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Will India never learn from history and punish Pakistan?

Then why are you whining about "Baluchistan" and Bangladesh ? :pop:

You also whine about Kashmir all the time. As said before. You are forced to sit back and enjoy. You have no other option.

Trust me, All talks will happen in Modi's terms! Or no talks at all! In all cases it is only win for India... and lose for Pakistan!

I like this foolish confidence. But nothing like that would happen. We have nothing to lose if we don't
talk to you. They are a waste of time anyways. :)
You also whine about Kashmir all the time. As said before. You are forced to sit back and enjoy. You have no other option.

Its pakistan who whine about kashmir :lol: ....... we already own it, so why whine ?

Our options are "baluchistan", "paktunistan", ..... remember free Bangladesh ?

Along with Hafiz Saeed handover?
Lakhvi's arrest at least?
or another UN resolution?
oh now you want just a voice sample....

wake me up when are willing to accept his urine sample

That is how we build pressure and show the world that pakistan supports terrorism :lol: ................. what a moron. :disagree:

Do you really think India expects you to do any of those things ? :cheesy:
That is how we build pressure and show the world that pakistan supports terrorism :lol: ................. what a moron. :disagree:

Do you really think India expects you to do any of those things ? :cheesy:

how long you been doing this, what is the result...in your language jero
instead China and Russia pressurize modi to meet Nawaz Sharif, did you see the look on his face when he was meeting Nawaz Sharif, like a bewildered owl.
how long you been doing this, what is the result...in your language jero
instead China and Russia pressurize modi to meet Nawaz Sharif, did you see the look on his face when he was meeting Nawaz Sharif, like a bewildered owl.

The result is that today pakistan is a global pariah with "jero" credibility :lol:

LOL....... take a closer look.

Why is NS head hanging down in shame ? Modi looks disinterested and disgusted. Maybe a little smug.

Hamaray kabootron say darnay walay hamain punish karain gay. LOL. Khuda kee shaan!
Daily O .. eh ?- it must take some hard work to dig out sites like these !

@ Line quoted above - Uneducated & ill informed people seek physical punishment.

The educated & informed on the other hand carry out acts whose effects show , the acts stay unnoticed.

Cannot deny the fact that we are too mellow and stupid to nip the trouble in the bud...its a valid question as to what stopped us?..Our too soft and ignorant leaders of yore.
Karma is a bitch ............. so you will most assuredly get what you deserve :D India just has to sit back and enjoy the show :pop:
LOLZZZ. So india's claimed misery seems to be a result of Karma as well.

So son just sit tight and watch the karma level it out with you. LOL. Who knows how long karma wants to keep you engaged. LOL.
The result is that today pakistan is a global pariah with "jero" credibility :lol:

LOL....... take a closer look.

Why is NS head hanging down in shame ? Modi looks disinterested and disgusted. Maybe a little smug.


Mere pin picks for someone who vows to eat grass to make atom bombs..pin picks for someone who will lay in wait in sub zero temperatures across LoC and Kargil to kill some Indian soldiers. .Isis does not care for its global image nor does it bother about economic hardships to kill kafirs..

What we need to do is size up our enemy and understand their intentions.
Mere pin picks for someone who vows to eat grass to make atom bombs..pin picks for someone who will lay in wait in sub zero temperatures across LoC and Kargil to kill some Indian soldiers. .Isis does not care for its global image nor does it bother about economic hardships to kill kafirs..

What we need to do is size up our enemy and understand their intentions.

But Indians already eats grass and they are super power already :lol:
The result is that today pakistan is a global pariah with "jero" credibility :lol:

LOL....... take a closer look.

Why is NS head hanging down in shame ? Modi looks disinterested and disgusted. Maybe a little smug.


Why USA selling $1 billion worth of its most advanced chopper AH-1Z to this pariah state? Why Russia selling MI-35 and making pipelines and electricity to this pariah state? Why China investing $46 billion on this pariah state??

India should destroy these country and show whose the real super duper power!! JAI HIND!!! One Tejas and one Dhruv will be enough ...
Get over your delusions of "punishing" Pakistan, if you want to make any progress.
Your dreams of seeing Pakistan as a spineless submissive state, would always remain dreams because you guys neither have the military advantage nor the guts to attack or the stomach to digest the swift and shocking retaliation. Lets leave the dreams as dreams, comeback to reality and have a positive outlook.




