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Will Israel be able to sell the Arrow system to India?


no arrowe is joint project of us and israel...that why they wont seel u

Let's see if US relents. No harm in trying right?

Arrow-3 would be an excellent additional backup to Pradyumna & Ashwin BMD.
It might not be a bad idea to have 2 different ABM systems[one Indian{AAD and PAD} and Israeli/American/Ruso], in case one of them fails in the moment of reckoning. Better to be safe than sorry.

yeah yeah well said, better to get third system as well, who knows what if in case 2nd system fails too, its always better to have third option, BRO take my advise - live with peace with all of your neighbors and spend this budget for your country welfare. Peace is always the best option as after all wars peace is the final solution.

---------- Post added at 09:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 PM ----------

good what we buy you follow suit and with higher GDP we can afford the extra expenses but you cant so ............... bingo THE WAR IS WON without even firing a single bullet.

yeah yeah well said, better to get third system as well, who knows what if in case 2nd system fails too, its always better to have third option, BRO take my advise - live with peace with all of your neighbors and spend this budget for your country welfare. Peace is always the best option as after all wars peace is the final solution.

Its not meant for offense, it for our defense, are you suggesting that we are not supposed to safeguard our cities? Also a missile defense does have a blend of multiple systems to reduce the chances of a failure.
America wont give Arrow to India....the there will be demand from pakistna too

Right just like when India was offered F-35, MQ-4, AEGIS, C-17, S-70B, F-16 Blk 70, F-18I, P-8I etc Pakistan was offered the same, oh wait.......

There is no parity between India and Pakistan, apples and oranges brother. Mutually exclusive events.
First of all why India will buy Arrow? Why such question is coming now?

We have PDV/PAD/AAD which are far more capable system than Arrow. There is no talk of Arrow for India anymore. We wanted the system in 2002 but US denied permission to Israel. After that we have came a long way. What we are interested in are Devid's Sling and Iron Dome


hitler, Only for ashamed false flag like you. :lol:

"We bhartis".... lol..... don't insult the word 'bharti'.

Arrow-3 would be an excellent additional backup to Pradyumna & Ashwin BMD.

If we really want a foreign system than only THAAD is the option. Arrow-3 doesn't come close.
hitler, Only for ashamed false flag like you. :lol:

"We bhartis".... lol..... don't insult the word 'bharti'.

If we really want a foreign system than only THAAD is the option. Arrow-3 doesn't come close.

I having some questions

1) How many missiles that can be intercept/kill the incoming missiles by using those system

2) Maximum range of the system is 300km , ok if missile coming towards Mumbai means this system will kill it 300km away ryt then still there should be causalities , if that missiles is nuclear tipped I think there is no use of this system.
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