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Will Pakistan Recognize Israel?


Dec 20, 2014
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According to the latest development, Pakistani anchors are speaking in support of establishing relations between Pakistan and Israel. In a video interview surfacing online, Mubashir Lucman speaks about the ideology that is fed to Pakistani citizens that keeps them away from recognizing Israel. The question remains, will Pakistan recognize Israel? Mubashir Lucman further reiterates that Pakistan needs to educate itself to overcome the hostility it harbors against Israel.

Will Pakistan recognize the state of Israel?
Another media person tweeted, “Anchor Mubashir Lucman appeared on an Israeli news channel, i24News, to argue for better ties between Pakistan and Israel. He added that Israel was not a dream, it is a reality. It is a very important country… the Israeli nation is a great nation.” While many people supported his stance, many others expressed criticism.

Another prominent Pakistani journalist, Kamran Khan tweeted, “Pakistan must also revisit it’s Israel policy. Message for we Pakistanis from the Custodians of the Holy Mosques and other brothers in the Arab world. Nations don’t have permanent friends or enemies, only interests. Why is Pakistan shy of exercising its options?” The common section beneath this tweet is filled with anti-Israel sentiments as most Pakistani citizens feel strongly against Israel’s activities in Palestine.

The question of whether Pakistan will recognize Israel is not a simple one, this issue involves multiple international and state actors as well. In other news, Saudi Arabia is exerting pressure on Pakistan to normalize diplomatic ties with Israel.

Push from other states
Last week, Prime Minister Imran Khan made an appearance on a TV interview where he revealed that the Gulf States are urging Pakistan to normalize ties with Israel. He further said that the United States along with “another country” is exerting pressure on Pakistan to recognize the state of Israel.

When the interviewer tried to inquire about this “another country”, the Prime Minister replied, “leave this, let’s move on. There are certain things that we cannot say because our relations with them [the Muslim countries pressuring Pakistan] are good. We don’t want to upset them. Inshallah, let our country stand up on its feet, then ask me such questions.”

The push for the normalization of relations between Israel and the Muslim states has been accumulating for decades now. Israel and Egypt secured a treaty in 1979 that normalized ties between the two states. In 1994, Israel secured diplomatic ties with Jordan, this was done under the supervision of President Bill Clinton. In the past months, Saudi Arabia has also made attempts to improve relations with Israel.

The reaction received by Pakistani anchors especially Mubashir Lucman upon advocating for normalized relations between Israel and Pakistan demonstrates the fact that Pakistani citizens are not ready for this development. The deep-rooted sympathy felt in Pakistan for Palestine will never allow peaceful relations with Israel.

Insider Paper Source: https://insiderpaper.com/will-pakistan-recognize-israel/

anyways not a surprise. Pakistan should had recognized Israel during Musharaf times when Pakistani and Israel FM met in Turkey.
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According to the latest development, Pakistani anchors are speaking in support of establishing relations between Pakistan and Israel. In a video interview surfacing online, Mubashir Lucman speaks about the ideology that is fed to Pakistani citizens that keeps them away from recognizing Israel. The question remains, will Pakistan recognize Israel? Mubashir Lucman further reiterates that Pakistan needs to educate itself to overcome the hostility it harbors against Israel.

Will Pakistan recognize the state of Israel?
Another media person tweeted, “Anchor Mubashir Lucman appeared on an Israeli news channel, i24News, to argue for better ties between Pakistan and Israel. He added that Israel was not a dream, it is a reality. It is a very important country… the Israeli nation is a great nation.” While many people supported his stance, many others expressed criticism.

Another prominent Pakistani journalist, Kamran Khan tweeted, “Pakistan must also revisit it’s Israel policy. Message for we Pakistanis from the Custodians of the Holy Mosques and other brothers in the Arab world. Nations don’t have permanent friends or enemies, only interests. Why is Pakistan shy of exercising its options?” The common section beneath this tweet is filled with anti-Israel sentiments as most Pakistani citizens feel strongly against Israel’s activities in Palestine.

The question of whether Pakistan will recognize Israel is not a simple one, this issue involves multiple international and state actors as well. In other news, Saudi Arabia is exerting pressure on Pakistan to normalize diplomatic ties with Israel.