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#26/11 Mumbai Attacks, #India-Pakistan ties, #Zaki ur Rehman Lakhvi
Barely a day after India and Pakistan released a joint statement encompassing, among other things, expediting the 26/11 Mumbai attacks trial, we woke up to news of Zaki ur Rehman Lakhvi’s lawyer saying his client won’t give voice samples. These voice samples would be crucial to the ongoing case because the trial court in Pakistan needs to “establish” that the voice recordings given by India as evidence against Lakhvi do indeed have Lakhvi’s voice.

As per Pakistani laws, the consent of the person (whose voice samples have to be taken) is necessary and, by that chink in the law, Lakhvi has so far been evading giving voice samples. This isn’t and in all possibility wouldn’t be the last time when our euphoria over “possibility of peace with Pakistan” has had water poured all over it in a matter of days if not weeks. Conflicting reports seem to be coming on whether the lawyer did actually say this or not.

But it isn’t just about evading giving voice samples.

Pakistan has a history of living in denial. It denied sending Mehsud and Afridi tribals mixed with army regulars to annex Kashmir in 1947. It denies the existence of terrorists on its soil, says it never harboured Dawood Ibrahim, feigns innocence about terrorist training camps, and carries out sham trials of extremists to deflect international pressure of sanctions, only to revert to its revisionist tactics when the pressure eases.

Hussain Haqqani, Pakistan’s former ambassador to United States, writes in his book, Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military, ”Pakistan’s two-track policy - clandestine operations to weaken India while simultaneously appearing to seek a durable peace - remained operational throughout the period Zia-ul-Haq was in power as well as in subsequent years”. Each time India is attacked and it is established beyond doubt that the perpetrators were either directly or indirectly linked to Pakistan, the Pakistan state exercises the clause of plausible deniability saying these are non-state actors and the Pakistani State does not “support” such acts. So we see non-state actors at work in Kashmir, in the attack on Parliament, in the Mumbai blasts, in the Delhi blasts even in Kargil War. After every attack our intelligence agencies and police collect evidence and send dossiers upon dossiers to Pakistan only to be told that the “evidence” is not enough.

In February 2004, General Pervez Musharraf told Pakistan’s newspaper editors in Islamabad, “Pakistan has two vital national interests: Being a nuclear state and the Kashmir cause”. The contagion of hatred towards India isn’t however exclusive to the military establishment. Pakistan’s civilian leadership (no matter how weak and effete it might be) isn’t even marginally inclined towards countering terrorism or having peaceful relationship with India. The two longest serving civilian prime ministers of Pakistan in the recent past, Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, have been as venomous in their speeches and inciting groups against India as their military counterparts. Both have allowed terrorist groups to operate openly, collect money and not only profess but propagate their ideology of hate against India. In one of the briefings about Kargil, Nawaz Sharif had asked Musharraf –Kashmir kab dilwava rahe ho? (When will you get us Kashmir?). Who can forget Benazir on PTV during the height of insurgency in 1990 in Kashmir saying - Kashmir ke log ladenge kyunki woh musalman hain, unki raghon main ghaziyon ka khoon hain (Kashmir’s people will fight because they are Muslims, the sons of slayers of infidels).

We have for long known that Pakistan has a quest for what it calls “strategic depth”. It wants its proxies to be prominent decision makers in Kashmir and Afghanistan. The Hurriyat & United Jihad Council do for it in Kashmir what the Taliban does for it in Afghanistan. These “assets” are taken care of and closely watched over. The deviant are punished with death. We have seen how Maulvi Farooq (the then Mirwaiz and present Mirwaiz Omar’s father) and Professor Ghani Lone (Sajjad Lone’s father), not to mention the Hizbul Mujahideen commander Abdul Majeed Dar were killed for falling out of line.

Most in the Pakistani establishment believe that having nuclear weapons adds to its strategic depth. Even a cursory look through theGreen Book (Pakistan Army’s internal publication), especially post Kargil War, has innumerable papers on “India’s limited options” and its operational capabilities "drastically curtailed” in view of Pakistan being a nuclear armed state.

Irrespective of which party has been in power, attempts have been made to talk to Pakistan. From summit-level talks, to composite dialogue process to Track-II, nothing at all seems to have succeeded in getting Pakistan to mend its ways. Despite several joint declarations and agreements, we are where we were. They continue to send trained terrorists who kill our people, attack our cities and target our military installations. Despite agreeing to solve all bilateral issues between us, Pakistan spares no effort to internationalise the Kashmir issue. It continues to host anti-India groups like Hizbul Mujahideen, Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Muhammad. There has been little or no action against the perpetrators of Mumbai carnage or the D-Gang.

