so no need for these videos
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