Push from other states
Last week, Prime Minister Imran Khan made an appearance on a TV interview where he revealed that the Gulf States are urging Pakistan to normalize ties with Israel. He further said that the United States along with “another country” is exerting pressure on Pakistan to recognize the state of Israel.

When the interviewer tried to inquire about this “another country”, the Prime Minister replied, “leave this, let’s move on. There are certain things that we cannot say because our relations with them [the Muslim countries pressuring Pakistan] are good. We don’t want to upset them. Inshallah, let our country stand up on its feet, then ask me such questions.”

The push for the normalization of relations between Israel and the Muslim states has been accumulating for decades now. Israel and Egypt secured a treaty in 1979 that normalized ties between the two states. In 1994, Israel secured diplomatic ties with Jordan, this was done under the supervision of President Bill Clinton. In the past months, Saudi Arabia has also made attempts to improve relations with Israel.

The reaction received by Pakistani anchors especially Mubashir Lucman upon advocating for normalized relations between Israel and Pakistan demonstrates the fact that Pakistani citizens are not ready for this development. The deep-rooted sympathy felt in Pakistan for Palestine will never allow peaceful relations with Israel.

Insider Paper Source: https://insiderpaper.com/will-pakistan-recognize-israel/
View attachment 690419

According to the latest development, Pakistani anchors are speaking in support of establishing relations between Pakistan and Israel. In a video interview surfacing online, Mubashir Lucman speaks about the ideology that is fed to Pakistani citizens that keeps them away from recognizing Israel. The question remains, will Pakistan recognize Israel? Mubashir Lucman further reiterates that Pakistan needs to educate itself to overcome the hostility it harbors against Israel.

Will Pakistan recognize the state of Israel?
Another media person tweeted, “Anchor Mubashir Lucman appeared on an Israeli news channel, i24News, to argue for better ties between Pakistan and Israel. He added that Israel was not a dream, it is a reality. It is a very important country… the Israeli nation is a great nation.” While many people supported his stance, many others expressed criticism.

Another prominent Pakistani journalist, Kamran Khan tweeted, “Pakistan must also revisit it’s Israel policy. Message for we Pakistanis from the Custodians of the Holy Mosques and other brothers in the Arab world. Nations don’t have permanent friends or enemies, only interests. Why is Pakistan shy of exercising its options?” The common section beneath this tweet is filled with anti-Israel sentiments as most Pakistani citizens feel strongly against Israel’s activities in Palestine.

The question of whether Pakistan will recognize Israel is not a simple one, this issue involves multiple international and state actors as well. In other news, Saudi Arabia is exerting pressure on Pakistan to normalize diplomatic ties with Israel.

Push from other states
Last week, Prime Minister Imran Khan made an appearance on a TV interview where he revealed that the Gulf States are urging Pakistan to normalize ties with Israel. He further said that the United States along with “another country” is exerting pressure on Pakistan to recognize the state of Israel.

When the interviewer tried to inquire about this “another country”, the Prime Minister replied, “leave this, let’s move on. There are certain things that we cannot say because our relations with them [the Muslim countries pressuring Pakistan] are good. We don’t want to upset them. Inshallah, let our country stand up on its feet, then ask me such questions.”

The push for the normalization of relations between Israel and the Muslim states has been accumulating for decades now. Israel and Egypt secured a treaty in 1979 that normalized ties between the two states. In 1994, Israel secured diplomatic ties with Jordan, this was done under the supervision of President Bill Clinton. In the past months, Saudi Arabia has also made attempts to improve relations with Israel.

The reaction received by Pakistani anchors especially Mubashir Lucman upon advocating for normalized relations between Israel and Pakistan demonstrates the fact that Pakistani citizens are not ready for this development. The deep-rooted sympathy felt in Pakistan for Palestine will never allow peaceful relations with Israel.

Insider Paper Source: https://insiderpaper.com/will-pakistan-recognize-israel/
Yes, on its own will. Not on some foreign pressure.
View attachment 690419

According to the latest development, Pakistani anchors are speaking in support of establishing relations between Pakistan and Israel. In a video interview surfacing online, Mubashir Lucman speaks about the ideology that is fed to Pakistani citizens that keeps them away from recognizing Israel. The question remains, will Pakistan recognize Israel? Mubashir Lucman further reiterates that Pakistan needs to educate itself to overcome the hostility it harbors against Israel.

