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Will Mars mission propel India ahead of China in space race?

But how can you feel proud about something that isn't done by India?
It's NASA that's doing the work.

I don't get it.

You do not have to get it. Just sit back and relax. We are happy with whatever part we are playing. You will get it few years later
This is not about comparing with China.

This is about India using NASA and claiming its an Indian mission. That's very disingenuous of India.

How on earth can you be proud to say this is an Indian mission when it's very clear that NASA is doing all the hard work? Don't Indians have any decency to at least acknowledge NASA?
mate there's an old saying in English that "grapes are sour"!!i know you guys are jumping up and down due to the fact that India has successfully launched it's probe and it will most likely to emerge as a success.now the point is when it comes to the space research international co-operation is inevitable and that's the reason why ISRO and NASA have been co-operating with each other for all these years plus both the U.S.A. and Russia have full confident on our ability to get the job done and our international reputation as an honest nation who would never breach the intellectual rights.on the contrary the U.S.A. has banned NASA from co-operating with CNSA as your country has a very low reputation about respecting the International copyright and intellectual laws......
chibots are burning. :tup:

But how can you feel proud about something that isn't done by India?
It's NASA that's doing the work.
I don't get it.

thats like saying we cant give credit for china's industrial expertise because every product you made is a poor copy
You should reword. Let's see if NASA will make a launch from Pakistan?
You guys simply can not digest it....there is a saying in Punjabi.. ..Sadd Na Rees Kar.. meaning... don"t be jealous.... try and emulate.
Lot of @ss burning by jealous chinese in this thread .

Feel sorry for them . They tried to get a free way ticket to Mars on back of the Russian launcher without doing a damn thing .

But unfortunately the mission failed . IMO , it was the involvement of chinese cr@p that led to the failure of the Russian mission .
Woah..chinese failed space missions took hundreds of lives?:o
OT: great going isro!Making us proud again 
This is not about comparing with China.

This is about India using NASA and claiming its an Indian mission. That's very disingenuous of India.

How on earth can you be proud to say this is an Indian mission when it's very clear that NASA is doing all the hard work? Don't Indians have any decency to at least acknowledge NASA?
What hardwork nasa has done?I wonder why they are quiet over this :lol:
I guess the 2cent army got too much secret info
lol , that was in some other context... but indians cant understand that,

I am a dual national which makes me national of both countries... so my post...

The problem is you write something and the next post you contradict what is written in the first .
But how can you feel proud about something that isn't done by India?
It's NASA that's doing the work.

I don't get it.
Don't be jealous kid.
NASA deep space network will provide tracking data through only 3 of its stations rest of the work load including ship based tracking will be done by ISRO.
So keep your half baked assumptions to yourself.
That's just the things we know about. There could be more.

And you pretend like India can do it without NASA. That's just unacceptable dude.

Can you explain han Dominance??

Is it the false theory where every minority is called a han ??

Or is it the century of humiliation suffered

or is it the nanking massacres??

Or is it the humiliation of han people suffered because of mongol raids??
I am not sure as some people are bragging they have deep space tracking and communication ability

According to wikipedia, when isro was operatiing their lunar mission, Chandrayan-1 had several failures, such as:

and the rover couldnt operate properly in temperature higher than just 50 °C

So I dont know on what basis that some members like Indo-guy hereunder said isro possesses deep space tracking ability after an upgrade. india's moon probe was launched 5 years ago. Moon is not in deep space.

I think you need nasa's tracking function all the way when your mars probe bounces off from earth. dont try to downplay nasa's importance and sounding so arrogant and ungrateful.

It is all political and huge discrimination of nasa on us. I dont think isro is invited because of your standing on moral high grounds

We have space co-op with Russia and I think also with Europe before.

Indeed. We have been tracking Chang'e II and last report in July was:

Chang'e-2 travels 50 million km from Earth

We are able to deploy our deep space tracking functions in different locations of the globe through the help of these ships and satellites:


Credit: zgjunshi.com


Credit: Huaxia.com


Credit: a1.att.hudong.com

Look at the hypocrisy and mental bankruptcy of some of the Chinese members here ....

so when you quote China's Deep space network tracking Change -1 or whatever ....Moon is in deep space ....

when it comes to India's Chandrayaan mission ....Moon is no longer in Deep space ????

And when ISRO says that it has upgraded Deep space network at Baylulu to track Mars mission ....

Suddenly even that becomes unpalatable to those with incurable Indo-phobia ....

Read before vomiting your hatred against India here ....

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