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Jul 29, 2011
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The correct answer is NO. Not before December of 2012. Israel would like the US to attack Iran as soon as possible. US will not attack Iran before the US Elections on November 5, 2012. Not only that but the US would not like Israel to attack Iran either. Israel does not want to attack Iran before December 2012, because Nathanyahu wants early election in December 2012. This is why Nathanyahu wants US to attack Iran so that Israel does not have to attack Iran before their own elections.

Elections require stability and both Obama and Nathanyahu cannot risk War right before Elections. Wars can literally screw up Elections and Politicians are very sensitive to that. So when will the War with Iran start ? Would you believe me if I told you that all those predictions about Third World War starting on December 21, 2012 are looking like a distinct possibility.

I am interested in members take on this Prediction.
The correct answer is NO. Not before December of 2012. Israel would like the US to attack Iran as soon as possible. US will not attack Iran before the US Elections on November 5, 2012. Not only that but the US would not like Israel to attack Iran either. Israel does not want to attack Iran before December 2012, because Nathanyahu wants early election in December 2012. This is why Nathanyahu wants US to attack Iran so that Israel does not have to attack Iran before their own elections.

Elections require stability and both Obama and Nathanyahu cannot risk War right before Elections. Wars can literally screw up Elections and Politicians are very sensitive to that. So when will the War with Iran start ? Would you believe me if I told you that all those predictions about Third World War starting on December 21, 2012 are looking like a distinct possibility.

I am interested in members take on this Prediction.
hmm you make an interesting point :eek:
They will attack Iran?

Answer is one NO and reason are several.
But they can use the Middle East to attack Iran, for them. Their mission accomplished, no damage to their country of it's citizens, no military loss.

And I am afraid that the Middle East needs to try peace accords with Iran, and extend hands for friendship. What kind of Muslims they, and Iranians are, fighting each other and dying, for others? Must unite as one, and kill their egos. A war is insanity.

And on the other hand, Iran must come back to grounds. It must stop the mass production of weapons (if any) and stop threatening the Middle East. But Assad isn't going to listen. I just hope he gets washed out and a better and sensible president takes the seat. Two years or so, people were in the streets against him, why not now? He has put their lives on stake and in terrible danger, and the reason is well-known, no need to mention it.
The correct answer is NO. Not before December of 2012. Israel would like the US to attack Iran as soon as possible. US will not attack Iran before the US Elections on November 5, 2012. Not only that but the US would not like Israel to attack Iran either. Israel does not want to attack Iran before December 2012, because Nathanyahu wants early election in December 2012. This is why Nathanyahu wants US to attack Iran so that Israel does not have to attack Iran before their own elections.

Elections require stability and both Obama and Nathanyahu cannot risk War right before Elections. Wars can literally screw up Elections and Politicians are very sensitive to that. So when will the War with Iran start ? Would you believe me if I told you that all those predictions about Third World War starting on December 21, 2012 are looking like a distinct possibility.

I am interested in members take on this Prediction.

First let us agree that Israel will not be part of any military action against Iran, ever. If Israel attacks first, it means(at least his opponents will fire at him that) the US president(whoever it is at any point of time) did not back Israel enough. So US will have to initiate the action. But then once hostilities start anyway, Israel's involvement will only increase the anger against Israel in the region(this is harmful even to the puppet dictatorships; they will be seen as supporting Israel and may face popular uprisings. So with a strategic viewpoint, US will discourage Israel's involvement. Plus the US will get to eat the whole political pie for himself.). So Israel will not take part in any action. Israeli government may get a bone with news reports suggesting Israeli assistance to the US attack in the form of 'surveillance' or some department that sounds like that. Besides Canada and the UK will be involved in any attack on Iran(if their governments remain conservative, they will take part in the attack any way. If liberal governments come up, then they will take part to 'prove' their support for Israel). So there is no need for Israel to get involved in the first place.

When it comes to US, the bold part in your comments is not true. If Obama feels that he is loosing the election, his best move will be attacking Iran. An attack will boost his credentials as Israel supporter. Fortunately there is no worthy competitor for Obama in the GOP camp(the real potential of the candidate is immaterial. What matters is the perception; Democrats are writing off all the GOP candidates and the front runner is a moderate not very unlike Obama). So this trump card will hopefully go unused by Obama. Since all reports suggest there is no urgency to attack Iran(reports put the time line for Iran's enrichment to weapon grade U at 3 years and the time for the deep centrifuge underground facility to become fully functional in 1 year), I would say there will not be any attack soon. Two days ago, Netanyahu made peace with Obama saying there will not be an attack in 'weeks or months', so there is no political urgency for Obama also.
They will attack Iran?

Answer is one NO and reason are several.
But they can use the Middle East to attack Iran, for them. Their mission accomplished, no damage to their country of it's citizens, no military loss.