What then explains Indian leadership’s penchant for extending the proverbial hand of friendship to Pakistan despite knowing well that they could be burning their fingers? Does somehow our leadership too believe that we have “limited options” when it comes to dealing with Pakistan? Giving peace a chance is fine, but haven’t we ended up being betrayed every time we have given peace a chance?

Christine Fair in her book, Fighting to the End: Pakistan Army’s Ways of War, concludes in the following words, “With few prospects for substantive change in Pakistan’s strategic culture, in the assessments this culture encourages, or in the behaviour it incentivises, the world should prepare for a Pakistan that is ever more dangerous and ever more committed to its suite of dangerous policies.”

For far too long, our leadership has rewarded Pakistan’s behaviour with a hand of friendship. It is about time we punished them.

#26/11 Mumbai Attacks, #India-Pakistan ties, #Zaki ur Rehman Lakhvi
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Will India never learn from history and punish Pakistan?
@Areesh @nair @SpArK @ares @GURU DUTT @SarthakGanguly @NKVD @Skull and Bones @levina @doppelganger @Horus @WebMaster @Jango @Jungibaaz @waz
Cannot deny the fact that we are too mellow and stupid to nip the trouble in the bud...its a valid question as to what stopped us?..Our too soft and ignorant leaders of yore.
One reason why our leaders were soft possibly was due to the fact that they were heading Coalitions.

Now we have a majority Govt & the diff shows.
Is that all you've got? A TTA is supposed to give out some valuable inputs.Or have you run out of steam? If so, there's always voluntary retirement....

On topic......

The fact is that even if the Kashmir imbroglio is sorted out, nothing will change. The ideological divide between the two nations is too wide to bridge. Indians are seen as Kafirs and infidels who need to be put to the sword.

It seems the twain shall never meet.
The only solution is to make the border very very difficult to cross.
LOLZZZ. So india's claimed misery seems to be a result of Karma as well.

So son just sit tight and watch the karma level it out with you. LOL. Who knows how long karma wants to keep you engaged. LOL.

But Karma for a righteous deed is positive. So when India exposes pakistani state sponsored terrorism to the rest of the world and fights it, the karma is good. :lol:

So yes, we are waiting for our good karma combined with your bad karma to provide us with enough entertain :P .......... remember Bangladesh ? How did that bad karma work out for you ? :azn:

Mere pin picks for someone who vows to eat grass to make atom bombs..pin picks for someone who will lay in wait in sub zero temperatures across LoC and Kargil to kill some Indian soldiers. .Isis does not care for its global image nor does it bother about economic hardships to kill kafirs..

What we need to do is size up our enemy and understand their intentions.

What are you talking about ? pakistani passports do not grant them entry anywhere. They are humiliated globally and that directly affects their economic prosperity.

pakistan and their intentions are pretty well known in India :lol: ...... there is nothing new to be learnt. hey are well and truly and deeply in the Monkey Trap. There is no escape.

Why USA selling $1 billion worth of its most advanced chopper AH-1Z to this pariah state? Why Russia selling MI-35 and making pipelines and electricity to this pariah state? Why China investing $46 billion on this pariah state??

India should destroy these country and show whose the real super duper power!! JAI HIND!!! One Tejas and one Dhruv will be enough ...

You mean the 15 helicopters that US sold you ? :cheesy: .... while they sell us the MUCH superior Apache (61 helicopters) ? :lol: .......... did you mean the 4 Mi 35 that Russia agreed to sell you ? :lol:

China is investing 50-60 Billion $ in India. Chinese investment in pakistan is peanuts compared to their investment in the silk road which is 900 billion $.

Why is your "friend" china investing more in India ? Why did they allow India into SCO ? :cheesy:
Well, when Modi Ji comes to Pakistan, we will first put him through a crash course to try and pump his chest back to 56'' and then erect some tents on Indian soil and sit under them smoking pipes of peace.
When the core issues aren't addressed, there can be no peace, it's just beating about the bush.
Pakistan indeed believes in peace but not peace at any price. !!
The core issue is how to get rid of pakistan. How can we discuss this with pakistan.

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