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...problem is IMF and world Bank ,US continued their funding despit knowing the high level of corruption because they want to inforce their policies , terms and conditions.
The "policies, terms, and conditions" the IMF and World Bank seek to enforce are reductions in corruption and injustice. They know this needs to happen for long-term improvement. Pakistani economists at these institutions know this quite well, have known this for decades, and generally support this approach. The just-give-the-money approach has failed: rather, the more money provided to Pakistan, the more is stolen or disappears in puffs of corruption. The problem is far worse now than back in the 1950s and 1960s, when Pakistan was much poorer and the amounts the IMF and World Bank provided small by comparison.
Pakistan deosnt need a revolution. We just need free and fair elections to take place.
Comparing Pakistan and Egypt is silly. We have a representative government that has not been able to take tough measures the rectify the current situation. A new government with a fresher mandate will be able to take tough decisions and put us on the right track.
This whole egyptian thing is the most bogus thing on internet since Bieber.

I mean what the hell, i didnt know egyptians were that retarded..Army put Mubarak in charge 30 years ago, and now that he's gone Army has the control AGAIN ?! to do what ? put another Mubarak in charge
Pakistan deosnt need a revolution. We just need free and fair elections to take place.
Comparing Pakistan and Egypt is silly. We have a representative government that has not been able to take tough measures the rectify the current situation. A new government with a fresher mandate will be able to take tough decisions and put us on the right track.

well the gov we currently have was elected through a free and a fair election! but guess what its worse than every previous govs....
otherwise another bhutto will be slaughtered and someone will get elected through sympathy vote....

we badly need to bring a person like shaukat aziz, he helped ALOT to recover our disable economy!
Democracy is an evolutionary process. if they did not perform they will be voted out or loose their parliamentary majority. This is how it works get used to it because democracy in Pakistan is here to stay.
there is no chance of middle east kinda revolution in Pakistan. This only possible when people realise that the state & policy of the state is responsible for shortcomings in the well being of general public. Mostly in pakistan people tend to blame their perceived enemy & the west for most of the evils taking place within their society.

this dumb comment is not even worth replying....
I doubt Pakistan will be next. That's because Pakistanis currently lack the quality Arabs have just discovered: civic courage, the willingness to stand up to authority in the cause of collectively creating a better society, not to exert power upon others in the name of religion or glory.

This is the first time that I agree to your comments Solomon!
You are precisely right on the spot here.
Civic courge is the least common denominator that is required for such a change and Pakistanis as a civil society lack it greately. They are more a frustrated lot than a courageous civil society, at present. They vent thier anger by exploding themselves up rather than doing a civillian dis-obedience sort of movement.
This truth speaks volume about the pschyche of nation. Pray for the best among Pakistani civil society!

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