Will Pakistan recognize the state of Israel?
Another media person tweeted, “Anchor Mubashir Lucman appeared on an Israeli news channel, i24News, to argue for better ties between Pakistan and Israel. He added that Israel was not a dream, it is a reality. It is a very important country… the Israeli nation is a great nation.” While many people supported his stance, many others expressed criticism.

Another prominent Pakistani journalist, Kamran Khan tweeted, “Pakistan must also revisit it’s Israel policy. Message for we Pakistanis from the Custodians of the Holy Mosques and other brothers in the Arab world. Nations don’t have permanent friends or enemies, only interests. Why is Pakistan shy of exercising its options?” The common section beneath this tweet is filled with anti-Israel sentiments as most Pakistani citizens feel strongly against Israel’s activities in Palestine.

The question of whether Pakistan will recognize Israel is not a simple one, this issue involves multiple international and state actors as well. In other news, Saudi Arabia is exerting pressure on Pakistan to normalize diplomatic ties with Israel.

Push from other states
Last week, Prime Minister Imran Khan made an appearance on a TV interview where he revealed that the Gulf States are urging Pakistan to normalize ties with Israel. He further said that the United States along with “another country” is exerting pressure on Pakistan to recognize the state of Israel.

When the interviewer tried to inquire about this “another country”, the Prime Minister replied, “leave this, let’s move on. There are certain things that we cannot say because our relations with them [the Muslim countries pressuring Pakistan] are good. We don’t want to upset them. Inshallah, let our country stand up on its feet, then ask me such questions.”

The push for the normalization of relations between Israel and the Muslim states has been accumulating for decades now. Israel and Egypt secured a treaty in 1979 that normalized ties between the two states. In 1994, Israel secured diplomatic ties with Jordan, this was done under the supervision of President Bill Clinton. In the past months, Saudi Arabia has also made attempts to improve relations with Israel.

The reaction received by Pakistani anchors especially Mubashir Lucman upon advocating for normalized relations between Israel and Pakistan demonstrates the fact that Pakistani citizens are not ready for this development. The deep-rooted sympathy felt in Pakistan for Palestine will never allow peaceful relations with Israel.

Insider Paper Source: https://insiderpaper.com/will-pakistan-recognize-israel/
we should just keep quite on this issue.... It doesn`t concern us!!!!!!!!!
Israel can F off along with its poodles. We are only going to accept Israel at the time and conditions of our choosing which the PM has highlighted very clearly. Beyond that anyone who tries to push us into recognizing israel will get a boot up its *** whether its Saudi Arabia, UAE or their daddy the US.
Pakistan isnt run by the likes of Zardari and nawaz where it can be arm twisted to do anything without any repercussions. Times have changed. Pakistan can survive the blackmail.
as a pakistani, i will never recognize. recognizing them is like shaming our ancestors and great mulim fighters. what a sad state of affairs! arabs are shameful creatures. saudia itself was born with the help of british and they killed their own ottoman brothers. israel should go to hell. stay away from arabs,stay away from their sect. they are evil people and God has warned us about these people who sell themselves,their women, their dignity to jews.
by the way, arrest mubasshir luqman. how dare he showed support for israel? he doesn't represent pakistani people. put him in jail.
Our people hate Jews

Unlike the ayrabs we aren't dictatorships

So any politician who tries this will be hanging from his balls by a lamppost

It's that simple
Israel is protected by USA more than mainland america. All middle eastern wars are meant to make Israel adversaries decimated. Its foreign policy is run by white house. Pompeo is acting more like foreign minister of Israel than American one. Large number of jews have nationality of both Israel and USA.
When Pakistan recognizes USA then what is need of recognizing tiny bit of USA in Middle East as a separate country.
For past 7 decades Iranians have been pointing at the king that he is indeed naked while others didn't have the courage to admit .. by Trump administration and its policy make it clear for everyone that the king is naked ... so when the king is naked what about its clients and pawns?

Maybe the jets are stealth but not the airports ... once they do something stupid they have no place to land ...
and has much as they get farther to get protection less they can do ... last time we hit american base their ships got 1000kms away from our shores ... everyday this distance getting further.
It is really time for Pakistan to improve its mutual relations with Iran and VICE VERSA And for that purpose they must solve the issue of cross border terrorism and funding
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