And I am afraid that the Middle East needs to try peace accords with Iran, and extend hands for friendship. What kind of Muslims they, and Iranians are, fighting each other and dying, for others? Must unite as one, and kill their egos. A war is insanity.

And on the other hand, Iran must come back to grounds. It must stop the mass production of weapons (if any) and stop threatening the Middle East. But Assad isn't going to listen. I just hope he gets washed out and a better and sensible president takes the seat. Two years or so, people were in the streets against him, why not now? He has put their lives on stake and in terrible danger, and the reason is well-known, no need to mention it.

I am not aware of a country named MIDDLE EAST. If by Middle East you mean Saudi Arabia, Saudis will not attack Iran and risk blockade of Straits of Hormuz. The last thing Saudis want is shooting war with Iran that can potentially destroy their oil Fields in the Eastern Province. Oil is their lifeline and a War with Iran makes no sense. Unlike Iran, Saudis are not suicidal.
First let us agree that Israel will not be part of any military action against Iran, ever. If Israel attacks first, it means(at least his opponents will fire at him that) the US president(whoever it is at any point of time) did not back Israel enough. So US will have to initiate the action. But then once hostilities start anyway, Israel's involvement will only increase the anger against Israel in the region(this is harmful even to the puppet dictatorships; they will be seen as supporting Israel and may face popular uprisings. So with a strategic viewpoint, US will discourage Israel's involvement. Plus the US will get to eat the whole political pie for himself.). So Israel will not take part in any action. Israeli government may get a bone with news reports suggesting Israeli assistance to the US attack in the form of 'surveillance' or some department that sounds like that. Besides Canada and the UK will be involved in any attack on Iran(if their governments remain conservative, they will take part in the attack any way. If liberal governments come up, then they will take part to 'prove' their support for Israel). So there is no need for Israel to get involved in the first place.

When it comes to US, the bold part in your comments is not true. If Obama feels that he is loosing the election, his best move will be attacking Iran. An attack will boost his credentials as Israel supporter. Fortunately there is no worthy competitor for Obama in the GOP camp(the real potential of the candidate is immaterial. What matters is the perception; Democrats are writing off all the GOP candidates and the front runner is a moderate not very unlike Obama). So this trump card will hopefully go unused by Obama. Since all reports suggest there is no urgency to attack Iran(reports put the time line for Iran's enrichment to weapon grade U at 3 years and the time for the deep centrifuge underground facility to become fully functional in 1 year), I would say there will not be any attack soon. Two days ago, Netanyahu made peace with Obama saying there will not be an attack in 'weeks or months', so there is no political urgency for Obama also.

I don't think you have the foggiest idea how things work in the US. Obama does not have the power to start a War. In the US only Congress has the prerogative to declare War on another country. Most people worldwide think that the American president is this all powerful figure who can do whatever he wants. That is not how it works in the US. Contrary to the popular belief, The US President has limits to his power and that is why we have three branches of Government. The Power is well distributed between the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary.
I don't think you have the foggiest idea how things work in the US. Obama does not have the power to start a War. In the US only Congress has the prerogative to declare War on another country. Most people worldwide think that the American president is this all powerful figure who can do whatever he wants. That is not how it works in the US. Contrary to the popular belief, The US President has limits to his power and that is why we have three branches of Government. The Power is well distributed between the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary.
OK Sir. Answer this simple question then. How will the Congress know exactly when to declare a war?
Normally the US Congress holds hearings and a vote is taken to go to War.
And who testifies about the situation in those hearings?
Ohh and one more: who gives orders as to what the US armed forces have to do in a war? Clue: This guy can order the army to even do nothing in a state of war(at his own risk of course).
no, i dont think that usa will attack Iran, im not sure about israeil, israeil cant do anything without usa so they might not attack either.
of course,election is issue.Obama dont want conditions to go worst before elections.
so whatever govt will be in U.S,it will take final decision.So sanctions are early part where as till that time,more propaganda will be done against iran.May be Russia intervenes,then we may see some change.
Yes Israel will attack on Iran with the help of U.S.A but not this year. It is possible in 2013-2014.
The US can't afford another war at all cost... so who knows who will attack Iran.:tdown:
Well, i think there is indeed something going on in here, few days back when i went to see off my cousin on Airport, he was going back to US, in that same Airline's Arrival,there were huge number of US marines which came under high security, usually we see they come in there own jets, so, it was surprise to see, Especially when US army is leaving Kuwait. Second, Iranian Embassy is around 5 km east from my house, and i usually pass through there, first there was nothing much security before, but since new development, there are huge number of Kuwaiti Army present around embassy, and yeah, Army and Masked commandos patrolling has been surprisingly increased in the city and other places. And American Embassy is also under huge protection.
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